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cst6666 · 2024年05月19日


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Q. Jordan’s response about the ratio impact of Alpha’s decision to capitalize interest costs is most likely correct with respect to the:


A.interest coverage ratio. B.fixed asset turnover ratio. C.interest coverage and fixed asset turnover ratios.


B is correct. Alpha’s fixed asset turnover will be lower because the capitalized interest will appear on the balance sheet as part of the asset being constructed. Therefore, fixed assets will be higher and the fixed asset turnover ratio (total revenue/average net fixed assets) will be lower than if it had expensed these costs. Capitalized interest appears on the balance sheet as part of the asset being constructed instead of being reported as interest expense in the period incurred. However, the interest coverage ratio should be based on interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest and taxes/interest payments) and should be unchanged. To provide a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenditure, both the capitalized portion and the expensed portion, should be used in calculating interest coverage ratios.

想问下是不是 interest coverage ratio原先就等于=EBIT/interest payment

还是说分析师在考虑interets capitalize 的时候等于呢?

那如果是这样的话,因为讲义里有说analyst 分析的时候treat capitalzed interest as interest, 那对fixed asset turnover 也没有影响吧?为什么只有Interest coverage ratio 有影响呢?

2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年05月22日


我的意思是如果analyst 调整了之后,fixed asset ration 的分母应该也不会增大了因为分析师认为还是capitalize interest还是 interest expense。为什么分析师只调整 interest coverage ratio 呢?

根据需求来的,因为分析的内容不一样,fixed asset ratio也可以调整,但是现在没有调,这个是很主观的。


lynn_品职助教 · 2024年05月21日


原先就等于,Interest rate coverage ratio=EBIT/interest payment,但是在实务中也有分子用EBITDA的



EBIT算Interest coverage ratio是一个更保守的指标,因为扣除了折旧和摊销。


那如果是这样的话,因为讲义里有说analyst 分析的时候treat capitalzed interest as interest, 那对fixed asset turnover 也没有影响吧?为什么只有Interest coverage ratio 有影响呢



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NO.PZ202308140300008002 问题如下 Q. Jorn’s response about the ratio impaof Alpha’s cision to capitalize interest costs is most likely correwith respeto the: A.interest coverage ratio. B.fixeasset turnover ratio. C.interest coverage anfixeasset turnover ratios. B is correct. Alpha’s fixeasset turnover will lower because the capitalizeinterest will appeon the balansheet part of the asset being constructe Therefore, fixeassets will higher anthe fixeasset turnover ratio (totrevenue/average net fixeassets) will lower thif it hexpensethese costs. Capitalizeinterest appears on the balansheet part of the asset being constructeinsteof being reporteinterest expense in the perioincurre However, the interest coverage ratio shoulbaseon interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest antaxes/interest payments) anshoulunchange To provi a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenture, both the capitalizeportion anthe expenseportion, shoulusein calculating interest coverage ratios. 请详细下capitalize interest costs 对于A,B两个中的共4个分子分母的影响各是什么

