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Lilly · 2024年05月02日




Rowland turns his attention to the information provided about the company pension plan. The increasing pension costs combined with the impact on pension assets from poor investment performance had resulted in a funding deficit in the plan during 2014. In an attempt to better control pension costs Austell had made the following changes to the plan over the past two years:

During 2013 the company had changed the early retirement benefits for members who joined the plan before 2000.

During 2014 Austell capped the salary increases that were eligible for pensionable benefits to 1%.

Austell prepares its financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and has a December 31 year-end.

These changes were reported as plan amendments in the year made. Information concerning the company’s pension plan as of December 31, 2014 is shown in Exhibit 4. Rowland wanted to review the pension expense, cash flows and the plan’s funding position.

The benefits paid (in millions) from Austell’s pension plan in 2014 is closest to:








Benefits paid can be determined either from focusing on the change in pension plan assets or from the change in the benefit obligation over the year, as follows:

PBO的算法下为什么没有减去discount rate和actual rate的差值呢?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年05月02日


你说的要考虑“减去discount rate和actual rate的差值”的是养老金equity下I/S表和OCI表上对养老金各项费用的列示的问题,这是两个完全不同角度的东西哦


而plan assets作为养老金的资产科目,记录的只是actual return,也是不会记录expected return和actual return的差异的

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NO.PZ2023040501000035 问题如下 Rowlanturns his attention to the information proviabout the company pension plan. The increasing pension costs combinewith the impaon pension assets from poor investment performanhresultein a funng ficit in the plring 2014. In attempt to better control pension costs Austell hma the following changes to the plover the past two years:ring 2013 the company hchangethe early retirement benefits for members who joinethe plbefore 2000.ring 2014 Austell cappethe salary increases thwere eligible for pensionable benefits to 1%.Austell prepares its financistatements in accornwith InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS) anha cember 31 year-enThese changes were reporteplamenents in the yema. Information concerning the company’s pension plof cember 31, 2014 is shown in Exhibit 4. Rowlanwanteto review the pension expense, cash flows anthe plan’s funng position.The benefits pai(in millions) from Austell’s pension plin 2014 is closest to: A.£74.0. B.£55.0. C.£53.5. Benefits paictermineeither from focusing on the change in pension plassets or from the change in the benefit obligation over the year, follows: IFRS下计入B/S asset的是funstatusplasset - PBO对于enng plasset = beginnin asset + employor contribution + actureturn on plasset - benefit paito employee但是对于net interest expense = interest cost((PBO+PSC期初)*scount rate) - \"E(r)\"(FV of plasset * scount rate),scount rate是国债或投资级公司债利率,这部分计入I/S这就有了\"E(r)\"(FV of plasset * scount rate)不等于actureturn on plasset的情况发生。也就是说当\"E(r)\"(FV of plasset * scount rate) actureturn on plasset时I/S中,计入费用的是\"E(r)\"(较小),而在B/S中,asset端增加了actureturn on plasset,equity端增加了\"E(r)\",asset的增加量大于equity的增加了,出现不匹配情况,这种情况如何调平?

2024-05-17 19:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000035 问题如下 Rowlanturns his attention to the information proviabout the company pension plan. The increasing pension costs combinewith the impaon pension assets from poor investment performanhresultein a funng ficit in the plring 2014. In attempt to better control pension costs Austell hma the following changes to the plover the past two years:ring 2013 the company hchangethe early retirement benefits for members who joinethe plbefore 2000.ring 2014 Austell cappethe salary increases thwere eligible for pensionable benefits to 1%.Austell prepares its financistatements in accornwith InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS) anha cember 31 year-enThese changes were reporteplamenents in the yema. Information concerning the company’s pension plof cember 31, 2014 is shown in Exhibit 4. Rowlanwanteto review the pension expense, cash flows anthe plan’s funng position.The benefits pai(in millions) from Austell’s pension plin 2014 is closest to: A.£74.0. B.£55.0. C.£53.5. Benefits paictermineeither from focusing on the change in pension plassets or from the change in the benefit obligation over the year, follows: 为什么不能用plasset的公式?

2024-05-16 23:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000035 问题如下 Rowlanturns his attention to the information proviabout the company pension plan. The increasing pension costs combinewith the impaon pension assets from poor investment performanhresultein a funng ficit in the plring 2014. In attempt to better control pension costs Austell hma the following changes to the plover the past two years:ring 2013 the company hchangethe early retirement benefits for members who joinethe plbefore 2000.ring 2014 Austell cappethe salary increases thwere eligible for pensionable benefits to 1%.Austell prepares its financistatements in accornwith InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS) anha cember 31 year-enThese changes were reporteplamenents in the yema. Information concerning the company’s pension plof cember 31, 2014 is shown in Exhibit 4. Rowlanwanteto review the pension expense, cash flows anthe plan’s funng position.The benefits pai(in millions) from Austell’s pension plin 2014 is closest to: A.£74.0. B.£55.0. C.£53.5. Benefits paictermineeither from focusing on the change in pension plassets or from the change in the benefit obligation over the year, follows: 书上哪里说要加上employee 的contribution了?

2024-04-24 09:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000035 问题如下 Rowlanturns his attention to the information proviabout the company pension plan. The increasing pension costs combinewith the impaon pension assets from poor investment performanhresultein a funng ficit in the plring 2014. In attempt to better control pension costs Austell hma the following changes to the plover the past two years:ring 2013 the company hchangethe early retirement benefits for members who joinethe plbefore 2000.ring 2014 Austell cappethe salary increases thwere eligible for pensionable benefits to 1%.Austell prepares its financistatements in accornwith InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS) anha cember 31 year-enThese changes were reporteplamenents in the yema. Information concerning the company’s pension plof cember 31, 2014 is shown in Exhibit 4. Rowlanwanteto review the pension expense, cash flows anthe plan’s funng position.The benefits pai(in millions) from Austell’s pension plin 2014 is closest to: A.£74.0. B.£55.0. C.£53.5. Benefits paictermineeither from focusing on the change in pension plassets or from the change in the benefit obligation over the year, follows: 负债法算int cost,题目中有p.s.c不是应该追溯调整,int cost=(Pbegin + P.S.C)* 6.6%=(3651.2+(-189))* 6.6%=228.5 ?

2023-08-07 23:39 1 · 回答