When using standardized frameworks to assess materiality, analysts are most likely to:
A、include factors that are not financially material.
B、stop using proprietary materiality assessments.
C正确、、consider different ESG factors for companies in the same sector.
When applying an exclusionary ESG investing strategy, investors are most likely to:
A、exclude ideological criteria when selecting ESG factors.
B正确、consider ESG factors that are not necessarily financially material.
C、focus exclusively on ESG factors that are material in terms of likelihood and impact.
materiality is typically measured in terms of both the likelihood and magnitude of impact. Many practitioners focus exclusively on material ESG factors. Determining which ESG issues are most material involves judgment and is not an exact science. Frameworks such as the materiality maps provided by SASB (now part of the ISSB) provide guidance, but investment professionals often develop their own view on what is most material.
materiality is typically measured in terms of both the likelihood and magnitude of impact. Note that while many practitioners focus exclusively on material ESG factors, some exclusionary investing strategies must also consider factors that are not necessarily financially material (e.g., exclusion of companies that sell pork-based products by certain religious investors even if those products account for a small percentage of revenues).