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椰子鸡 · 2024年04月24日




Based on his superior return history, Vijay Gupta, CFA, is interviewed by the First Faithful Church to manage the church's voluntary retirement plan's equity portfolio. Each church staff member chooses whether to opt in or out of the retirement plan according to his or her own investment objectives. The plan trustees tell Gupta that stocks of companies involved in the sale of alcohol, tobacco, gambling, or firearms are not acceptable investments given the objectives and constraints of the portfolio. Gupta tells the trustees he cannot reasonably execute his strategy with these restrictions and that all his other accounts hold shares of companies involved in these businesses because he believes they have the highest alpha. By agreeing to manage the account according to the trustees' wishes, does Gupta violate the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct?


A.Yes, because the restrictions provided by the trustees are not in the best interest of the members B.Yes, because the manager was hired based on his previous investment strategy C.No


C is correct. According to Standard III(A): Loyalty, Prudence, and Care, Gupta's duty of loyalty, prudence, and care is owed to the participants and beneficiaries (members) of the pension plan. As a church plan, the restrictions are appropriate given the objectives and constraints of the portfolio.


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年04月25日


在这个问题中,Gupta 被聘请来管理一个自愿退休计划的股票投资组合。这个计划是由 First Faithful Church 提供的,并且有一定的投资限制,即不投资涉及酒精、烟草、赌博或火器的公司的股票。Gupta 被告知这些限制,并了解到这些限制是基于投资组合的目标和约束而设定的。

根据CFA里的Standard III(A): Loyalty, Prudence, and Care,Gupta 的责任是对养老金计划的参与者和受益人(成员)保持忠诚、谨慎和关怀。这意味着他需要根据客户的投资目标和约束来管理投资组合。


Gupta 同意按照受托人的意愿管理账户,并没有违反CFA协会的专业行为标准。他尊重了客户的投资限制和选择,这体现了他对客户忠诚、谨慎和关怀的责任。即使他认为这些限制可能影响投资策略的执行或收益,但作为一名专业的CFA,他需要遵循客户的意愿和投资政策。

因此,答案是C(没有违反CFA协会的专业行为标准),因为Gupta 的行为符合对客户忠诚、谨慎和关怀的标准,他尊重并遵循了客户设定的投资限制。


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NO.PZ2023021602000033 问题如下 Baseon his superior return history, VijGuptCFis interviewethe First Faithful Churto manage the church's voluntary retirement plan's equity portfolio. Eachurstaff member chooses whether to opt in or out of the retirement placcorng to his or her own investment objectives. The pltrustees tell Gupta thstocks of companies involvein the sale of alcohol, tobacco, gambling, or firearms are not acceptable investments given the objectives anconstraints of the portfolio. Gupta tells the trustees he cannot reasonably execute his strategy with these restrictions anthall his other accounts holshares of companies involvein these businesses because he believes they have the highest alphagreeing to manage the account accorng to the trustees' wishes, es Gupta violate the CFA Institute Stanr of ProfessionConct? A.Yes, because the restrictions provithe trustees are not in the best interest of the members B.Yes, because the manager whirebaseon his previous investment strategy C.No C is correct. Accorng to StanrIII(A): Loyalty, Prunce, anCare, Gupta's ty of loyalty, prunce, ancare is oweto the participants anbeneficiaries (members) of the pension plan. a churplan, the restrictions are appropriate given the objectives anconstraints of the portfolio. Gupta tells the trustees he cannot reasonably execute his strategy with these restrictions anthall his other accounts holshares of companies involvein these businesses because he believes they have the highest alph其实我感觉是遵循了suitabilty? 因为他不是sclose了没法execute strategy unr the resstriction吗?

2024-07-09 22:41 1 · 回答