开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


139****0989 · 2024年05月20日




An investor with a history of governance-led engagement is most likely to start engagement with a company by entering into a dialogue with the:


A.board of directors. B.investor relations team. C.senior management.


A is correct. The styles of engagement might differ depending on the heritage of the stewardship team of an investor. If an investor has a history of governance-led engagement, it will tend to engage with the board chair and the board of directors and then down to the management of the firm and the investor relations team. This approach is consistent with a top-down style of engagement. Initiating engagement with investor relations specialists or the company’s management is more specific to investors with a heritage of environmental and social expertise.


2 个答案

Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年07月08日


是的,不好意思,g—LED 是bottom—up没错,我这里的意思是由上至下,请忽略括号里面的英文。


Carol文_品职助教 · 2024年05月21日


要理解这个问题,关键是要明白不同类型的投资者在进行公司治理和管理层互动时的首要接触点。根据问题中的解释,治理主导的参与(governance-led engagement)与环境和社会主导的参与(environmental and social engagement)在策略上有很大不同。

1、治理主导的参与(Governance-Led Engagement)

  • 目标:这种参与方式的主要目标是影响公司治理结构和高层决策。治理问题通常包括董事会的构成、薪酬政策、董事会独立性等。
  • 首要接触点:对于有治理主导参与历史的投资者,他们倾向于从最高层开始接触,即董事会和董事会主席。这是因为董事会负责公司的整体战略方向和治理结构,是公司最高决策层。
  • 策略:这种从上到下(top-down)的参与策略确保投资者能够直接影响公司最高决策层,从而间接影响整个公司。

2、环境和社会主导的参与(Environmental and Social Engagement)

  • 目标:这种参与方式主要关注环境和社会问题,比如公司的环境影响、社会责任和可持续发展实践。
  • 首要接触点:对于这种参与方式,投资者可能更倾向于与公司的管理层和投资者关系团队接触,因为这些团队更了解公司的具体运营和实践,可以提供详细的信息和响应具体的环境和社会问题。


  • 治理主导参与的特征:治理主导的投资者更关注公司治理结构的改进,因此他们首先与能够影响治理的最高层(董事会)进行对话。这种接触方式可以确保他们的关注点和建议能够被公司最高决策层认真考虑。
  • 从上到下的参与策略:这种策略意味着投资者会首先接触董事会,然后再向下层的管理层和投资者关系团队传达他们的关注点和建议。


如果一个投资者有治理主导的参与历史,他们最有可能通过与董事会(尤其是董事会主席)进行对话来开始他们的参与过程。这种方法确保了他们的治理关注点能够在公司最高决策层得到直接的重视和回应。因此,正确答案是A. board of directors。


151****3881 · 2024年07月07日

是不是写错了?g—LED 应该是bottom—up

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NO.PZ2024010506000017 问题如下 investor with a history of governance-leengagement is most likely to start engagement with a company entering into a alogue with the: A.boarof rectors. B.investor relations team. C.senior management. A is correct. The styles of engagement might ffer penng on the heritage of the stewarhip teof investor. If investor ha history of governance-leengagement, it will tento engage with the boarchair anthe boarof rectors anthen wn to the management of the firm anthe investor relations team. This approais consistent with a top-wn style of engagement. Initiating engagement with investor relations specialists or the company’s management is more specific to investors with a heritage of environmentansociexpertise. 首先,governance-focuseengagement不也属于company-focuseengagement吗,那第一沟通不是senior mgmt吗?其次,bottom-up engagement那一页PPT里不是说沟通的起点是chair,chair不属于高管吗?

2024-08-10 15:52 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2024010506000017 问题如下 investor with a history of governance-leengagement is most likely to start engagement with a company entering into a alogue with the: A.boarof rectors. B.investor relations team. C.senior management. A is correct. The styles of engagement might ffer penng on the heritage of the stewarhip teof investor. If investor ha history of governance-leengagement, it will tento engage with the boarchair anthe boarof rectors anthen wn to the management of the firm anthe investor relations team. This approais consistent with a top-wn style of engagement. Initiating engagement with investor relations specialists or the company’s management is more specific to investors with a heritage of environmentansociexpertise. 投资者关系团队通常是指什么?由哪些成员组成举个例子

2024-08-09 07:04 1 · 回答