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Carolyne · 2024年04月15日

carry amount



Dagmar AG is a European-based manufacturing firm that prepares its financial statements according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Two members of Dagmar’s treasury group, Henrik Ferdinand and Adele Christoph, are reviewing Dagmar’s portfolio of investments.

Turning to the issue of impairment, Christoph says:

“I believe the decline in the share price of Elbe is related to its weak product offering. However the market is also unsettled by the uncertainty surrounding the current status of Elbe’s defined benefit pension plan.”

Furthermore, Christoph states:“I think we should consider the investment in Elbe impaired because with the decline in the share price, the market value has recently fallen below our book value.”

Ferdinand responds:“I do not think we have to consider it impaired because

1. despite the pension plan problems, Elbe has been able to maintain its dividends at their historical rate; and

2. the remaining goodwill from the acquisition has not been fully written off.”

Which of the statements concerning whether the investment in Elbe should be considered impaired as at the end of 2017 is most appropriate? The statement made by:



Ferdinand about the dividends.


Ferdinand about the remaining goodwill.


Christoph about market value.


A is correct. Under IFRS, there must be objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events after the initial recognition that have an effect on the investment’s future cash flows and that can be reliably measured. Ferdinand is correct in his statement that Elbe has been able to maintain dividend payments. Current dividends are €0.50 on earnings per share of €12,373/6,000 = €2.06, for a payout ratio of 24%, implying that cash flows do not appear to be impaired. Therefore, the investment should not be considered impaired for that reason.

If the investment’s fair market value is below its carrying (book) value and the decline is deemed other than temporary, an impairment loss must be recognized. According to Christoph, however, the market value “has just recently fallen” below the book value, and there is no indication that the situation of fair value below carrying value is other than temporary. Under the equity method, the investment is not carried at market value. Goodwill is not tested separately for impairment for investments using the equity method.

B is incorrect because under IFRS the goodwill is not tested separately from the investment as it is with investments being accounted for by consolidation.

C is incorrect because the fact that book value is greater than share value alone is not evidence of impairment.

carry amount 就是 book value吗?另外 为什么已知写book value 90million 而 按照1.8*17=不等于90 以哪个为准为什么

3 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月16日

请看以下截图,这是协会官方24年1月份发出的勘误,写明了IFRS下是允许Equity method下的减值转回的——所以原版书是错的,讲义才是对的

你说的“解析意思是和市价相比,只是说单单看这个比较还不够 还需要看是暂时的还是永久的。”不就是助教的意思吗?market value是股价*股份数得到的,股价是实时在变动的,一天公司的market value都可以变动很多次,怎么可能是永久性的呢?recoverable amount肯定不能等于这种一直在变动的market value

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月15日


以下讲义i截图黄色部分,老师上课说过 联营公司(equity method下)IFRS 减值是recoverable amount和carrying amount比较的,这个题目是用股价*股数来计算的是market value,股价一直会波动的,肯定不能作为recoverable amount哦

Carolyne · 2024年04月15日

经典题 NO. PZ202304050100001203 写的 两种准则下 equity method 下 减值损失都不允许回转。为何和讲义不同?老师讲的国际准则可以 美国准则不能回转

Carolyne · 2024年04月15日

请问c选项哪里错了 Christoph说的哪里错了?是那个market value错了还是 暂时性 永久性问题?

Carolyne · 2024年04月15日

C选项 你说市场价值不能作为recoverable amount.但是你看解析,解析意思是和市价相比,只是说单单看这个比较还不够 还需要看是暂时的还是永久的。请问这个C选项到底哪里错了呢

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月15日

同学你好,首先,book value 就是carrying amount,但是指的是公司Equity的账面价值

你的问题2:1.1.8*17 =30.6M是Dagmer购买子公司时候实际支付的对价。子公司实际有6M的股票发行,根本不是1.8M就全额收购子公司了。

2.book value 是Equity的账面价值,这是股东历史实际投资金额的入账价值的贾总。而股票的市场价格是二级市场的买卖价格,和公司的账面价值是无关的互不相关的两个值。所以即便你用6*17=102M也是和book value不同的

Carolyne · 2024年04月15日

C选项,是这么算吗 30.2*1.8小于59,解析说 因为无法确认是否是暂时小于还是永久性小于 所以 不减值。是这个意思吗 ?这个老师有讲过吗?

