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周梅 · 2024年04月21日


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Which of the items Mehta wants to include in the Investment Policy Statement most likely reflects a violation of the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct??


A.Item 1 B.Item 2 C.Item 3


  1. Correct. Item 1 most likely reflects a violation of the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct. Mehta is using economic data from third-party providers to help determine expected asset class returns to formulate his asset class recommendations to clients. While using third-party research is not a violation in and of itself, there is no indication Mehta made efforts to determine whether such research from his former employer’s vendors is sound and current prior to using their research as part of his recommendations to clients. Therefore, Mehta likely violates Standard V(A): Diligence and Reasonable Basis, which requires Members and Candidates to exercise diligence, independence, and thoroughness in analyzing investments, making investment recommendations, and taking investment actions as well as having a reasonable and adequate basis, supported by appropriate research and investigation, for any investment analysis, recommendation, or action.

  2. Incorrect. Mehta plans to disclose he may from time to time work with clients in the same industry who may be direct competitors. As this information was included in the client contract, it does not appear to violate Standard VI(A): Disclosure of Conflicts, which requires Members and Candidates to make full and fair disclosure of all matters that could reasonably be expected to impair their independence and objectivity or interfere with respective duties to their clients, prospective clients, and employer. Members and Candidates must ensure that such disclosures are prominent, are delivered in plain language, and communicate the relevant information effectively.

  3. Incorrect. Mehta indicates in Item 3 that he acts with loyalty, prudence, and care, thus complying with Standard III(A): Loyalty, Prudence, and Care, which states Members and Candidates have a duty of loyalty to their clients and must act with reasonable care and exercise prudent judgment. Members and Candidates must act for the benefit of their clients and place their client’s interests before their employer’s or their own interests.

Guidance for Standards I–VII
  • demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年04月24日


A. Item 1

  • 这个项目描述了Mehta使用了其前雇主使用的第三方经济研究机构,并且表示这些费用是正常运营费用,不直接向客户收费。
  • 根据CFA协会的标准,专业人员在使用第三方研究时,需要确保这些研究是可靠和最新的。然而,Mehta并没有提到他对这些研究进行了任何的验证或评估,这可能违反了CFA协会关于勤勉和合理基础的标准(Standard V(A))。这个标准要求会员和候选人在进行投资分析、推荐或行动时,必须勤奋、独立、彻底,并且有合理和充分的基础,这需要有适当的研究和调查来支持。

B. Item 2

  • 这个项目提到Mehta可能会同时为同一行业的客户(包括竞争对手)工作,但他表示有系统和流程来保护所有客户的隐私和数据。
  • 由于Mehta已经在客户合同中披露了这一点,并且提到了有措施来保护客户隐私和数据,因此这并不违反CFA协会关于披露冲突的标准(Standard VI(A))。

C. Item 3

  • 此项目说明Mehta在为客户服务时始终保持忠诚、谨慎和关心,这符合CFA协会关于忠诚、谨慎和关心的标准(Standard III(A))。
  • 该标准要求会员和候选人必须对客户忠诚,以合理的谨慎行事,并把客户的利益放在首位。

综上所述,Item 1最可能违反了CFA协会的专业行为准则,因为它没有提到Mehta对使用的第三方研究进行了任何的验证,这可能违反了勤勉和合理基础的标准。

因此,答案是 A.Item 1

  • 1

  • 0

  • 218
