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西红柿面 · 2024年05月17日


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(1) If Takahashi’s interpretation of the current phase of the property and casualty market is correct, a cyclical shift is most likely to result in:



a tightening of underwriting standards.


capital adequacy being easier to achieve.


additional competitors entering the market.


C is correct. In hard insurance markets, insurance premiums and industry profits are high as are underwriting standards. This attracts competitors that offer lower premiums resulting in lower profitability, a softening of the market, and a weakening of underwriting standards.

A is incorrect. In hard insurance markets, premiums and profitability are high and insurers can set high underwriting standards. As competitors are attracted to this profitability and the market softens, underwriting standards and premiums drop as everyone offers the cheapest deals.

B is incorrect. Hard markets feature higher premium prices, increased profitability, and an increased ability for insurers to maintain adequate capital. Capital typically depletes as markets soften, making capital adequacy more difficult to achieve.

就是关于Hard和Soft phase的特性和转变,谢谢!

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年05月17日


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NO.PZ202304050100011701 问题如下 (1) If Takahashi’s interpretation of the current phase of the property ancasualty market is correct, a cyclicshift is most likely to result in: A.a tightening of unrwriting stanr. B.capitaquabeing easier to achieve. C.aitioncompetitors entering the market. C is correct. In harinsuranmarkets, insuranpremiums aninstry profits are high are unrwriting stanr. This attracts competitors thoffer lower premiums resulting in lower profitability, a softening of the market, ana weakening of unrwriting stanr.A is incorrect. In harinsuranmarkets, premiums anprofitability are high aninsurers cset high unrwriting stanr. competitors are attracteto this profitability anthe market softens, unrwriting stanr anpremiums op everyone offers the cheapest als.B is incorrect. Harmarkets feature higher premium prices, increaseprofitability, anincreaseability for insurers to maintain aquate capital. Capittypically pletes markets soften, making capitaquamore fficult to achieve. 本题是说哪些可以看做转换的标志我理解A指的是更严格的标准,在软市场下,标准更松,现在标准严,证明处于硬市场;B指的是资本充足率容易达到,在软市场下,资本充足率较难达到,所以证明处于硬市场;C指的是竞争者进入市场,在软市场下,竞争者会退出市场,所以证明处于硬市场。也就是说3个都是硬市场的现象,那为什么竞争者进入市场可以看做转换的标志?除此之外还有哪些可以看做转换的标志?

2023-04-29 15:52 2 · 回答