2024-07-20 10:03 3 · 回答

NO.PZ202308140300008002 问题如下 BriJorn is interviewing for a junior equity analyst position Orion Investment Aisors. part of the interview process, Mary Benn, Orion’s rector of Research, provis Jorn with information about two hypotheticcompanies, Alpha anBetanasks him to comment on the companies’ financistatements anratios. Both companies prepare their financistatements in accornwith InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS) anare inticin all respects except for their accounting choices.Jorn is tolthat, the beginning of the current fiscyear, both companies purchasea major new computer system anbegbuilng new manufacturing plants for their own use. Alpha capitalizeanBeta expensethe cost of the computer system; Alpha capitalizeanBeta expensethe interest costs associatewith the construction of the manufacturing plants.Benn asks Jorn, “Whwthe impaof these cisions on eacompany’s current fiscyefinancistatements anratios?”Jorn respon, “Alpha’s cision to capitalize the cost of its new computer system insteof expensing it results in lower net income, lower totassets, anhigher cash flow from operating activities in the current fiscyear. Alpha’s cision to capitalize its interest costs insteof expensing them results in a lower fixeasset turnover ratio ana higher interest coverage ratio.”Jorn is tolthAlpha uses the straight-line preciation methoanBeta uses acceleratepreciation metho both companies estimate the same useful lives for long-liveassets. Many companies in their instry use the units-of-proction methoBenn asks Jorn, “Whare the financistatement implications of eapreciation metho anhow you termine a company’s neeto reinvest in its proctive capacity?”Jorn replies, “All other things being equal, the straight-line preciation methoresults in the least variability of net profit margin over time, while acceleratepreciation methoresults in a clining trenin net profit margin over time. The units-of-proction cresult in a net profit margin trenthis quite variable. I use a three-step approato estimate a company’s neeto reinvest in its proctive capacity. First, I estimate the average age of the assets ving net property, plant, anequipment annupreciation expense. Secon I estimate the average remaining useful life of the assets ving accumulatepreciation preciation expense. Thir I a the estimates of the average remaining useful life anthe average age of the assets in orr to termine the totuseful life.”Jorn is tolththe enof the current fiscyear, Alpha revaluea manufacturing plant; this increaseits reportecarrying amount 15 percent. There wno previous wnwarrevaluation of the plant. Beta recorimpairment loss on a manufacturing plant; this receits carrying value 10 percent.Benn asks Jorn “Whwthe impaof these cisions on eacompany’s current fiscyefinanciratios?”Jorn respon, “Beta’s impairment loss increases its to totassets anfixeasset turnover ratios, anlowers its cash flow from operating activities. Alpha’s revaluation increases its to capitanreturn on assets ratios, anreces its return on equity.”Q. Jorn’s response about the ratio impaof Alpha’s cision to capitalize interest costs is most likely correwith respeto the: A.interest coverage ratio. B.fixeasset turnover ratio. C.interest coverage anfixeasset turnover ratios. B is correct. Alpha’s fixeasset turnover will lower because the capitalizeinterest will appeon the balansheet part of the asset being constructe Therefore, fixeassets will higher anthe fixeasset turnover ratio (totrevenue/average net fixeassets) will lower thif it hexpensethese costs. Capitalizeinterest appears on the balansheet part of the asset being constructeinsteof being reporteinterest expense in the perioincurre However, the interest coverage ratio shoulbaseon interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest antaxes/interest payments) anshoulunchange To provi a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenture, both the capitalizeportion anthe expenseportion, shoulusein calculating interest coverage ratios. int coverage ratio = EBIT / int pai然资本化或费用化不会改变分母 int pai但是费用化会使EBIT低于资本化的EBIT,那么资本化的int coverage ratio 应该更大啊

2024-07-08 01:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202308140300008002 问题如下 Q. Jorn’s response about the ratio impaof Alpha’s cision to capitalize interest costs is most likely correwith respeto the: A.interest coverage ratio. B.fixeasset turnover ratio. C.interest coverage anfixeasset turnover ratios. B is correct. Alpha’s fixeasset turnover will lower because the capitalizeinterest will appeon the balansheet part of the asset being constructe Therefore, fixeassets will higher anthe fixeasset turnover ratio (totrevenue/average net fixeassets) will lower thif it hexpensethese costs. Capitalizeinterest appears on the balansheet part of the asset being constructeinsteof being reporteinterest expense in the perioincurre However, the interest coverage ratio shoulbaseon interest payments, not interest expense (earnings before interest antaxes/interest payments) anshoulunchange To provi a true picture of a company’s interest coverage, the entire amount of interest expenture, both the capitalizeportion anthe expenseportion, shoulusein calculating interest coverage ratios. 在建工程利息资本化,interest coverage ratio的分母int不是应该更小吗?整体ratio更大应该也是对的,为什么这题不能选C?是否因为这个题目对应的考点是分析师观点?所以认为哪怕是资本化处理利息费用,int coverage ratio的分母也应当把这部分利息考虑进去

2024-03-31 17:35 1 · 回答