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西红柿面 · 2024年05月13日




At the start of 2011, Suburban purchased 32.5% of the outstanding 2 million shares of Great Lakes Free Press, Inc., for $1,365 thousand. Great Lakes owned community newspapers in most of the northeastern states. Although the majority of these papers were provided free of charge, they had historically maintained strong revenue streams with their focus on personal interest stories about local individuals and local business advertising primarily from the automotive sector. Exhibit 2 provides details of this acquisition (Part A) and subsequent results (Part B). Great Lakes struggled in 2012 and 2013 with mounting losses and the elimination of its dividend.

Suburban, which reports under US GAAP, has a history of purchasing community news groups from around the country.

Exhibit 2 Great Lakes Free Press Values at Acquisition and Subsequent Performance, 2011–2013

At the end of 2011, the balance in the investment in the associate account for Great Lakes Free Press (in thousands) was closest to:










1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年05月13日

同学你好,你需要分清楚什么是投资者实际花出去的钱acquisition cost,和被投资公司的可辨认净资产公允价值

题干这句话“Suburban purchased 32.5% of the outstanding 2 million shares of Great Lakes Free Press, Inc., for $1,365 thousand.

这句话粉色部分的意思就是Surburban花了$1365k这么多的钱买了32.5%的Great Lakes,所以1365是acquisition cost

你说的表格中的3360*32.5%,是被投资公司Great Lakes的净资产的公允价值


你如果用3360*32.5%来作为acquisition cost ,那题目哪个信息是fair value of Net identifiable assets呢?

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NO.PZ2023040501000007 问题如下 the start of 2011, Suburbpurchase32.5% of the outstanng 2 million shares of GreLakes Free Press, Inc., for $1,365 thousan GreLakes ownecommunity newspapers in most of the northeastern states. Although the majority of these papers were provifree of charge, they hhistorically maintainestrong revenue streams with their focus on personinterest stories about locinvials anlocbusiness aertising primarily from the automotive sector. Exhibit 2 provis tails of this acquisition (Part ansubsequent results (Part B). GreLakes strugglein 2012 an2013 with mounting losses anthe elimination of its vinSuburban, whireports unr US GAAP, ha history of purchasing community news groups from arounthe country.Exhibit 2 GreLakes Free Press Values Acquisition anSubsequent Performance, 2011–2013the enof 2011, the balanin the investment in the associate account for GreLakes Free Press (in thousan) wclosest to: A.$1,568.97. B.$1,591.20. C.$1,567.80. 老师,lan于fixeasset,它不用折旧吗?请问Fixeasset和Intangible asset中,类似于lan种不考虑折旧和摊销的资产有哪些呢?

2024-07-23 18:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000007 问题如下 the start of 2011, Suburbpurchase32.5% of the outstanng 2 million shares of GreLakes Free Press, Inc., for $1,365 thousan GreLakes ownecommunity newspapers in most of the northeastern states. Although the majority of these papers were provifree of charge, they hhistorically maintainestrong revenue streams with their focus on personinterest stories about locinvials anlocbusiness aertising primarily from the automotive sector. Exhibit 2 provis tails of this acquisition (Part ansubsequent results (Part B). GreLakes strugglein 2012 an2013 with mounting losses anthe elimination of its vinSuburban, whireports unr US GAAP, ha history of purchasing community news groups from arounthe country.Exhibit 2 GreLakes Free Press Values Acquisition anSubsequent Performance, 2011–2013the enof 2011, the balanin the investment in the associate account for GreLakes Free Press (in thousan) wclosest to: A.$1,568.97. B.$1,591.20. C.$1,567.80. 此处的v为何直接采用表格中的数值,而非按照基于【调整后的NI】乘以【v ratio】来取值呢?

2024-04-21 15:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000007 问题如下 the start of 2011, Suburbpurchase32.5% of the outstanng 2 million shares of GreLakes Free Press, Inc., for $1,365 thousan GreLakes ownecommunity newspapers in most of the northeastern states. Although the majority of these papers were provifree of charge, they hhistorically maintainestrong revenue streams with their focus on personinterest stories about locinvials anlocbusiness aertising primarily from the automotive sector. Exhibit 2 provis tails of this acquisition (Part ansubsequent results (Part B). GreLakes strugglein 2012 an2013 with mounting losses anthe elimination of its vinSuburban, whireports unr US GAAP, ha history of purchasing community news groups from arounthe country.Exhibit 2 GreLakes Free Press Values Acquisition anSubsequent Performance, 2011–2013the enof 2011, the balanin the investment in the associate account for GreLakes Free Press (in thousan) wclosest to: A.$1,568.97. B.$1,591.20. C.$1,567.80. 为什么这道题,lan做NI的调整呢?fixeasset有Fv和BV差值,应该都需要调整NI,lan什么不调整呢

2023-08-05 15:45 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000007 问题如下 the start of 2011, Suburbpurchase32.5% of the outstanng 2 million shares of GreLakes Free Press, Inc., for $1,365 thousan GreLakes ownecommunity newspapers in most of the northeastern states. Although the majority of these papers were provifree of charge, they hhistorically maintainestrong revenue streams with their focus on personinterest stories about locinvials anlocbusiness aertising primarily from the automotive sector. Exhibit 2 provis tails of this acquisition (Part ansubsequent results (Part B). GreLakes strugglein 2012 an2013 with mounting losses anthe elimination of its vinSuburban, whireports unr US GAAP, ha history of purchasing community news groups from arounthe country.Exhibit 2 GreLakes Free Press Values Acquisition anSubsequent Performance, 2011–2013the enof 2011, the balanin the investment in the associate account for GreLakes Free Press (in thousan) wclosest to: A.$1,568.97. B.$1,591.20. C.$1,567.80. 这里的684、36、234,这些数据是怎么得来的啊?谢谢!

2023-07-20 14:28 1 · 回答