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Linda · 2024年05月14日




Reiko Kimisaki, CFA, is an investment advisor for a national social security fund in a frontier market with a very limited and illiquid capital market. The labor force is young with an investment time horizon of 25 to 30 years. She has been asked to suggest ways to increase the investment return of the overall portfolio. After careful assessment of the fund's previous investment history and available asset classes, she considers investment in private equity. What is Kimisaki's lowest priority to avoid any Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct violations prior to making this investment recommendation?


A.Assess the risk tolerance of the fund.

B.Analyze the expected returns of private equity in the market.

C.Determine if the Investment Policy Statement allows for alternative investments.


B is correct because prior to undertaking analysis with regard to expected returns, an advisor must determine suitability of an investment class including whether it fits within the client's risk tolerance and if it is an allowable asset class as per the client's Investment Policy Statement. Only once these factors have been determined should she proceed if appropriate to analyze expected returns to determine a particular investment recommendation.

A is incorrect because assessing risk of a client is a key role in determining investment suitability.

C is incorrect because before introducing a new asset class, it must be determined if that asset class is an allowable asset class as defined by the Investment Policy Statement.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年05月14日


Reiko Kimisaki作为CFA持证人,是一个前沿市场的国家社会保障基金的投资顾问。现在她考虑推荐投资私募基金来增加投资组合的整体回报,题目要求选出在做出这个投资建议之前,为了避免违反CFA道德准则,Kimisaki的最低优先级是什么。

A. 评估基金的风险承受能力:这是非常重要的步骤。在推荐任何投资之前,顾问需要了解客户的风险承受能力,以确保推荐的投资与客户的风险偏好相匹配。因此,这不是最低优先级。

B. 分析市场上私募股权的预期回报:虽然分析预期回报对于投资建议是重要的,但在进行此类分析之前,顾问需要首先确定投资类别是否适合客户,包括它是否符合客户的风险承受能力和是否符合客户的投资策略声明中的允许资产类别。因此,与确定投资是否适合客户相比,分析预期回报是次要的,所以这是最低优先级。

C. 确定投资策略声明是否允许另类投资:在推荐新的资产类别之前,必须确认投资策略声明是否允许这种投资。这是一个关键步骤,因为它确保了投资建议与客户的投资策略和目标保持一致。因此,这不是最低优先级。



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