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周梅 · 2024年04月21日


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Are any of the senior analysts discussed by the research assistants when gathered around Pierce’s workspace in possession of information that could most likely lead to a violation of Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets?


A.No B.Yes, Research Assistant 1’s senior analyst C.Yes, Research Assistant 2’s senior analyst


  1. Incorrect. The statement by Research Assistant 1 (“One of the senior analysts I work with heard from an accountant at one of the companies she follows that they are about to retire a large group of assets. She’s afraid she may lose her job.”) indicates the senior analyst is in possession of insider information, which, if acted on, could lead to a violation of Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. The retirement of a large group of assets would be considered material. Additionally, the insider is an accountant, which would indicate he or she would be considered reliable. Information is material if its disclosure would probably have an impact on the price of a security or if reasonable investors would want to know the information before making an investment decision. The source or relative reliability of the information is also a determining factor in materiality. The standard recommendation is for the analyst to work with the company to publicly release the material inside information. The statement by Research Assistant 2 is “One of the senior analysts I work with heard from the receptionist at an independent research firm about the potential purchase of a large block of stock of a company under his coverage. I can’t wait to find out who it involves.” While the sale of a large block of stock would be considered material, in this case, the analyst is not given a specific company name and therefore would be unable to verify the information or act on it. The analyst therefore could not violate Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. The specificity of the information is a key factor in determining whether a particular piece of information fits the definition of material.

  2. Correct. The statement by Research Assistant 1 (“One of the senior analysts I work with heard from an accountant at one of the companies she follows that they are about to retire a large group of assets. She’s afraid she may lose her job.”) indicates the senior analyst is in possession of insider information, which, if acted on, could lead to a violation of Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. The retirement of a large group of assets would be considered material. Additionally, the insider is an accountant, which would indicate he or she would be considered reliable. Information is material if its disclosure would probably have an impact on the price of a security or if reasonable investors would want to know the information before making an investment decision. The source or relative reliability of the information is also a determining factor in materiality. The standard recommendation is for the analyst to work with the company to publicly release the material inside information. The statement by Research Assistant 2 is “One of the senior analysts I work with heard from the receptionist at an independent research firm about the potential purchase of a large block of stock of a company under his coverage. I can’t wait to find out who it involves.” While the sale of a large block of stock would be considered material, in this case, the analyst is not given a specific company name and therefore would be unable to verify the information or act on it. The analyst therefore could not violate Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. The specificity of the information is a key factor in determining whether a particular piece of information fits the definition of material.

  3. Incorrect. The statement by Research Assistant 1 (“One of the senior analysts I work with heard from an accountant at one of the companies she follows that they are about to retire a large group of assets. She’s afraid she may lose her job.”) indicates the senior analyst is in possession of insider information, which, if acted on, could lead to a violation of Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. The retirement of a large group of assets would be considered material. Additionally, the insider is an accountant, which would indicate he or she would be considered reliable. Information is material if its disclosure would probably have an impact on the price of a security or if reasonable investors would want to know the information before making an investment decision. The source or relative reliability of the information is also a determining factor in materiality. The standard recommendation is for the analyst to work with the company to publicly release the material inside information. The statement by Research Assistant 2 is “One of the senior analysts I work with heard from the receptionist at an independent research firm about the potential purchase of a large block of stock of a company under his coverage. I can’t wait to find out who it involves.” While the sale of a large block of stock would be considered material, in this case, the analyst is not given a specific company name and therefore would be unable to verify the information or act on it. The analyst therefore could not violate Standard II: Integrity of Capital Markets. The specificity of the information is a key factor in determining whether a particular piece of information fits the definition of material.

Guidance for Standards I–VII
  • demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年04月23日


  1. 研究助理1说,她工作的高级分析师从一家她跟踪的公司的会计师那里听说,该公司即将退休一大批资产,这位会计师担心自己可能会失业。
  2. 研究助理2说,他工作的高级分析师从一家独立研究公司的接待员那里听说,可能会购买他覆盖的一家公司的大量股票,他迫不及待地想知道涉及哪家公司。


  • 对于研究助理1的情况,高级分析师从一家公司的会计师那里听到了关于该公司即将退休一大批资产的信息。这被视为内部信息,因为它涉及到公司的具体计划和行动,这些信息如果公开,可能会对股价产生影响。此外,由于信息来源是会计师,通常被认为是可靠的。因此,如果这位高级分析师基于这些信息采取行动,他可能会违反“资本市场诚信”的标准。
  • 对于研究助理2的情况,虽然购买大量股票的信息也很重要,但高级分析师并没有得到具体的公司名称。这意味着他无法验证这些信息或基于这些信息采取行动。因此,他不太可能违反“资本市场诚信”的标准。

综上所述,只有研究助理1提到的高级分析师可能拥有违反“资本市场诚信”标准的信息。所以正确答案是B:Yes, Research Assistant 1’s senior analyst

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