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Lilly · 2024年05月02日

option 和 RSU



Sallie Kwan Industrials (SKI) reports under US GAAP. The company disclosed the following information in a note to its financial statements titled “Share-Based Compensation.”

Under our Share Incentive Plan, the Company grants restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to its officers, employees, directors and other eligible persons of up to 83,000,000 Class A ordinary shares. RSUs vest 25% on the first anniversary year from the grant date and the remaining 75% vest in 12 substantially equal quarterly installments. RSU activity for the two years ended 31 December 20X2 was as follows.

Share-based compensation expense for RSUs is measured based on the fair value of the Company’s ordinary shares on the date of grant. SKI accounts for forfeitures as they occur.

The amount recognized as operating expense on SKI’s income statement related to its Equity Incentive Plan for the year ended 31 December 20X2 is closest to:



SGD 51.4 million


SGD 64.1 million.


SGD 123.1 million.


A is correct. The amount recognized as operating expense is the share-based compensation expense, which the product of 3,332,063 RSUs vested with a per-share grant-date fair value of SGD 19.25 less forfeitures of 442,181 with a per-share grant-date fair value of SGD 28.74. (3,332,063 x 19.25) – (442,181 x28.74) = 51,433,931.

之前做了一道Option 的题,expense的算法是根据当年的grant然后乘以占整个vesting period的时长比例计算的,理解RSU是到期既行权,所有RSU可以直接算当年vest的作为expense而不用看grant的量是么?

2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年06月21日

同学你好,这道题目写的是“Company grants restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to its officers, employees, directors and other eligible persons of up to 83,000,000 Class A ordinary shares. ”也就是至多会授予8300万股RSU,但是具体实际每次授予多少,何时授予,根据这个信息通过题干这里是不能知道的。但每一次只要授予,肯定是按照后面的规则“RSUs vest 25% on the first anniversary year from the grant date and the remaining 75% vest in 12 substantially equal quarterly installments.”来授予的


王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年05月02日

同学你好,option和RSU在计算当年compensation expense的时候原理是完全一样的,都是用历史上这笔option或者RSU真正在 granted的那个时候的fair value来作为总的expense,然后按照vesting period的时长比例计算当期的compensation expense

本题也是同样的原理进行计算的——请看以下题目截图,表格这里是说这3332063股RSU的历史上granted 的时候的价格是19.25,和上面那笔granted 的5034735的RSU是两回事。我们需要用历史的过去的3332063股RSU被granted时候的股价来进行费用计算,而不能用今年新发生grant的5034735的RSU的股价来计算历史的vest的RSU的费用哦

William Pan · 2024年06月21日


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NO.PZ2023040501000169 问题如下 Sallie KwInstrials (SKI) reports unr US GAAP. The companysclosethe following information in a note to its financistatementstitle“Share-BaseCompensation.”Unr our Share Incentive Plan, the Company grantsrestrictestounits (“RSUs”) to its officers, employees, rectors anothereligible persons of up to 83,000,000 Class A ornary shares. RSUs vest 25% onthe first anniversary yefrom the grant te anthe remaining 75% vest in 12substantially eququarterly installments. RSU activity for the two yearsen31 cember 20X2 wfollows.Share-baseompensation expense for RSUs is measurebaseon the fair value of theCompany’s ornary shares on the te of grant. SKI accounts for forfeitures asthey occur.The amount recognizeoperating expense on SKI’s incomestatement relateto its Equity Incentive Plfor the yeen31 cember20X2 is closest to: A.SG51.4 million B.SG64.1 million. C.SG123.1 million. A is correct. The amount recognizeoperating expense isthe share-basecompensation expense, whithe proof 3,332,063 RSUsvestewith a per-share grant-te fair value of SG19.25 less forfeitures of442,181 with a per-share grant-te fair value of SG28.74. (3,332,063 x19.25) – (442,181 x28.74) = 51,433,931. 课上讲的都是期初一笔的grant,然后根据到vest期间每年计算expense,与什么时候行权无关这题就和行权的时间有关,而且是逐笔计算,那如果当年不行权,也就是当年没有veste不用确认expense了吗?

