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西红柿面 · 2024年05月29日

Conversion Price不应该是=Par Value/Conversion Ratio吗?



Johnson research a convertible arbitrage strategy and analyzes transactions involving ABC company stocks and convertible bonds. And collect selected data for ABC company, as shown in Exhibit 1

Based on comparisons with industry ratios, Johnson believes that the relative value of ABC's stock is overvalued, while convertible bonds are undervalued. And believe the potential profit outcomes of a long position in the convertible bond combined with a short stock position, assuming that the stock price changes very little, ignoring dividends and borrowing costs. He came to the following conclusions:

"Regardless of whether ABC's share price is falling or rising, the profit of a convertible arbitrage transaction is the same."

Johnson’s conclusion about the profitability of the ABC convertible arbitrage trade is:


A.Correct B.incorrect, because the profit will be higher if the share price decreases C.incorrect, because if the stock price rises, the profit will be higher


A is correct. The classic convertible bond arbitrage strategy is to buy the relatively undervalued convertible bond and take a short position in the relatively overvalued underlying stock. If the convertible bond’s current price is near the conversion value, then the combination of a long convertible and short equity delta exposure will create a situation where for small changes in the share price and ignoring dividends and borrowing costs, the profit/loss will be the same. The current conversion price of the ABC convertible bond is € 1000×(120/100)/50=€24, and the current AVC share price is €29. Thus, by purchasing the convertible bond, selling short the shares, exercising the conversion option, and selling the shares at the current market price, a profit of €5 can be locked in regardless of changes in the share price. The following table demonstrates this result by showing the same trade profit of €5 for three different stock prices:


Long stock via convertible bond profit = New share price – Current conversion price

Short stock profit = Current share price – New share price

Total profit = Long stock via convertible bond profit + Short stock profit

Thus, regardless of the share price, the total profit on the convertible arbitrage trade is €5

convertible arbitrage中,我们都是long convertible bond,同时short stock。此题中没有告诉我们面值是多少,但是根据题目我们可以知道conversion ratio50,价格是面值的1.2倍,1.2/50=0.024,所以我们推断的面值应该是1000,这样可转债转成股票的价格就是0.024*1000=24,这个是因为可转债转股的价格和股票的差异不可能非常大,long 可转债就相当于我们能够以24块的价格买股票,同时以29的价格short stock,这样就会一直保持一个5块的价差。

Conversion Price不应该是=Par Value/Conversion Ratio吗?而Market Conversion Price才是=Bond Market Value/Conversion Ratio,题目解析中为什么用的是Market Conversion Price呢?Market Conversion Price是类似现在去买可转债(当前可转债的价格),可以等同于花多少钱(单价)去买股票呀

