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程小轩 · 2024年05月14日




N'Diarra believes that according to the classical growth theory, gains in per capita GDP are temporary because the resulting population explosion will lower per capita GDP to subsistence real wage levels. She considers endogenous growth theory to be more realistic, believing that (1) investments, such as the new tire factory, will increase the rate of per capita output growth until the steady state rate of growth is achieved; and (2) investment in research and development will boost growth even further, thus extending the abnormal growth period before diminishing marginal returns eventually set in.

N'Diarra's understanding of the two growth theories is most accurate with regard to:


A.Classical growth theory.

B.Both classical growth theory and endogenous growth theory.

C.Endogenous growth theory.


N'Diarra's understanding of classical growth theory is correct, as is her understanding of its implications. Classical growth theory holds the view that the growth rate of real GDP per person is temporary because of population explosion. Her description of endogenous growth theory is not accurate. She references a steady state rate of growth and diminishing marginal returns, which are tenets of neoclassical growth theory.



针对(2)investment 有两个疑问,烦请解答

1 新古典理论,技术进步是偶然的,题干里提到增加研发,技术能进步,这矛盾吗?

2 内生增长理论,存在边际效应递减的情况吗?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年05月15日


1 新古典理论,技术进步是偶然的,题干里提到增加研发,技术能进步,这矛盾吗?


我们看这道题的原文:investment in research and development will boost growth even further

这里是说,投资 R&D可以促进经济增长。



2 内生增长理论,存在边际效应递减的情况吗?


只有新古典,有diminishing marginal returns。


同学看到关键词“steady state rate of growth 、diminishing marginal returns”,就可以识别为新古典了。


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NO.PZ2023041102000043 问题如下 N'arra believes thaccorng to the classicgrowth theory, gains in per capita G are temporary because the resulting population explosion will lower per capita G to subsistenrewage levels. She consirs engenous growth theory to more realistibelieving th(1) investments, suthe new tire factory, will increase the rate of per capita output growth until the stea state rate of growth is achieve an(2) investment in researanvelopment will boost growth even further, thus extenng the abnormgrowth periobefore minishing marginreturns eventually set in.N'arra's unrstanng of the two growth theories is most accurate with regarto: A.Classicgrowth theory. B.Both classicgrowth theory anengenous growth theory. C.Engenous growth theory. N'arra's unrstanng of classicgrowth theory is correct, is her unrstanng of its implications. Classicgrowth theory hol the view ththe growth rate of reG per person is temporary because of population explosion. Her scription of engenous growth theory is not accurate. She references a stea state rate of growth anminishing marginreturns, whiare tenets of neoclassicgrowth theory. 何老师经典题课程里面的都理解,第一个unrstanng是指新古典理论,第二个是指内生增长理论。但是对最后的问法不是很理解,题目问的是两个理解与哪个理论相一致?第一个和新古典相一致,第二个和内生增长理论相一致。这样选A和C都行啊。我感觉是我自己英语阅读理解有问题,能否请老师再下?

2023-10-15 13:24 1 · 回答