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四年才转正 · 2024年05月14日




When credit investors argue that downside risk is more important than upside risk, they are most likely focused on:


A.social factors.

B.governance factors.

C.environmental factors.


B is correct because "surveys from investors suggest that the G factor remains more important to credit investors than E and S. Credit investors argue this is because downside risk (as in bankruptcy risk and therefore, the chance of losing a credit investor’s entire capital) is more important than any upside or opportunity risk. As G is directly related to preventing downside risk, its direct relevance is easier to trace for credit investors."

A is incorrect because "surveys from investors suggest that the G factor remains more important to credit investors than E and S."

C is incorrect because "surveys from investors suggest that the G factor remains more important to credit investors than E and S."

能帮忙翻译一下题干么?另外没太理解上行、下行风险与E S G各factor的关系,特别是下行风险与G的的关系?总觉得解释比较牵强

1 个答案

王岑 · 2024年05月14日




A. 社会因素。

B. 治理因素。

C. 环境因素。


下行风险(Downside Risk)指的是投资价值下跌或损失的潜在可能性。它通常与投资者可能遭受的损失相关联,尤其是当投资表现不如预期时。下行风险可以由多种因素引起,包括市场波动、公司业绩不佳、经济衰退、政策变动等。债权人特别关注下行风险,因为他们担心可能会面临违约风险,即借款人无法偿还债务,导致投资者损失部分或全部投资本金。

上行风险(Upside Risk)则是指投资价值上升或获得额外收益的潜在可能性。这通常与投资表现超过预期相关,为投资者带来额外的收益。上行风险可能源于市场的积极发展、公司业绩超出预期、技术创新、市场需求增加等因素。尽管上行风险通常被视为正面的,但投资者仍需评估市场过热或泡沫风险,以及可能随之而来的大幅回调。



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NO.PZ2022120703000078问题如下 When cret investors argue thwnsi risk is more important thupsi risk, they are most likely focuseon: A.socifactors.B.governanfactors.C.environmentfactors. B is correbecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS. Cret investors argue this is because wnsi risk (in bankruptrisk antherefore, the chanof losing a cret investor’s entire capital) is more important thany upsi or opportunity risk. G is rectly relateto preventing wnsi risk, its rerelevanis easier to trafor cret investors.\"A is incorrebecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS.\"C is incorrebecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS.\" 如果更关注上行风险的话会更注重ESG哪个factor呢

2024-06-11 07:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000078问题如下 When cret investors argue thwnsi risk is more important thupsi risk, they are most likely focuseon: A.socifactors.B.governanfactors.C.environmentfactors. B is correbecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS. Cret investors argue this is because wnsi risk (in bankruptrisk antherefore, the chanof losing a cret investor’s entire capital) is more important thany upsi or opportunity risk. G is rectly relateto preventing wnsi risk, its rerelevanis easier to trafor cret investors.\"A is incorrebecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS.\"C is incorrebecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS.\" 请问这在讲义的什么位置?

2024-05-22 15:41 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120703000078 问题如下 When cret investors argue thwnsi risk is more important thupsi risk, they are most likely focuseon: A.socifactors. B.governanfactors. C.environmentfactors. B is correbecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS. Cret investors argue this is because wnsi risk (in bankruptrisk antherefore, the chanof losing a cret investor’s entire capital) is more important thany upsi or opportunity risk. G is rectly relateto preventing wnsi risk, its rerelevanis easier to trafor cret investors.\"A is incorrebecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS.\"C is incorrebecause \"surveys from investors suggest ththe G factor remains more important to cret investors thE anS.\" 上行风险/下行风险 和信贷投资者的关系

2023-09-28 12:57 3 · 回答