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luojy · 2024年05月21日

minimum cost的计算问题思考与展开讨论

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Given the information in Exhibit 1, the minimum cost of implementing abullish seagull strategy, using strike prices of $490 and $530, is closest to:









Correct Answer: A

A bullish seagullstrategy involves a bull call spread (debit call spread) and the sale of an OTMput.

The three positions involve:

Buying an in-the-money(ITM) call at strike $490 by paying a premium $23.05

Selling an OTM call atstrike $530 by receiving a premium $3.40

Selling an OTM put atstrike $490 by receiving a premium $2.82

Cost of bullish seagullstrategy is $23.05 – $3.40 – $2.82 = $16.83

先不管是bullish还是bearish, 有一个疑问,上课的时候老师说过, seagull的头寸应该是4条腿,是=long stock+long put+short call+short put,就算题目变成bullish seagull, 也应该是4条腿组成,为什么解析里面不考虑stock那条腿的头寸? 另外一个问题,计算时为什么只考虑期权费,不考虑其他的,比如下图,波浪线划出来的为什么不计算进去。我发现不止这一题,有些题目是要考虑波浪线的,有些题只加减期权费,又有些题只加减波浪线不管期权费,这个可以请老师区分下哪种情况用哪种计算方式吗?

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年05月22日


1.    首先呢,bullish seagull构成是:long call(执行价格中等)+ short call(执行价格最高)+short put(执行价格最低)。

2.    关于这道题,看一下题目要求的是只能使用执行价格490和530的期权。而我们在490和530之间,530是较高的执行价格,所以首先确定short call at 530;那么剩下的两个期权的执行价格可以确定的是都需要比530小,但是没有选择,只剩下490的执行价可以选择,所以只能是long call at 490,short put at 490.




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NO.PZ202212300200003401 问题如下 Given the information in Exhibit 1, the minimum cost of implementing abullish seagull strategy, using strike prices of $490 an$530, is closest to: A.$16.83 B.$22.47 C.$23.63 CorreAnswer: bullish seagullstrategy involves a bull call spre(bit call sprea anthe sale of OTMput.The three positions involve:Buying in-the-money(ITM) call strike $490 paying a premium $23.05 Selling OTM call atstrike $530 receiving a premium $3.40Selling OTM put atstrike $490 receiving a premium $2.82Cost of bullish seagullstrategy is $23.05 – $3.40 – $2.82 = $16.83 关于 bull seagull 和beseagull

2024-07-15 20:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202212300200003401问题如下 Given the information in Exhibit 1, the minimum cost of implementing abullish seagull strategy, using strike prices of $490 an$530, is closest to: A.$16.83B.$22.47C.$23.63 CorreAnswer: bullish seagullstrategy involves a bull call spre(bit call sprea anthe sale of OTMput.The three positions involve:Buying in-the-money(ITM) call strike $490 paying a premium $23.05 Selling OTM call atstrike $530 receiving a premium $3.40Selling OTM put atstrike $490 receiving a premium $2.82Cost of bullish seagullstrategy is $23.05 – $3.40 – $2.82 = $16.83 题目中从哪可以判断我应该用bull c preashort p,还是bull p spreashort c

2024-01-31 14:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202212300200003401问题如下 Given the information in Exhibit 1, the minimum cost of implementing abullish seagull strategy, using strike prices of $490 an$530, is closest to: A.$16.83B.$22.47C.$23.63 CorreAnswer: bullish seagullstrategy involves a bull call spre(bit call sprea anthe sale of OTMput.The three positions involve:Buying in-the-money(ITM) call strike $490 paying a premium $23.05 Selling OTM call atstrike $530 receiving a premium $3.40Selling OTM put atstrike $490 receiving a premium $2.82Cost of bullish seagullstrategy is $23.05 – $3.40 – $2.82 = $16.83 还在考纲里讲义就不放了是吧?

2024-01-31 08:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202212300200003401问题如下 Given the information in Exhibit 1, the minimum cost of implementing abullish seagull strategy, using strike prices of $490 an$530, is closest to: A.$16.83B.$22.47C.$23.63 CorreAnswer: bullish seagullstrategy involves a bull call spre(bit call sprea anthe sale of OTMput.The three positions involve:Buying in-the-money(ITM) call strike $490 paying a premium $23.05 Selling OTM call atstrike $530 receiving a premium $3.40Selling OTM put atstrike $490 receiving a premium $2.82Cost of bullish seagullstrategy is $23.05 – $3.40 – $2.82 = $16.83 没有在考纲里看到了呀,需要背吗

2024-01-23 20:18 1 · 回答