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梦梦 · 2024年06月03日




If a stock index, interest rate, and dividend yield remain constant, derive a formula for the futures price at time t in terms of the futures price at time zero. Suppose that the risk-free rate is 5% per year and the dividend yield on an index is 3% per year. If the stock index stays constant, at what rate does the futures price grow? (All rates are expressed with annual compounding.)


The relationship between the futures price, Ft, at time t and the spot price is:


where S, R, and Q are the index level, risk-free rate, and dividend yield, respectively and T is the initial time to maturity. This shows that the futures price grows at:

(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1

When R = 5% and Q = 3%, the growth rate of the futures price per year is

(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019

or -1.9%.


3 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年06月06日





pzqa27 · 2024年06月05日


没明白同学这句话 “t时刻为什么St(1+Q)^-1等于FT(1+rf)^-1呢?”



梦梦 · 2024年06月06日


pzqa27 · 2024年06月04日



当时那位同学问的是(1+q)/(1+r)-1怎么来的,这个式子是解析给的,解析写的是growth rate of the future price per year,即是在说每一年的增长率,因此t默认是1了,我在最开始的时候也写了,我们就只看1年的情况,而一个数的1次方就是它本身,所以可以直接省略了。


梦梦 · 2024年06月04日


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NO.PZ2020012005000020 问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%. 1.通过老师讲的定价公式能得出FP=S0(1+5%)^T/(1+3%)^T,请问这里的FP是指0时刻的FP吗?2.不懂题目的意思,也不明白答案中的计算。请老师一下。谢谢。

2024-03-06 22:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000020 问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%.

2024-02-24 16:09 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000020问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%. Fp. 增长率怎么计算?谢谢

2023-02-28 17:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000020 问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%. (1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1是怎么得出的?谢谢

2023-02-06 18:02 2 · 回答