1 个答案

pzqa35 · 2024年05月30日


这个涉及到我们固收的一个知识点,我们现在需要求的是根据可转债的市场价格来进行转股的价格,也就是market conversion price哈。


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NO.PZ2024020101000012 问题如下 Johnson researa convertible arbitrage strategy ananalyzes transactions involving Acompany stocks anconvertible bon. Ancolleselecteta for Acompany, shown in Exhibit 1Baseon comparisons withinstry ratios, Johnson believes ththe relative value of ABC's stoisovervalue while convertible bon are unrvalue Anbelieve thepotentiprofit outcomes of a long position in the convertible boncombineith a short stoposition, assuming ththe stoprichanges very little,ignoring vin anborrowing costs. He came to the following conclusions:\"Regaress ofwhether ABC's share priis falling or rising, the profit of a convertiblearbitrage transaction is the same.\"Johnson’sconclusion about the profitability of the Aconvertible arbitrage tra is: A.Corre B.incorrect, because the profit will higher if the share pricreases C.incorrect, because if the stopririses, the profit will higher A is correct. The classic convertible bonarbitrage strategy is to buy the relatively unrvalueconvertible bonantake a short position in the relatively overvalueunrlying stock. If the convertible bons current priis nethe conversion value, then the combination of a long convertible anshort equity lta exposure will create a situation where for small changes in the share prianignoring vin anborrowing costs, the profit/loss will the same. The current conversion priof the Aconvertible bonis € 1000×(120/100)/50=€24, anthe current AVC share priis €29. Thus, purchasing the convertible bon selling short the shares, exercising the conversion option, anselling the shares the current market price, a profit of €5 clockein regaress of changes in the share price. The following table monstrates this result showing the same tra profit of €5 for three fferent stoprices:whereLong stoviaconvertible bonprofit = New share pri– Current conversion priceShort stoprofit= Current share pri– New share priceTotprofit =Long stovia convertible bonprofit + Short stoprofitThus, regaressof the share price, the totprofit on the convertible arbitrage tra is €5 在convertible arbitrage中,我们都是long convertible bon同时short stock。此题中没有告诉我们面值是多少,但是根据题目我们可以知道conversion ratio是50,价格是面值的1.2倍,1.2/50=0.024,所以我们推断的面值应该是1000,这样可转债转成股票的价格就是0.024*1000=24,这个是因为可转债转股的价格和股票的差异不可能非常大,long 可转债就相当于我们能够以24块的价格买股票,同时以29的价格short stock,这样就会一直保持一个5块的价差。 假如股价跌到10元,那short stock的收益就是19,long CB带来的不对称的损失会小于15诶,为什么还要选A?

2024-08-04 16:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2024020101000012问题如下 Johnson researa convertible arbitrage strategy ananalyzes transactions involving Acompany stocks anconvertible bon. Ancolleselecteta for Acompany, shown in Exhibit 1Baseon comparisons withinstry ratios, Johnson believes ththe relative value of ABC's stoisovervalue while convertible bon are unrvalue Anbelieve thepotentiprofit outcomes of a long position in the convertible boncombineith a short stoposition, assuming ththe stoprichanges very little,ignoring vin anborrowing costs. He came to the following conclusions:\"Regaress ofwhether ABC's share priis falling or rising, the profit of a convertiblearbitrage transaction is the same.\"Johnson’sconclusion about the profitability of the Aconvertible arbitrage tra is: A.CorrectB.incorrect, because the profit will higher if the share pricreasesC.incorrect, because if the stopririses, the profit will higher A is correct. The classic convertible bonarbitrage strategy is to buy the relatively unrvalueconvertible bonantake a short position in the relatively overvalueunrlying stock. If the convertible bons current priis nethe conversion value, then the combination of a long convertible anshort equity lta exposure will create a situation where for small changes in the share prianignoring vin anborrowing costs, the profit/loss will the same. The current conversion priof the Aconvertible bonis € 1000×(120/100)/50=€24, anthe current AVC share priis €29. Thus, purchasing the convertible bon selling short the shares, exercising the conversion option, anselling the shares the current market price, a profit of €5 clockein regaress of changes in the share price. The following table monstrates this result showing the same tra profit of €5 for three fferent stoprices:whereLong stoviaconvertible bonprofit = New share pri– Current conversion priceShort stoprofit= Current share pri– New share priceTotprofit =Long stovia convertible bonprofit + Short stoprofitThus, regaressof the share price, the totprofit on the convertible arbitrage tra is €5 在convertible arbitrage中,我们都是long convertible bon同时short stock。此题中没有告诉我们面值是多少,但是根据题目我们可以知道conversion ratio是50,价格是面值的1.2倍,1.2/50=0.024,所以我们推断的面值应该是1000,这样可转债转成股票的价格就是0.024*1000=24,这个是因为可转债转股的价格和股票的差异不可能非常大,long 可转债就相当于我们能够以24块的价格买股票,同时以29的价格short stock,这样就会一直保持一个5块的价差。 请问这是一个结论吗 还是要每次计算一下

2024-04-11 12:46 2 · 回答