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Cooljas · 2024年05月02日




A regression of a stock’s return (in percent) on an industry index’s return (in percent) provides the following results:

Coefficient Standard Error

Intercept 2.1 2.01

Industry index 1.9 0.31

Degrees of Freedom SS

Explained 1 92.648

Residual 3 24.512

Total 4 117.160

Which of the following statements regarding the regression is correct?

I.The correlation coefficient between the X and Y variables is 0.889.

II.The industry index coefficient is significant at the 99% confidence interval.

III.If the return on the industry index is 4%, the stock’s expected return is 10.3%.

IV.The variability of industry returns explains 21% of the variation of company returns



III only


I and II only


II and IV only


I, II, and IV


The R2 of the regression is calculated as ESS/TSS = (92.648/117.160) = 0.79, which means that the variation in industry returns explains 79% of the variation in the stock return. By taking the square root of R2, we can calculate that the correlation coefficient (r) = 0.889. The t-statistic for the industry return coefficient is 1.91/0.31 = 6.13, which is sufficiently large enough for the coefficient to be significant at the 99% confidence interval. Since we have the regression coefficient and intercept, we know that the regression equation is Rstock = l.9X + 2.1. Plugging in a value of 4% for the industry return, we get a stock return of 1.9 (4) + 2.1 = 9.7%.

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年05月02日


第一个红框:这个求的是industry coefficient的t统计量(就是求industry这个自变量系数的t统计量)。

题目告诉我们Industry index系数是1.9,standard errors是0.31,所以t统计量 = 系数 / standard error = 1.9/0.31 = 6.13


第三个红框的意思是,由于industry这个自变量的系数是1.9,而intercept(截距项)是2.1,所以可以写出回归方程:y = 1.9*x + 2.1.

y就是stock’s return(股票的收益率),而x是industry return。当industry return = 4时(题目开头说是in percent,所以计算时要去掉百分号%),

stock return = 1.9 * 4 + 2.1 = 9.7,也就是stock return是9.7%
