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Cooljas · 2024年04月30日




An option trader at an equity hedge fund is assessing the cost structure of the fund’s portfolio of options. The trader examines the types of positions the fund trades with its prime brokers and investigates whether the fund can reduce the upfront costs of its option positions. How can the trader transform a long option into a zero-cost derivative product?



Arranging with the option seller to pay an amount equal to the upfront option premium at maturity rather than at option initiation


Entering into an agreement to purchase the payoff of the option at maturity for an amount equal to the future value of the current option premium


Combining the purchase of the option with a sale of other options such that the net premium is zero and the combined payoff is identical to the payoff of the original option


Purchasing the option and selling the underlying stock such that the net upfront cash flow is zero and the payoff is identical to the payoff of the original option


B is correct. This describes the process that transforms a regular upfront premium option into a zero-cost derivative product. The option purchaser essentially agrees to buy the option payoff for a premium equal to the future value of the upfront option premium.

A is incorrect. The option buyer would not be able to pay the same premium at maturity as they would at option initiation. The premium would be increased by an interest charge.

C is incorrect. A single option can be packaged with other options to make the net premium zero but the payoff will not remain identical. Generally, there is a trade-off involving the cost of the position and the payoff of the position. For example, if the payoff of a call could be structured with a package of options resulting in no cost, there would be no need for outright calls. This is not the process described to make any derivative a zero-cost product.

D is incorrect. It is not going to have the same payoff.


1 个答案

pzqa39 · 2024年04月30日




  1. 传统模式:通常情况下,购买期权时,买方需要立即支付一笔期权费,以获取在未来某个时间以特定价格买卖标的资产的权利。
  2. 创新安排:在此提议的安排下,期权买家与卖家协商,将期权费的支付时间点从期权交易初始时延后至期权到期日。这意味着期权买家不必在交易开始时就动用资金支付期权费。
  3. 零成本衍生品:尽管最终买家仍需支付期权费,但由于费用支付被推迟,且在此期间资金可用于其他投资或产生收益,从现金流管理角度看,该期权成为了“零成本”。这里的“零成本”并非指完全免费,而是指初期无需现金流出。
  4. 期权收益的购买:期权买家实质上同意在期权到期时,根据期权是否被执行(即是否有利可图)的情况,按相当于前期期权费未来价值的金额来结算期权收益。如果期权到期时处于实值状态,买家支付的金额将等于期权费加上潜在盈利;如果期权无价值,则无需支付,但也不会有额外的前期支出。



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NO.PZ2023091802000127 问题如下 option trar anequity hee funis assessing the cost structure of the funs portfolio ofoptions. The trar examines the types of positions the funtras with itsprime brokers aninvestigates whether the funcrethe upfront costs ofits option positions. How cthe trar transform a long option into azero-cost rivative proct? A.Arranging with the option seller to pamount equto the upfront option premium maturity rather thoption initiation B.Entering into agreement to purchase the payoff of the option maturity for amount equto the future value of the current option premium C.Combining the purchase of the option with a sale of other options suththe net premium is zero anthe combinepayoff is inticto the payoff of the originoption Purchasing the option anselling the unrlying stosuththe net upfront cash flow is zero anthe payoff is inticto the payoff of the originoption B is correct. This scribes the process thtransforms a regularupfront premium option into a zero-cost rivative proct. The optionpurchaser essentially agrees to buy the option payoff for a premium equtothe future value of the upfront option premium.A is incorrect. The option buyer woulnot beable to pthe same premium maturity they wouloption initiation.The premium woulincreaseinterest charge.C is incorrect. A single option cbepackagewith other options to make the net premium zero but the payoff willnot remain intical. Generally, there is a tra-off involving the cost of theposition anthe payoff of the position. For example, if the payoff of a callcoulstructurewith a package of options resulting in no cost, there woule no neefor outright calls. This is not the process scribeto make anyrivative a zero-cost proct.is incorrect. It is not going to have thesame payoff. 看完题目的还是不理解

2023-10-18 17:07 1 · 回答