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Ausilio · 2024年05月24日


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What trades can Moynahan most likely make to accomplish the objective outlined on page 5 of his presentation?


A.Enter into a fixed-rate payer swap contract B.Buy long bond futures contracts C.Sell an overnight repurchase agreement



B is correct. To accomplish Moynahan’s objective of increasing the investment exposure of a fully invested portfolio, he would buy long bond futures. Futures contracts embed significant leverage because they permit the counterparties to gain exposure to a large quantity of the underlying asset without having to actually transact in the asset.

A is incorrect because entering into a fixed-rate payer swap contract would not increase the portfolio’s investment exposure.

C is incorrect because selling an overnight repurchase agreement would not increase the portfolio’s investment exposure.



1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年05月25日


Repurchase agreement是站在债券的持有者,融资方的角度看的。比方说A持有债券,把债券卖给了B,卖出价格是P0,约定1天后以P1买回债券。A就实现了这一天的融资,类似于“抵押”债券获得融资。利息就是P1与P0之间的差。站在A的角度,A约定了将来回购债券,所以相当于签订了一个回购协议,称为Repurchase agreement。

站在B的角度,这个动作刚好是反向的,因为B期初是借出钱拿到债券,合约到期时卖出债券,拿回钱,站在B的视角,就是相当于一个反向回购协议;所以称为Reverse repurchase agreement。

买回购协议相当于是借了短期资金,投资了长期资金,投资长期资金有正的duration,借短期资金有负的duration,长期投资duration>短期借贷duration,所以回购协议通过借短期、投长期,增加了duration exposure。反之,结束回购协议降低duration。


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NO.PZ202209060200004305 问题如下 Whtras cMoynahmost likely make to accomplish the objective outlineon page 5 of his presentation? A.Enter into a fixerate payer swcontra B.Buy long bonfutures contracts C.Sell overnight repurchase agreement SolutionB is correct. To accomplish Moynahan’s objective of increasing the investment exposure of a fully investeportfolio, he woulbuy long bonfutures. Futures contracts embesignificant leverage because they permit the counterparties to gain exposure to a large quantity of the unrlying asset without having to actually transain the asset.A is incorrebecause entering into a fixerate payer swcontrawoulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure.C is incorrebecause selling overnight repurchase agreement woulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure. the portfolio is fully investe句话是什么意思?我以为是说这个组合已经满仓了,那就没有钱买futures了,毕竟买futures还是有outlay的。但是后来咩有其他可以选还是选了futures。请老师再解读一下。

2024-06-03 11:55 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004305 问题如下 Whtras cMoynahmost likely make to accomplish the objective outlineon page 5 of his presentation? A.Enter into a fixerate payer swcontra B.Buy long bonfutures contracts C.Sell overnight repurchase agreement SolutionB is correct. To accomplish Moynahan’s objective of increasing the investment exposure of a fully investeportfolio, he woulbuy long bonfutures. Futures contracts embesignificant leverage because they permit the counterparties to gain exposure to a large quantity of the unrlying asset without having to actually transain the asset.A is incorrebecause entering into a fixerate payer swcontrawoulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure.C is incorrebecause selling overnight repurchase agreement woulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure. 1.题干说了两个目的,一是要从interet rate cline中获利;二是要增加investment exposure,请问目的二怎么理解?只要做了投资都算增加investment exposure么?题目中还有我遗漏掉的实现目的么?2.为什么不选Sell overnight repurchase agreement?前面有老师回答repurchase agreement是站在债券的持有者,融资方的角度看的。比方说A持有债券,把债券卖给了B,卖出价格是P0,约定1天后以P1买回债券。A就实现了这一天的融资,类似于“抵押”债券获得融资。利息就是P1与P0之间的差。站在A的角度,A约定了将来回购债券,所以相当于签订了一个回购协议,称为Repurchase agreement站在B的角度,这个动作刚好是反向的,因为B期初是借出钱拿到债券,合约到期时卖出债券,拿回钱,站在B的视角,就是相当于一个反向回购协议;所以称为Reverse repurchase agreement。sell Overnight repurchase agreement 是把原来的合约给结束了,所以ration就会降低而不是增加。【不理解这句对ration影响的话】

2024-01-21 15:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004305 问题如下 Whtras cMoynahmost likely make to accomplish the objective outlineon page 5 of his presentation? A.Enter into a fixerate payer swcontra B.Buy long bonfutures contracts C.Sell overnight repurchase agreement SolutionB is correct. To accomplish Moynahan’s objective of increasing the investment exposure of a fully investeportfolio, he woulbuy long bonfutures. Futures contracts embesignificant leverage because they permit the counterparties to gain exposure to a large quantity of the unrlying asset without having to actually transain the asset.A is incorrebecause entering into a fixerate payer swcontrawoulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure.C is incorrebecause selling overnight repurchase agreement woulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure. 预期利率下降,所以增加ration,B是增加ration

2023-05-24 22:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202209060200004305 问题如下 Whtras cMoynahmost likely make to accomplish the objective outlineon page 5 of his presentation? A.Enter into a fixerate payer swcontra B.Buy long bonfutures contracts C.Sell overnight repurchase agreement SolutionB is correct. To accomplish Moynahan’s objective of increasing the investment exposure of a fully investeportfolio, he woulbuy long bonfutures. Futures contracts embesignificant leverage because they permit the counterparties to gain exposure to a large quantity of the unrlying asset without having to actually transain the asset.A is incorrebecause entering into a fixerate payer swcontrawoulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure.C is incorrebecause selling overnight repurchase agreement woulnot increase the portfolio’s investment exposure. 如题

2023-05-21 12:17 4 · 回答