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YYJ · 2024年04月20日

ac 不太清楚



QuestionA small country possesses a comparative advantage in pencil production. To stimulate economic growth, the government implements an export subsidy for pencils. What is the most likely consequence of this policy?



Although domestic producers will gain a net benefit, the policy will result in inefficiencies and create a deadweight loss to national welfare.


With the entry of new domestic producers into the pencils market, the supply will increase, leading to a decrease in domestic prices.

C.The increase in domestic producer surplus will surpass the combined value of the subsidy and the reduction in domestic consumer surplus.



  1. Correct. Export subsidies interfere with free market operations, causing a deadweight loss to society. This loss occurs because higher subsidized prices allow inefficient producers to remain in the market. On the consumer side, the higher price excludes some consumers who would have bought at the lower price.

  2. Incorrect. Producers tend to shift output from the domestic to the export market to take advantage of the subsidy. Additionally, being a small country, the domestic market acts as a price taker, so consumers pay the international price plus the subsidy, leading to an increase in domestic prices.

  3. Incorrect. As prices rise and producers increase production beyond the efficient level, efficiency diminishes. Consequently, national welfare is negatively affected, as the increase in producer surplus is smaller than the combined cost to consumers and the government.

International Trade

• compare types of trade restrictions, such as tariffs, quotas, and export subsidies, and their economic imbplications




ac 不太清楚

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年04月20日










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NO.PZ2023071902000018 问题如下 QuestionA small country possesses a comparative aantage in pencil proction. To stimulate economic growth, the government implements export subsi for pencils. Whis the most likely consequenof this policy? A.Although mestic procers will gain a net benefit, the poliwill result in inefficiencies ancreate a aeight loss to nationwelfare. B.With the entry of new mestic procers into the pencils market, the supply will increase, leang to a crease in mestic prices. C.The increase in mestic procer surplus will surpass the combinevalue of the subsi anthe rection in mestic consumer surplus. SolutionCorrect. Export subsies interfere with free market operations, causing a aeight loss to society. This loss occurs because higher subsizeprices allow inefficient procers to remain in the market. On the consumer si, the higher priexclus some consumers who woulhave bought the lower price.Incorrect. Procers tento shift output from the mestic to the export market to take aantage of the subsi. Aitionally, being a small country, the mestic market acts a pritaker, so consumers pthe internationpriplus the subsi, leang to increase in mestic prices.Incorrect. prices rise anprocers increase proction beyonthe efficient level, efficienminishes. Consequently, nationwelfare is negatively affecte the increase in procer surplus is smaller ththe combinecost to consumers anthe government.InternationTra• compare types of tra restrictions, sutariffs, quotas, anexport subsies, antheir economic implications 题目中说 Consequently, nationwelfare is negatively affecte the increase in procer surplus is smaller ththe combinecost to consumers anthe government. 我们怎么判断增加的生产者剩余是比减少的消费者剩余和政府损失总和小呢。 谢谢

2024-03-13 21:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023071902000018 问题如下 QuestionA small country possesses a comparative aantage in pencil proction. To stimulate economic growth, the government implements export subsi for pencils. Whis the most likely consequenof this policy? A.Although mestic procers will gain a net benefit, the poliwill result in inefficiencies ancreate a aeight loss to nationwelfare. B.With the entry of new mestic procers into the pencils market, the supply will increase, leang to a crease in mestic prices. C.The increase in mestic procer surplus will surpass the combinevalue of the subsi anthe rection in mestic consumer surplus. SolutionCorrect. Export subsies interfere with free market operations, causing a aeight loss to society. This loss occurs because higher subsizeprices allow inefficient procers to remain in the market. On the consumer si, the higher priexclus some consumers who woulhave bought the lower price.Incorrect. Procers tento shift output from the mestic to the export market to take aantage of the subsi. Aitionally, being a small country, the mestic market acts a pritaker, so consumers pthe internationpriplus the subsi, leang to increase in mestic prices.Incorrect. prices rise anprocers increase proction beyonthe efficient level, efficienminishes. Consequently, nationwelfare is negatively affecte the increase in procer surplus is smaller ththe combinecost to consumers anthe government.InternationTra• compare types of tra restrictions, sutariffs, quotas, anexport subsies, antheir economic implications 中提到了higher mestic price,为什么出口补贴会使国内价格上升?

2024-03-09 19:01 1 · 回答