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椰子鸡 · 2024年05月07日

做不来这道题 解释一下



Anna Saar, CFA, is the head of compliance for Tranne Advisory Services, a regional financial services group including asset management, investment banking, and stock brokerage entities. Reviewing a draft client investment management agreement for the asset management unit, she is concerned that the relationships between the firm's various business units are not properly disclosed. To prevent violating CFA Institute Standard VI(A)-Disclosure of Conflicts, which of the following should least likely be addressed in the investment management agreement?


A.The group subsidizes staff loans for share purchases. B.Management fees are frequently loss leaders for brokerage. C.Asset managers are likely to support corporate finance deals.


A is correct because the group subsidizing staff loans for the purchase of shares is not a conflict of interest for clients because it is a funding mechanism and does not interfere with objectivity when rendering investment advice or taking investment action. However, asset managers subsidizing their asset management fees and supporting the investment banking corporate finance deals should be disclosed per Standard VI(A)-Conflicts of Interest and Standard VI(B)-Priority of Transactions, respectively.B is incorrect because asset managers subsidizing their asset management fees on the basis that they will use the group's brokerage services is a cross-departmental conflict of interest and should be disclosed in the section on cross-departmental conflicts.C is incorrect because the fact that the asset managers will support the investment banking corporate finance deals is a cross-departmental conflict of interest and should be disclosed in the section on cross-departmental conflicts.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年05月08日


Anna Saar作为Tranne Advisory Services的合规主管,正在审查一份资产管理部门的客户投资管理协议草案。她担心公司不同业务部门之间的关系没有得到适当的披露,这可能导致违反CFA协会的相关准则。

A. 集团为员工购买股票的贷款提供补贴:这个选项描述的是一个员工福利计划,即集团为员工购买股票的贷款提供补贴。这被视为一种融资机制,通常不会干扰提供投资建议或采取投资行动时的客观性。因此,这并不构成与客户之间的利益冲突,也就不需要在投资管理协议中披露。

B. 管理费经常是经纪业务的亏本引导:这意味着资产管理部门可能会降低管理费,以吸引客户使用集团内的经纪服务。这种做法构成了部门间的利益冲突,因为它可能影响资产管理部门提供客观建议的能力。根据准则VI(A),这种情况应该在协议中关于部门间冲突的部分进行披露。

C. 资产管理人员可能支持企业融资交易:这表明资产管理人员可能会倾向于支持集团内的投资银行业务,特别是企业融资交易。这也是一种部门间的利益冲突,因为它可能影响资产管理人员为客户提供投资建议时的客观性。根据准则VI(A)和VI(B),这种情况也应在协议中披露。



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NO.PZ2023021602000083 问题如下 Anna Saar, CFis the heof complianfor Tranne Aisory Services, a regionfinanciservices group inclung asset management, investment banking, anstobrokerage entities. Reviewing a aft client investment management agreement for the asset management unit, she is concerneththe relationships between the firm's various business units are not properly sclose To prevent violating CFA Institute StanrVI(A)-sclosure of Conflicts, whiof the following shoulleast likely aressein the investment management agreement? A.The group subsizes staff loans for share purchases. B.Management fees are frequently loss lears for brokerage. C.Asset managers are likely to support corporate finanals. A is correbecause the group subsizing staff loans for the purchase of shares is not a confliof interest for clients because it is a funng mechanism anes not interfere with objectivity when renring investment aior taking investment action. However, asset managers subsizing their asset management fees ansupporting the investment banking corporate finanals shoulscloseper StanrVI(A)-Conflicts of Interest anStanrVI(B)-Priority of Transactions, respectively.B is incorrebecause asset managers subsizing their asset management fees on the basis ththey will use the group's brokerage services is a cross-partmentconfliof interest anshoulsclosein the section on cross-partmentconflicts.C is incorrebecause the faththe asset managers will support the investment banking corporate finanals is a cross-partmentconfliof interest anshoulsclosein the section on cross-partmentconflicts. 解析里面说的B和B都对不上号

2024-04-20 13:52 1 · 回答