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Cathy_ · 2024年05月06日




CBT’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is two months away. Patrick Weeze is a portfolio manager who owns a significant number of CBT shares in his portfolio. His fund is a concentrated portfolio with high idiosyncratic risk and, as a result, Patrick believes that a detailed analysis of the governance of each of his portfolio holdings is paramount to its long-term performance. He reviews the relevant documentation regarding CBT’s AGM and notes the following:

− CBT currently has 10 individuals sitting on its board, 3 of whom are independent. The Chairman is the former CEO who stepped down last year.

Patrick believes that the Chair cannot be considered as an independent member of the board. He schedules an engagement meeting with the Chair to discuss the matter.

What could be the most favourable outcome from a governance perspective?


A.The Chair steps down and the CEO assumes the chairmanship, and one of the independent directors becomes the lead independent director.

B.The Chair steps down and remains on the board, and one of the existing independent directors is elected Chair.

C.An additional independent director is added to the board to increase the level of independence.

D.The Chair steps down from the Chair role, and a newly elected independent director is appointed Chair.



解释一下题目和选项 谢谢老师

1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2024年05月07日


Patrick Weeze,一个投资组合经理,拥有大量CBT的股份。他非常重视投资组合中各持股公司的治理结构。

当前情况: CBT的董事会有10名成员,其中3人是独立董事。现任董事会主席是去年退任的前CEO。

Patrick认为,由于主席是前CEO,因此他不能被视为一个独立的董事会成员。这可能会影响董事会决策的客观性和公正性。 Patrick计划与现任主席开会,讨论其独立性的问题,并寻求改善的方案。

选项A: 主席辞职,CEO接任主席,现有的一位独立董事成为首席独立董事。这种情况下,CEO成为主席可能会引发“一言堂”的问题,不利于独立性。

选项B: 主席辞职但留在董事会中,一位现有的独立董事被选为新主席。这能稍微增强董事会的独立性,但前CEO仍在董事会可能依然存在一定的影响力。(与D相比董事会中独立董事的数量没有变化)。

选项C: 增加一位独立董事,以增强独立性。这有助于提高董事会的整体独立性,但不解决主席的独立性问题。

选项D: 主席辞职,选出新的独立董事担任主席。这是从治理角度看最有利的选择,因为它彻底解决了关于董事会主席独立性的问题,确保了董事会的决策能够更加客观公正。(同时增加了董事会中独立董事的数量。)



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NO.PZ2022120702000018 问题如下 CBT’s AnnuGenerMeeting (AGM) is two months away. PatriWeeze is a portfolio manager who owns a significant number of Cshares in his portfolio. His funis a concentrateportfolio with high iosyncratic risk an a result, Patribelieves tha taileanalysis of the governanof eaof his portfolio holngs is paramount to its long-term performance. He reviews the relevant cumentation regarng CBT’s AGM annotes the following: − Ccurrently h10 invials sitting on its boar 3 of whom are inpennt. The Chairmis the former CEO who steppewn last year.Patribelieves ththe Chair cannot consireinpennt member of the boar He scheles engagement meeting with the Chair to scuss the matter. Whcoulthe most favourable outcome from a governanperspective? A.The Chair steps wn anthe CEO assumes the chairmanship, anone of the inpennt rectors becomes the leinpennt rector. B.The Chair steps wn anremains on the boar anone of the existing inpennt rectors is electeChair. C.aitioninpennt rector is aeto the boarto increase the level of inpennce. The Chair steps wn from the Chair role, ana newly electeinpennt rector is appointeChair. CBT目前有10位董事,其中3位是独立董事。董事会主席是去年离职的前任首席执行官。Patrick认为,主席不能被视为董事会的独立成员。他安排与主席开会讨论此事。从治理的角度来看,最有利的结果就是董事会主席辞去其职务,新选出的独立董事被任命为董事长,保证董事会主席的独立性。 B为什么不对

