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polucn · 2024年05月07日

why global equities have higher cost than the others?

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8. Raye’s approach to rebalancing global equities is consistent with:



the Laws’ being risk averse.


global equities’ having higher transaction costs than other asset classes.


global equities’ having lower correlations with other asset classes.


B is correct.

Using the cost–benefit approach, higher transaction costs for an asset class imply wider rebalancing ranges. Raye’s recommendation for a wider rebalancing range for global equities is consistent with the presence of higher transaction costs for global equities.

考点:rebalancing range

解析:导致wider rebalancing range的因素有: higher transaction cost,less risk-averse investor, more correlated assets。A和C描述反了,所以正确选项为B。

导致rebalancing range 变动原因明白,但是题干中哪里可以得出global equities 的交易成本比另外资产类型要高,所以需要wider range 呢?

1 个答案

Lucky_品职助教 · 2024年05月07日



这道题的考点在于,是什么因素导致了global equities have a wider rebalancing range。比如说 higher transaction cost,less risk-averse investor, more correlated assets。而不是结合global equity本身的性质来回答。

ABC三个选项所描述的内容,并不是题干中的已知条件,是 wider rebalancing range 的假设前提条件。我们的关注点应该是global equities在什么情况下,会导致在rebalancing的时候,有 wider range,而不是去判断选项中的描述是否符合题干条件。


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NO.PZ201710200200000108 问题如下 8. Raye’s approato rebalancing globequities is consistent with: A.the Laws’ being risk averse. B.globequities’ having higher transaction costs thother asset classes. C.globequities’ having lower correlations with other asset classes. B is correct. Using the cost–benefit approach, higher transaction costs for asset class imply wir rebalancing ranges. Raye’s recommention for a wir rebalancing range for globequities is consistent with the presenof higher transaction costs for globequities. 考点rebalancing range解析导致wir rebalancing range的因素有 higher transaction cost,less risk-averse investor, more correlateassets。A和C描述反了,所以正确为 No.PZ201710200200000108

2024-04-06 17:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200200000108问题如下8. Raye’s approato rebalancing globequities is consistent with:A.the Laws’ being risk averse.B.globequities’ having higher transaction costs thother asset classes.C.globequities’ having lower correlations with other asset classes. B is correct. Using the cost–benefit approach, higher transaction costs for asset class imply wir rebalancing ranges. Raye’s recommention for a wir rebalancing range for globequities is consistent with the presenof higher transaction costs for globequities. 考点rebalancing range解析导致wir rebalancing range的因素有 higher transaction cost,less risk-averse investor, more correlateassets。A和C描述反了,所以正确为C相关性麻烦助教一下,谢谢

2022-03-26 15:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201710200200000108 globequities’ having higher transaction costs thother asset classes. globequities’ having lower correlations with other asset classes. B is correct. Using the cost–benefit approach, higher transaction costs for asset class imply wir rebalancing ranges. Raye’s recommention for a wir rebalancing range for globequities is consistent with the presenof higher transaction costs for globequities. 考点rebalancing range 解析导致wir rebalancing range的因素有 higher transaction cost,less risk-averse investor, more correlateassets。A和C描述反了,所以正确为為啥less risk aerse 會wir range 呢

2021-10-26 09:11 1 · 回答

    请问老师,为什么globequity有higher transaction cost?

2019-01-06 18:15 1 · 回答