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徐威廉 · 2024年04月23日




A junior market risk analyst is studying the mechanics of the EWMA approach for estimating volatility. The analyst observes that the approach applies various weights to a series of historical returns, and the return needed to update the EWMA calculation is the most recent day's squared return. Which of the following statements is correct?



Daily returns prior to the most recent day have no influence on the current variance rate estimate in the EWMA calculation.


Daily returns prior to the most recent day are reflected in the EWMA calculation by the smoothing parameter (A).


Daily returns prior to the most recent day are reflected in the EWMA calculation by the most recent day's squared return.


Daily returns prior to the most recent day are reflected in the EWMA calculation by the previous variance rate estimate.



D is correct. The EWMA formula is:

Under the EWMA approach, when a new return is observed, the variance rate estimate is updated using this return. When the next new return is observed, the previously observed return is not needed, as it is reflected in the previously calculated variance rate estimate. In this way, the term 血_i in the formula contains information on all past returns.

A, B, and C are incorrect, as per the above explanation.

Section Valuation and Risk Models


Objective Apply the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) approach to estimate volatility, and describe alternative approaches to weighting historical return data.

Reference Global Association of Risk Professionals. Valuation and Risk Models. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 3. Measuring and Monitoring Volatility.


这个EWMA公式如此简单,就是用前一天的return和 variance各给一个权重去估计今天的variance,这个题每个选项都怪怪的看不懂

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年04月24日



而σn-1^2也可以写成 = (1-λ)*r n-2^2 + λ*σn-2^2,然后σn-2^2也可以继续写下去……


A选项说的是:前面几天的历史收益率,对现在的 variance rate estimate毫无影响。这个说法错误。不管距离现在多久远的return,对于variance rate(就是σn^2)都是有影响的,只不过历史的收益率是体现在 previously calculated variance rate estimate(也就是σn-1^2)这一项里面。

B选项说的是:smoothing parameter只是一个参数,并不能反映历史收益率。历史收益率是反映在σn-1^2里面。B错误。

C选项说的是:历史收益率是反映在最新一期的收益率的平方这一项。说法错误。最新一期的收益率的平方(就是r n-1^2)是单独列出的,而历史收益率应该是反映在σn-1^2里面。



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NO.PZ2023090501000085问题如下 A junior market risk analyst is stuing the mechaniof the EWMA approafor estimating volatility. The analyst observes ththe approaapplies various weights to a series of historicreturns, anthe return neeto upte the EWMA calculation is the most recent y's squarereturn. Whiof the following statements is correct? A.ily returns prior to the most recent y have no influenon the current varianrate estimate in the EWMA calculation.B.ily returns prior to the most recent y are reflectein the EWMA calculation the smoothing parameter (A).C.ily returns prior to the most recent y are reflectein the EWMA calculation the most recent y's squarereturn.ily returns prior to the most recent y are reflectein the EWMA calculation the previous varianrate estimate. Explanation is correct. The EWMA formula is:Unr the EWMA approach, when a new return is observe the varianrate estimate is upteusing this return. When the next new return is observe the previously observereturn is not nee it is reflectein the previously calculatevarianrate estimate. In this way, the term 血_i in the formula contains information on all past returns.anC are incorrect, per the above explanation.Section Valuation anRisk MolsLearningObjective Apply the exponentially weightemoving average (EWMapproato estimate volatility, anscrialternative approaches to weighting historicreturn ta.Reference GlobAssociation of Risk Professionals. Valuation anRisk Mols. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 3. Measuring anMonitoring Volatility. 老师您好,A、B和C分别是什么意思呢?其中A为什么不对呢?

2024-03-11 16:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023090501000085问题如下 A junior market risk analyst is stuing the mechaniof the EWMA approafor estimating volatility. The analyst observes ththe approaapplies various weights to a series of historicreturns, anthe return neeto upte the EWMA calculation is the most recent y's squarereturn. Whiof the following statements is correct? A.ily returns prior to the most recent y have no influenon the current varianrate estimate in the EWMA calculation.B.ily returns prior to the most recent y are reflectein the EWMA calculation the smoothing parameter (A).C.ily returns prior to the most recent y are reflectein the EWMA calculation the most recent y's squarereturn.ily returns prior to the most recent y are reflectein the EWMA calculation the previous varianrate estimate. Explanation is correct. The EWMA formula is:Unr the EWMA approach, when a new return is observe the varianrate estimate is upteusing this return. When the next new return is observe the previously observereturn is not nee it is reflectein the previously calculatevarianrate estimate. In this way, the term 血_i in the formula contains information on all past returns.anC are incorrect, per the above explanation.Section Valuation anRisk MolsLearningObjective Apply the exponentially weightemoving average (EWMapproato estimate volatility, anscrialternative approaches to weighting historicreturn ta.Reference GlobAssociation of Risk Professionals. Valuation anRisk Mols. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 3. Measuring anMonitoring Volatility. 这道题怎么做呢,不太清楚

2024-02-28 21:34 1 · 回答