开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


sophialinlinlin · 2024年06月09日




Jurgen is a portfolio manager. One of her firm’s clients has told Jurgen that he will compensate her beyond the compensation provided by her firm on the basis of the capital appreciation of his portfolio each year. Jurgen should:



Turn down the additional compensation because it will result in conflicts with the interests of other clients’ accounts.


Turn down the additional compensation because it will create undue pressure on her to achieve strong short-term performance.


Obtain permission from her employer prior to accepting the compensation arrangement.


C is correct.

This question involves Standard IV(B) –Additional Compensation Arrangements. The arrangement described in the question—whereby Jurgen would be compensated beyond the compensation provided by her firm, on the basis of an account’s performance—is not a violation of the Standards as long as Jurgen discloses the arrangement in writing to her employer and obtains permission from her employer prior to entering into the arrangement. Answers A and B are incorrect; although the private compensation arrangement could conflict with the interests of other clients and lead to short-term performance pressures, members and candidates may enter into such agreements as long as they have disclosed the arrangements to their employer and obtained permission for the arrangement from their employer.



1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年06月09日

在这个问题中,关键点在于理解CFA道德和职业行为准则中关于Additional Compensation Arrangements的条款。这个条款主要是要求CFA成员或候选人,在接受基于特定客户账户表现的额外补偿时,需要向雇主披露这一安排,并获得雇主的同意。




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NO.PZ2016040303000013 问题如下 Jurgen is a portfolio manager. One of her firm’s clients htolJurgen thhe will compensate her beyonthe compensation proviher firm on the basis of the capitappreciation of his portfolio eayear. Jurgen shoul A.Turn wn the aitioncompensation because it will result in conflicts with the interests of other clients’ accounts. B.Turn wn the aitioncompensation because it will create une pressure on her to achieve strong short-term performance. C.Obtain permission from her employer prior to accepting the compensation arrangement. C is correct.This question involves StanrIV(–AitionCompensation Arrangements. The arrangement scribein the question—whereJurgen woulcompensatebeyonthe compensation proviher firm, on the basis of account’s performance—is not a violation of the Stanr long Jurgen scloses the arrangement in writing to her employer anobtains permission from her employer prior to entering into the arrangement. Answers A anB are incorrect; although the private compensation arrangement coulconfliwith the interests of other clients anleto short-term performanpressures, members ancantes menter into suagreements long they have sclosethe arrangements to their employer anobtainepermission for the arrangement from their employer. 老师,此处客户会提供“beyonthe compensation proviher firm on the basis of the capitappreciation”,base on capitappreciation的aitioncompenation 没有问题么?

2022-08-25 14:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016040303000013 问题如下 Jurgen is a portfolio manager. One of her firm’s clients htolJurgen thhe will compensate her beyonthe compensation proviher firm on the basis of the capitappreciation of his portfolio eayear. Jurgen shoul A.Turn wn the aitioncompensation because it will result in conflicts with the interests of other clients’ accounts. B.Turn wn the aitioncompensation because it will create une pressure on her to achieve strong short-term performance. C.Obtain permission from her employer prior to accepting the compensation arrangement. C is correct.This question involves StanrIV(–AitionCompensation Arrangements. The arrangement scribein the question—whereJurgen woulcompensatebeyonthe compensation proviher firm, on the basis of account’s performance—is not a violation of the Stanr long Jurgen scloses the arrangement in writing to her employer anobtains permission from her employer prior to entering into the arrangement. Answers A anB are incorrect; although the private compensation arrangement coulconfliwith the interests of other clients anleto short-term performanpressures, members ancantes menter into suagreements long they have sclosethe arrangements to their employer anobtainepermission for the arrangement from their employer. 这里没有强调是“written permission”,也没有关系吗?

2022-08-01 21:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016040303000013 如题,既然额外报酬可以收难道不会引起A中对其他账户的利益冲突么?比如更加重视这个客户的账户而忽视了其他没有给aitioncompensation的客户的账户。会不会进而引发fair aling的concern?

2021-11-20 08:01 1 · 回答

客户给的关于工作的这块额外的报酬, 如果没有和雇主汇报并取得书面同意就是违反4b 但是光取得了雇主同意,没有披露给所有投资人,就是违反6A和1B对吧 本体就是不涉及披露的问题,光研究的是 是否取得雇主同意的事情

2020-09-17 11:44 1 · 回答