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Awayber · 2024年05月29日

Antique furniture如何解释


McZhao continues the discussion with Cree in order to evaluate his degree of risk tolerance associated with each of the following individual goals:

Retirement: Cree considers retirement a long- term goal and is willing to endure a 10% drop in expected retirement spending. However, he is very concerned with having sufficient funds to cover medical expenses.

Investment property: Cree sees the investment property as a source of stable income, so it is very important to him to purchase the building. He realizes that maintenance and repair expenses will be necessary, and he also considers those very important.

Philanthropy: Cree’s wife strongly influences him to fund her philanthropic causes, and he wants to maintain some level of annual contribution. Cree believes that his wife would be willing to maintain her $10,000 per year contributions and not increase that amount.

Antique furniture: Cree is willing to reduce or eliminate his spending on antique furniture.

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年05月29日

"Antique furniture" 在这里指的是古董家具,就是那些历史悠久、具有收藏价值或审美价值的家具。从上下文来看,Cree 对于古董家具的购买是持比较灵活的态度,他愿意减少或完全停止在这方面的支出。在讨论Cree的财务目标和风险承受能力时提到这一点,是为了全面了解他在不同财务目标之间的优先级和取舍。显然,对于Cree来说,古董家具的购买并不是他的核心财务目标,与其他目标(如退休、投资房产、慈善捐赠)相比,他更愿意在这方面做出妥协。

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