2024-06-22 20:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000018 问题如下 CBT’s AnnuGenerMeeting (AGM) is two months away. PatriWeeze is a portfolio manager who owns a significant number of Cshares in his portfolio. His funis a concentrateportfolio with high iosyncratic risk an a result, Patribelieves tha taileanalysis of the governanof eaof his portfolio holngs is paramount to its long-term performance. He reviews the relevant cumentation regarng CBT’s AGM annotes the following: − Ccurrently h10 invials sitting on its boar 3 of whom are inpennt. The Chairmis the former CEO who steppewn last year.Patribelieves ththe Chair cannot consireinpennt member of the boar He scheles engagement meeting with the Chair to scuss the matter. Whcoulthe most favourable outcome from a governanperspective? A.The Chair steps wn anthe CEO assumes the chairmanship, anone of the inpennt rectors becomes the leinpennt rector. B.The Chair steps wn anremains on the boar anone of the existing inpennt rectors is electeChair. C.aitioninpennt rector is aeto the boarto increase the level of inpennce. The Chair steps wn from the Chair role, ana newly electeinpennt rector is appointeChair. CBT目前有10位董事,其中3位是独立董事。董事会主席是去年离职的前任首席执行官。Patrick认为,主席不能被视为董事会的独立成员。他安排与主席开会讨论此事。从治理的角度来看,最有利的结果就是董事会主席辞去其职务,新选出的独立董事被任命为董事长,保证董事会主席的独立性。 C 多一个独立董事人数了啊,而且一般公司怎么会由一个独立董事来当董事人,独立董事都是外部人,董事长这种核心掌权人,啥时候轮到外人了。

2024-06-10 09:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000018 问题如下 CBT’s AnnuGenerMeeting (AGM) is two months away. PatriWeeze is a portfolio manager who owns a significant number of Cshares in his portfolio. His funis a concentrateportfolio with high iosyncratic risk an a result, Patribelieves tha taileanalysis of the governanof eaof his portfolio holngs is paramount to its long-term performance. He reviews the relevant cumentation regarng CBT’s AGM annotes the following: − Ccurrently h10 invials sitting on its boar 3 of whom are inpennt. The Chairmis the former CEO who steppewn last year.Patribelieves ththe Chair cannot consireinpennt member of the boar He scheles engagement meeting with the Chair to scuss the matter. Whcoulthe most favourable outcome from a governanperspective? A.The Chair steps wn anthe CEO assumes the chairmanship, anone of the inpennt rectors becomes the leinpennt rector. B.The Chair steps wn anremains on the boar anone of the existing inpennt rectors is electeChair. C.aitioninpennt rector is aeto the boarto increase the level of inpennce. The Chair steps wn from the Chair role, ana newly electeinpennt rector is appointeChair. CBT目前有10位董事,其中3位是独立董事。董事会主席是去年离职的前任首席执行官。Patrick认为,主席不能被视为董事会的独立成员。他安排与主席开会讨论此事。从治理的角度来看,最有利的结果就是董事会主席辞去其职务,新选出的独立董事被任命为董事长,保证董事会主席的独立性。 加一个独立董事没问题,但上哪找一个新人直接当chairman,不是直接从10个人里选一个更合适吗。没有人会给这种建议吧,感觉比较无理要求

2024-05-28 18:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022120702000018 问题如下 CBT’s AnnuGenerMeeting (AGM) is two months away. PatriWeeze is a portfolio manager who owns a significant number of Cshares in his portfolio. His funis a concentrateportfolio with high iosyncratic risk an a result, Patribelieves tha taileanalysis of the governanof eaof his portfolio holngs is paramount to its long-term performance. He reviews the relevant cumentation regarng CBT’s AGM annotes the following: − Ccurrently h10 invials sitting on its boar 3 of whom are inpennt. The Chairmis the former CEO who steppewn last year.Patribelieves ththe Chair cannot consireinpennt member of the boar He scheles engagement meeting with the Chair to scuss the matter. Whcoulthe most favourable outcome from a governanperspective? A.The Chair steps wn anthe CEO assumes the chairmanship, anone of the inpennt rectors becomes the leinpennt rector. B.The Chair steps wn anremains on the boar anone of the existing inpennt rectors is electeChair. C.aitioninpennt rector is aeto the boarto increase the level of inpennce. The Chair steps wn from the Chair role, ana newly electeinpennt rector is appointeChair. CBT目前有10位董事,其中3位是独立董事。董事会主席是去年离职的前任首席执行官。Patrick认为,主席不能被视为董事会的独立成员。他安排与主席开会讨论此事。从治理的角度来看,最有利的结果就是董事会主席辞去其职务,新选出的独立董事被任命为董事长,保证董事会主席的独立性。 为什么我觉得答案B和的是一个意思,答案B说chair下来但继续留在董事会,选一个已有的独立董事为新的chair。答案不过是说下来,新选的独立董事为Chair。感觉意思区别不大

2024-04-21 20:51 1 · 回答