开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


139****0989 · 2024年05月23日




Compared to developed markets, ESG investing in emerging markets is most likely characterized by:


A.more data and less variability between countries and companies. B.easier transferability of approaches and principles methods from developed markets. C.greater opportunities for investors to engage with companies and improve ESG performance.


A. Incorrect because less disclosure and fewer available ESG ratings means benchmarking ESG performance is more challenging in emerging markets due to less data and great variability between countries and companies.

B. Incorrect because ESG integration in emerging markets may require more nuanced approaches, and principles methods from developed markets may not easily apply.

C. Correct because emerging markets present greater opportunities for investors to engage with companies and improve ESG performance. While change takes time, investors can play a role in advancing ESG factors through capital allocation and active ownership.


1 个答案

净净_品职助教 · 2024年05月23日


选项 B:转移发达市场方法和原则的难度

选项 B 的意思是 ESG投资方法和原则从发达市场转移到新兴市场并不容易。这其中包含几个关键点:

  1. 市场差异
  • 发达市场和新兴市场在经济、政治、法律和社会等方面存在显著差异。
  • 这些差异会影响 ESG 投资策略的有效性。例如,发达市场可能有更严格的环境和社会法规,而新兴市场的法规可能不够健全或执行力度不强。
  1. ESG 数据和信息披露
  • 发达市场通常有更多的 ESG 数据和更高的信息披露标准,这使得投资者能够更容易地评估公司的 ESG 表现。
  • 相反,新兴市场往往缺乏足够的 ESG 数据和信息披露,导致 ESG 表现的评估变得更具挑战性。
  1. 文化和监管环境
  • 不同市场的文化和监管环境也会影响 ESG 投资策略的实施。例如,发达市场可能有更高的企业治理标准和更强的股东权利保护,而新兴市场在这些方面可能相对薄弱。
  • 这些因素使得直接转移发达市场的 ESG 投资方法到新兴市场变得不太现实,需要根据具体市场情况进行调整和适应。
