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世纪之龙5 · 2024年04月16日




Counterparty A is an American company with manufacturing operations in Indonesia and its main customers in the United States, while counterparty B is an American company that manufactures its goods domestically and exports solely to Indonesia. Which one of the following transactions with either counterparty will be a wrong-way exposure for a bank?



A five-year plain-vanilla IDR/USD cross-currency swap between the bank and counterparty A where the bank is USD interest rate receiver


A five-year plain-vanilla IDR/USD currency option sold by the bank to counterparty A for it to buy IDR at a certain rate


A five-year plain-vanilla IDR/USD cross-currency swap between the bank and counterparty B where the bank is USD interest rate receiver


A five-year plain-vanilla IDR/USD currency option bought by the bank from counterparty B for the bank to buy IDR at a certain rate


C is correct. This is an example of a wrong-way exposure, where a gain on the instrument for the bank is associated with a higher probability of default (PD) for its counterparty. If the IDR depreciates, counterparty A will make a profit because its costs will go down in dollars; conversely for counterparty B, because its dollar revenues will decrease. Under c., the company pays USD and receives IDR. This transaction will create a loss if the IDR depreciates. In this situation, counterparty B will lose money as well on its exports. Hence, this is a wrong-way trade.


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年04月16日


题目说:现在银行有两个交易对手方,一个是A公司,一个是B公司,问你ABCD哪一个选项是属于wrong way exposure?



所以A选项对于bank是right way exposure。


C选项:银行收取USD利息,IDR贬值就是意味着USD相对于IDR在升值,随着USD升值,Bank的利润增加,而B公司此时因为IDR贬值,它的收入在贬值,所以B公司的违约概率上升,导致银行可能无法兑现利润。这个就是典型的wrong way exposure,也就是银行账面敞口与客户的违约概率正相关了。

D选项:银行买入一个外汇期权,有权利买入IDR(就是IDR的看涨期权)。IDR汇率升值,意味着B公司的收入也在升值,此时银行的期权利润增加,B公司也不会违约,所以是right way exposure。


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NO.PZ2016072602000031 问题如下 Counterparty A is Americcompany with manufacturing operations in Innesia anits main customers in the UniteStates, while counterparty B is Americcompany thmanufactures its goo mestically anexports solely to InnesiWhione of the following transactions with either counterparty will a wrong-wexposure for a bank? A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScross-currenswbetween the bank ancounterparty A where the bank is USinterest rate receiver A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScurrenoption solthe bank to counterparty A for it to buy I a certain rate A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScross-currenswbetween the bank ancounterparty B where the bank is USinterest rate receiver A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScurrenoption bought the bank from counterparty B for the bank to buy I a certain rate C is correct. This is example of a wrong-wexposure, where a gain on the instrument for the bank is associatewith a higher probability of fault (P for its counterparty. If the I preciates, counterparty A will make a profit because its costs will go wn in llars; conversely for counterparty because its llrevenues will crease. Unr c., the company pays USanreceives I. This transaction will create a loss if the I preciates. In this situation, counterparty B will lose money well on its exports. Hence, this is a wrong-wtra. 老师好,请问B的意思是“A公司购买了印度尼西亚币”吗?但A公司是在印度尼西亚生产然后卖到美国,A公司收的是美元,应该是印度尼西亚币升值对A公司不利好啊。我搞不太懂B的逻辑,麻烦您完整的讲解一下吧,谢谢!

2023-04-09 17:54 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016072602000031 A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScurrenoption solthe bank to counterparty A for it to buy I a certain rate A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScross-currenswbetween the bank ancounterparty B where the bank is USinterest rate receiver A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScurrenoption bought the bank from counterparty B for the bank to buy I a certain rate C is correct. This is example of a wrong-wexposure, where a gain on the instrument for the bank is associatewith a higher probability of fault (P for its counterparty. If the I preciates, counterparty A will make a profit because its costs will go wn in llars; conversely for counterparty because its llrevenues will crease. Unr c., the company pays USanreceives I. This transaction will create a loss if the I preciates. In this situation, counterparty B will lose money well on its exports. Hence, this is a wrong-wtra. wrong wrisk是哪里的知识点呀?

2022-10-11 17:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016072602000031问题如下 Counterparty A is Americcompany with manufacturing operations in Innesia anits main customers in the UniteStates, while counterparty B is Americcompany thmanufactures its goo mestically anexports solely to InnesiWhione of the following transactions with either counterparty will a wrong-wexposure for a bank? A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScross-currenswbetween the bank ancounterparty A where the bank is USinterest rate receiver A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScurrenoption solthe bank to counterparty A for it to buy I a certain rate A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScross-currenswbetween the bank ancounterparty B where the bank is USinterest rate receiver A five-yeplain-vanilla I/UScurrenoption bought the bank from counterparty B for the bank to buy I a certain rate C is correct. This is example of a wrong-wexposure, where a gain on the instrument for the bank is associatewith a higher probability of fault (P for its counterparty. If the I preciates, counterparty A will make a profit because its costs will go wn in llars; conversely for counterparty because its llrevenues will crease. Unr c., the company pays USanreceives I. This transaction will create a loss if the I preciates. In this situation, counterparty B will lose money well on its exports. Hence, this is a wrong-wtra. 两个问题1.能否重新一下a不远的原因2.期权交易是否不涉及敞口的增加还是减少

2022-07-24 22:06 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016072602000031 以C为例,B是一个美国公司主要出口到印度尼西亚,整个swap的头寸是B付USinterest rate,Bank收USinterest rate。对于Bank来说,USinterest rate上升,它是越来越赚钱的,但是美元利率上升意味着美元相对印尼卢比升职,升值意味着出口竞争力就下降,B公司整体营收就会受到负面影响,反而其偿付能力会下降,对手方风险上升,所以对银行来说是有wrong-wrisk。 以例,B是一个美国公司主要出口到印度尼西亚,整个optionn的头寸是Bank以固定汇率买I。对于Bank来说,I贬值,它是越来越赚钱的,但是I贬值意味着美元相对印尼卢比升职,升值意味着出口竞争力就下降,B公司整体营收就会受到负面影响,反而其偿付能力会下降,对手方风险上升,所以对银行来说是有wrong-wrisk?

2021-12-05 10:38 1 · 回答