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139****0989 · 2024年06月09日




What is the least likely reason a fund manager will use an ESG research firm, like MSCI, to evaluate the portfolios it manages?


A.To test its own approach to ESG against a database

B.To prepare for clients’ questions about their ESG integration

C.To have access to the high quality of data from the research firm


C is correct. The least likely reason to use an ESG research firm is to have access to high quality datThe data in a research firm’s database are subject to issues arising from the quality and consistency of the datFund managers may not believe the outside data are a fair representation of the firm’s portfolios and ESG integration. A fund manager might choose to use a service like MSCI to test its own approach to ESG integration and to prepare for client questioning.


1 个答案

王岑 · 2024年06月11日




A. 测试其自身的ESG方法与数据库的对比

B. 准备回答客户关于他们ESG整合的问题

C. 获取研究公司提供的高质量数据






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NO.PZ2024010509000021问题如下 Whis the least likely reason a funmanager will use ESG researfirm, like MSCI, to evaluate the portfolios it manages?A.To test its own approato ESG against a tabaseB.To prepare for clients’ questions about their ESG integrationC.To have access to the high quality of ta from the researfirmC is correct. The least likely reason to use ESG researfirm is to have access to high quality tThe ta in a researfirm’s tabase are subjeto issues arising from the quality anconsistenof the tFunmanagers mnot believe the outsi ta are a fair representation of the firm’s portfolios anESG integration. A funmanager might choose to use a servilike MSto test its own approato ESG integration anto prepare for client questioning.看了一下已经的回答,如果不信任别人的数据,如何用别人的数据测试?A还是不明白

2024-09-17 21:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024010509000021问题如下 Whis the least likely reason a funmanager will use ESG researfirm, like MSCI, to evaluate the portfolios it manages?A.To test its own approato ESG against a tabaseB.To prepare for clients’ questions about their ESG integrationC.To have access to the high quality of ta from the researfirmC is correct. The least likely reason to use ESG researfirm is to have access to high quality tThe ta in a researfirm’s tabase are subjeto issues arising from the quality anconsistenof the tFunmanagers mnot believe the outsi ta are a fair representation of the firm’s portfolios anESG integration. A funmanager might choose to use a servilike MSto test its own approato ESG integration anto prepare for client questioning.我选择a是因为理解为manager用第三方这个软件测试最低就是为了看看自己的esg测评能否通过。为什么不对

2024-09-03 14:17 1 · 回答