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白泽 · 2024年05月10日

不应该是ante post tracking error嘛?



Donovan transitions the discussion to the private wealth division by asking Hextall to discuss the differences in risk measurement for banks in comparison to traditional asset managers, such as HB’s private wealth division. Hextall states that risk measures for banks typically consider liquidity, solvency, and capital sufficiency, whereas risk measures for traditional asset managers typically are focused on investment performance. Hextall provides an example, stating that “HB, for its private wealth clients, calculates active share for each client and uses ex ante tracking error to measure the degree to which clients’ current portfolios might underperform their benchmarks in the future. For equity-only portfolios, forward-looking beta is used to measure sensitivity to the broad equity market.”

Is Hextall’s statement regarding the private wealth division likely correct?





No, it is incorrect about forward-looking beta.


No, it is incorrect about ex ante tracking error.


Hextall’s statement is correct. Risk measures for banks are typically focused on liquidity, solvency, and capital sufficiency, whereas risk measures for traditional asset managers are typically focused on investment performance. Ex ante tracking error correctly compares the current portfolio with its benchmark in attempting to measure future potential performance. Forward-looking beta is a current risk measure of a current portfolio and measures an equity portfolio’s sensitivity to the broad equity market.

No.PZ2023040601000040 (选择题)

来源: 经典题

Donovan transitions the discussion to the private wealth division by asking Hextall to discuss the differences in risk measurement for banks in comparison to traditional asset managers, such as HB’s private wealth division. Hextall states that risk measures for banks typically consider liquidity, solvency, and capital sufficiency, whereas risk measures for traditional asset managers typically are focused on investment performance. Hextall provides an example, stating that “HB, for its private wealth clients, calculates active share for each client and uses ex ante tracking error to measure the degree to which clients’ current portfolios might underperform their benchmarks in the future. For equity-only portfolios, forward-looking beta is used to measure sensitivity to the broad equity market.”

Is Hextall’s statement regarding the private wealth division likely correct?

您的回答C, 正确答案是: A




No, it is incorrect about forward-looking beta.


不正确No, it is incorrect about ex ante tracking error.


做对次数: 89

做错次数: 52

正确率: 63.12%


做对次数: 0

做错次数: 1

正确率: 0.00%


Hextall’s statement is correct. Risk measures for banks are typically focused on liquidity, solvency, and capital sufficiency, whereas risk measures for traditional asset managers are typically focused on investment performance. Ex ante tracking error correctly compares the current portfolio with its benchmark in attempting to measure future potential performance. Forward-looking beta is a current risk measure of a current portfolio and measures an equity portfolio’s sensitivity to the broad equity market.

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不应该是ante post tracking error嘛?

1 个答案

品职助教_七七 · 2024年05月10日


根据题干的描述“...uses ex ante tracking error to .... in the future.”,可以看出这个指标是应用在未来,也就是要基于预测的数据。故要使用事先的ex ante,而不是事后的ex post。


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