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ditto · 2024年05月09日




Question Two risk analysts are attending a seminar on the topic of modern portfolio theory. One of the presentations in the seminar focuses on the efficient frontier, the capital market line, and the CAPM. Assuming the CAPM holds, which of the following observations is correct for the analysts to make?



The capital market line always has a positive slope and its steepness depends on the market risk premium and the volatility of the market portfolio.


The capital market line is the straight line connecting the risk-free asset with the zero-beta minimum-variance portfolio.


The portfolio of risky assets with the lowest standard deviation on the efficient frontier is typically held by the least risk averse investors.


The efficient frontier indicates that different individuals hold different portfolios of risky assets based upon their individual forecasts for asset returns.



A is correct. The capital market line connects the risk-free asset with the market portfolio, which is the efficient portfolio at which the capital market line is tangent to the efficient frontier. The equation of the capital market line is as follows:

where the subscript e denotes an efficient portfolio. Since the shape of the efficient frontier is dictated by the market risk premium, RM-RF, and the volatility of the market, the slope of the capital market line will also be dependent on these two factors.

B is incorrect. As said in A above, the capital market line connects the risk-free asset with the market portfolio (which by definition has a beta of 1).

C is incorrect. The implication of the CML is that all investors should allocate to two investments: the risk-free asset and the market portfolio. Investors with little tolerance for risk will allocate most of their funds to the risk-free asset.

D is incorrect. One of the crucial assumptions for the derivation of CAPM is that all market participants have the same expectations, and therefore have the same forecast for asset returns. Additionally, as mentioned above, all investors hold the same portfolio of risky assets, which is the market portfolio.

Section: Foundations of Risk Management

Learning Objective: Understand the derivation and components of the CAPM. Interpret and compare the capital market line and the security market line.

Reference: Global Association of Risk Professionals. Foundations of Risk Management. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 5. Modern Portfolio Theory and the Capital Asset Pricing Model.

​另一个答案说的是:根据CML线,横轴是组合的风险,风险厌恶者也就是在横轴为0的地方,纵轴的截距是rf,说明厌恶风险者只投资无风险资产,所以C错 还是没有理解为什么c错

2 个答案

pzqa39 · 2024年05月10日




ditto · 2024年05月15日


pzqa39 · 2024年05月15日


C选项中"the least risk averse investors" 这个短语的意思是指那些最不规避风险的投资者,也就是风险偏好最高或最愿意承担风险的投资者。这句话的错误在于它颠倒了风险与投资者风险偏好的关系。实际上,在有效前沿上,标准差(即风险)最低的风险资产组合,应该由风险厌恶程度最高(最不愿意承担风险的投资者)的投资者所偏好和持有,而不是风险厌恶程度最低(最愿意承担风险的投资者)的投资者。


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NO.PZ2023090401000093问题如下 Question Two risk analysts are attenng a seminon the topic of morn portfolio theory. One of the presentations in the seminfocuses on the efficient frontier, the capitmarket line, anthe CAPM. Assuming the CAPM hol, whiof the following observations is correfor the analysts to make? A.The capitmarket line always ha positive slope anits steepness pen on the market risk premium anthe volatility of the market portfolio. B.The capitmarket line is the straight line connecting the risk-free asset with the zero-beta minimum-varianportfolio. C.The portfolio of risky assets with the lowest stanrviation on the efficient frontier is typically helthe least risk averse investors. The efficient frontier incates thfferent invials holfferent portfolios of risky assets baseupon their inviforecasts for asset returns. Explanation: A is correct. The capitmarket line connects the risk-free asset with the market portfolio, whiis the efficient portfolio whithe capitmarket line is tangent to the efficient frontier. The equation of the capitmarket line is follows:where the subscript e notes efficient portfolio. Sinthe shape of the efficient frontier is ctatethe market risk premium, RM-RF, anthe volatility of the market, the slope of the capitmarket line will also pennt on these two factors. B is incorrect. saiin A above, the capitmarket line connects the risk-free asset with the market portfolio (whifinition ha beta of 1). C is incorrect. The implication of the CML is thall investors shoulallocate to two investments: the risk-free asset anthe market portfolio. Investors with little toleranfor risk will allocate most of their fun to the risk-free asset. is incorrect. One of the cruciassumptions for the rivation of CAPM is thall market participants have the same expectations, antherefore have the same forecast for asset returns. Aitionally, mentioneabove, all investors holthe same portfolio of risky assets, whiis the market portfolio. Section: Fountions of Risk Management Learning Objective: Unrstanthe rivation ancomponents of the CAPM. Interpret ancompare the capitmarket line anthe security market line. Reference: GlobAssociation of Risk Professionals. Fountions of Risk Management. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 5. Morn Portfolio Theory anthe CapitAsset Pricing Mol. ​这道题怎么理解,一下

2024-03-11 15:02 1 · 回答