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西红柿面 · 2024年05月25日




Another short-term trading opportunity that Smith and Chan discuss involves the merger and acquisition market. SGS believes that Delta Corporation may make an unsolicited bid at a premium to the market price for all of the publicly traded shares of Zega, Inc. Zega’s market capitalization and capital structure are comparable to Delta’s; both firms are highly levered. It is anticipated that Delta will issue new equity along with 5- and 10-year senior unsecured debt to fund the acquisition, which will significantly increase its debt ratio.

A profitable equity-versus-credit trade involving Delta and Zega is to:



short Zega shares and buy protection on Delta using the 10-year CDS


go long Zega shares and buy protection on Delta using 5-year CDS


go long Delta shares and buy protection on Delta using 5-year CDS


Correct Answer: B

The shares of Zega can be sold at a higher price as a result of the unsolicited bid in the market. If Delta Corporation issues significantly more debt, there is a higher probability that it may default. If the Fund sells protection on Delta now, the trade will realize a profit as credit spreads widen. An equity-versus-credit trade would be to go long (buy) the Zega shares and buy protection on Delta.

Ex. A举杠杆收购B,B公司资产作为抵押,杠杆增加,信用风险增加。同时B公司股价上升,最终信用风险上升的还是B公司呀

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年05月25日


A举债收购,债务率上升,所以A的Credit risk加大。咱们考虑到这里就可以了,至于同学后面说到的资产抵押、股价之类的问题,题目没有提到咱们也就不考虑了。指考虑最直接的第一影响就行了。


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NO.PZ2023040701000118问题如下 Another short-term trang opportunity thSmith anChscuss involves the merger anacquisition market. SGS believes thlta Corporation mmake unsolicitebia premium to the market prifor all of the publicly trashares of ZegInZega’s market capitalization ancapitstructure are comparable to lta’s; both firms are highly levere It is anticipatethlta will issue new equity along with 5- an10-yesenior unsecureto funthe acquisition, whiwill significantly increase its ratio.A profitable equity-versus-cret tra involving lta anZega is to: A.short Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using the 10-yeCB.go long Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeCC.go long lta shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeC CorreAnswer: BThe shares of Zega csola higher pria result of the unsolicitebiin the market. If lta Corporation issues significantly more bt, there is a higher probability thit mfault. If the Funsells protection on lta now, the tra will realize a profit cret sprea win. equity-versus-cret tra woulto go long (buy) the Zega shares anbuy protection on lt并购后lta股价是会下降吗?所以C不选?

2024-07-23 19:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040701000118 问题如下 Another short-term trang opportunity thSmith anChscuss involves the merger anacquisition market. SGS believes thlta Corporation mmake unsolicitebia premium to the market prifor all of the publicly trashares of ZegInZega’s market capitalization ancapitstructure are comparable to lta’s; both firms are highly levere It is anticipatethlta will issue new equity along with 5- an10-yesenior unsecureto funthe acquisition, whiwill significantly increase its ratio.A profitable equity-versus-cret tra involving lta anZega is to: A.short Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using the 10-yeC B.go long Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeC C.go long lta shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeC CorreAnswer: BThe shares of Zega csola higher pria result of the unsolicitebiin the market. If lta Corporation issues significantly more bt, there is a higher probability thit mfault. If the Funsells protection on lta now, the tra will realize a profit cret sprea win. equity-versus-cret tra woulto go long (buy) the Zega shares anbuy protection on lt rt

2024-05-06 17:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040701000118问题如下 Another short-term trang opportunity thSmith anChscuss involves the merger anacquisition market. SGS believes thlta Corporation mmake unsolicitebia premium to the market prifor all of the publicly trashares of ZegInZega’s market capitalization ancapitstructure are comparable to lta’s; both firms are highly levere It is anticipatethlta will issue new equity along with 5- an10-yesenior unsecureto funthe acquisition, whiwill significantly increase its ratio.A profitable equity-versus-cret tra involving lta anZega is to: A.short Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using the 10-yeCB.go long Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeCC.go long lta shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeC CorreAnswer: BThe shares of Zega csola higher pria result of the unsolicitebiin the market. If lta Corporation issues significantly more bt, there is a higher probability thit mfault. If the Funsells protection on lta now, the tra will realize a profit cret sprea win. equity-versus-cret tra woulto go long (buy) the Zega shares anbuy protection on lt​If the Funsells protection on lta now, the tra will realize a profit cret sprea win. 请帮忙一下,不是有违约风险吗?为何还会实现profit呢?谢谢

2023-11-11 23:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040701000118 问题如下 Another short-term trang opportunity thSmith anChscuss involves the merger anacquisition market. SGS believes thlta Corporation mmake unsolicitebia premium to the market prifor all of the publicly trashares of ZegInZega’s market capitalization ancapitstructure are comparable to lta’s; both firms are highly levere It is anticipatethlta will issue new equity along with 5- an10-yesenior unsecureto funthe acquisition, whiwill significantly increase its ratio.A profitable equity-versus-cret tra involving lta anZega is to: A.short Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using the 10-yeC B.go long Zega shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeC C.go long lta shares anbuy protection on lta using 5-yeC CorreAnswer: BThe shares of Zega csola higher pria result of the unsolicitebiin the market. If lta Corporation issues significantly more bt, there is a higher probability thit mfault. If the Funsells protection on lta now, the tra will realize a profit cret sprea win. equity-versus-cret tra woulto go long (buy) the Zega shares anbuy protection on lt Extrapolating beyonthe question, I wwonring if buying lta protection 5 yeC or buying 10 years C make a fference?

2023-09-30 00:32 2 · 回答