2024-08-15 22:57 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000169 问题如下 Sallie KwInstrials (SKI) reports unr US GAAP. The companysclosethe following information in a note to its financistatementstitle“Share-BaseCompensation.”Unr our Share Incentive Plan, the Company grantsrestrictestounits (“RSUs”) to its officers, employees, rectors anothereligible persons of up to 83,000,000 Class A ornary shares. RSUs vest 25% onthe first anniversary yefrom the grant te anthe remaining 75% vest in 12substantially eququarterly installments. RSU activity for the two yearsen31 cember 20X2 wfollows.Share-baseompensation expense for RSUs is measurebaseon the fair value of theCompany’s ornary shares on the te of grant. SKI accounts for forfeitures asthey occur.The amount recognizeoperating expense on SKI’s incomestatement relateto its Equity Incentive Plfor the yeen31 cember20X2 is closest to: A.SG51.4 million B.SG64.1 million. C.SG123.1 million. A is correct. The amount recognizeoperating expense isthe share-basecompensation expense, whithe proof 3,332,063 RSUsvestewith a per-share grant-te fair value of SG19.25 less forfeitures of442,181 with a per-share grant-te fair value of SG28.74. (3,332,063 x19.25) – (442,181 x28.74) = 51,433,931. 为什么期权的那道题用的是grante数量,而股票的这道题用的是vesteforfeite数量计算expense呢?

2024-07-26 13:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000169 问题如下 Sallie KwInstrials (SKI) reports unr US GAAP. The companysclosethe following information in a note to its financistatementstitle“Share-BaseCompensation.”Unr our Share Incentive Plan, the Company grantsrestrictestounits (“RSUs”) to its officers, employees, rectors anothereligible persons of up to 83,000,000 Class A ornary shares. RSUs vest 25% onthe first anniversary yefrom the grant te anthe remaining 75% vest in 12substantially eququarterly installments. RSU activity for the two yearsen31 cember 20X2 wfollows.Share-baseompensation expense for RSUs is measurebaseon the fair value of theCompany’s ornary shares on the te of grant. SKI accounts for forfeitures asthey occur.The amount recognizeoperating expense on SKI’s incomestatement relateto its Equity Incentive Plfor the yeen31 cember20X2 is closest to: A.SG51.4 million B.SG64.1 million. C.SG123.1 million. A is correct. The amount recognizeoperating expense isthe share-basecompensation expense, whithe proof 3,332,063 RSUsvestewith a per-share grant-te fair value of SG19.25 less forfeitures of442,181 with a per-share grant-te fair value of SG28.74. (3,332,063 x19.25) – (442,181 x28.74) = 51,433,931. forfeite这里是指什么意思?为什么要减去?

2024-05-15 23:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000169 问题如下 Sallie KwInstrials (SKI) reports unr US GAAP. The companysclosethe following information in a note to its financistatementstitle“Share-BaseCompensation.”Unr our Share Incentive Plan, the Company grantsrestrictestounits (“RSUs”) to its officers, employees, rectors anothereligible persons of up to 83,000,000 Class A ornary shares. RSUs vest 25% onthe first anniversary yefrom the grant te anthe remaining 75% vest in 12substantially eququarterly installments. RSU activity for the two yearsen31 cember 20X2 wfollows.Share-baseompensation expense for RSUs is measurebaseon the fair value of theCompany’s ornary shares on the te of grant. SKI accounts for forfeitures asthey occur.The amount recognizeoperating expense on SKI’s incomestatement relateto its Equity Incentive Plfor the yeen31 cember20X2 is closest to: A.SG51.4 million B.SG64.1 million. C.SG123.1 million. A is correct. The amount recognizeoperating expense isthe share-basecompensation expense, whithe proof 3,332,063 RSUsvestewith a per-share grant-te fair value of SG19.25 less forfeitures of442,181 with a per-share grant-te fair value of SG28.74. (3,332,063 x19.25) – (442,181 x28.74) = 51,433,931. 听了经典题讲解,老师说forfeit需要扣除的原因是可能前期这部分已经计算了expense。可是forfeit的部分应该是从来没有解锁过的RSU,因为达不到解锁条件而被forfeit的,那么之前是因为什么原因被计算过expense呢?所以还是不明白为什么这题在计算expense时要把forfeit的部分减掉,而不能只通过veste分计算expense。对应下一个题目提到的计算shares outstanng的问题,我可以理解如果要计算增加了多少shares outstanng,那么就只要关注veste即已解锁的部分即可,因为forfeit的部分从来没有被解锁过。麻烦老师解答,谢谢!

2024-04-25 10:57 1 · 回答