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NO.PZ2023040501000013问题如下 gmis a European-basemanufacturing firm thprepares its financistatements accorng to InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS). Two members of gmar’s treasury group, Henrik FernananAle Christoph, are reviewing gmar’s portfolio of investments.Turning to the issue of impairment, Christoph says:“I believe the cline in the share priof Elis relateto its weprooffering. However the market is also unsettlethe uncertainty surrounng the current status of Elbe’s finebenefit pension plan.”Furthermore, Christoph states:“I think we shoulconsir the investment in Elimpairebecause with the cline in the share price, the market value hrecently fallen below our book value.”Fernanrespon:“I not think we have to consir it impairebecause1. spite the pension plproblems, Elhbeen able to maintain its vin their historicrate; an. the remaining gooill from the acquisition hnot been fully written off.”Whiof the statements concerning whether the investment in Elshoulconsireimpairethe enof 2017 is most appropriate? The statement ma by: A.Fernanabout the vin.B.Fernanabout the remaining gooill.C.Christoph about market value. A is correct. Unr IFRS, there must objective evinof impairment a result of one or more events after the initirecognition thhave effeon the investment’s future cash flows anthcreliably measure Fernanis correin his statement thElhbeen able to maintain vinpayments. Current vin are €0.50 on earnings per share of €12,373/6,000 = €2.06, for a payout ratio of 24%, implying thcash flows not appeto impaire Therefore, the investment shoulnot consireimpairefor threason.If the investment’s fair market value is below its carrying (book) value anthe cline is emeother thtemporary, impairment loss must recognize Accorng to Christoph, however, the market value “hjust recently fallen” below the book value, anthere is no incation ththe situation of fair value below carrying value is other thtemporary. Unr the equity metho the investment is not carriemarket value. Gooill is not testeseparately for impairment for investments using the equity methoB is incorrebecause unr IFRS the gooill is not testeseparately from the investment it is with investments being accountefor consolition.C is incorrebecause the fathbook value is greater thshare value alone is not evinof impairment. 老师,bc为什么错?知识点在哪

2024-07-01 12:07 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000013 问题如下 gmis a European-basemanufacturing firm thprepares its financistatements accorng to InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS). Two members of gmar’s treasury group, Henrik FernananAle Christoph, are reviewing gmar’s portfolio of investments.Turning to the issue of impairment, Christoph says:“I believe the cline in the share priof Elis relateto its weprooffering. However the market is also unsettlethe uncertainty surrounng the current status of Elbe’s finebenefit pension plan.”Furthermore, Christoph states:“I think we shoulconsir the investment in Elimpairebecause with the cline in the share price, the market value hrecently fallen below our book value.”Fernanrespon:“I not think we have to consir it impairebecause1. spite the pension plproblems, Elhbeen able to maintain its vin their historicrate; an. the remaining gooill from the acquisition hnot been fully written off.”Whiof the statements concerning whether the investment in Elshoulconsireimpairethe enof 2017 is most appropriate? The statement ma by: A.Fernanabout the vin. B.Fernanabout the remaining gooill. C.Christoph about market value. A is correct. Unr IFRS, there must objective evinof impairment a result of one or more events after the initirecognition thhave effeon the investment’s future cash flows anthcreliably measure Fernanis correin his statement thElhbeen able to maintain vinpayments. Current vin are €0.50 on earnings per share of €12,373/6,000 = €2.06, for a payout ratio of 24%, implying thcash flows not appeto impaire Therefore, the investment shoulnot consireimpairefor threason.If the investment’s fair market value is below its carrying (book) value anthe cline is emeother thtemporary, impairment loss must recognize Accorng to Christoph, however, the market value “hjust recently fallen” below the book value, anthere is no incation ththe situation of fair value below carrying value is other thtemporary. Unr the equity metho the investment is not carriemarket value. Gooill is not testeseparately for impairment for investments using the equity methoB is incorrebecause unr IFRS the gooill is not testeseparately from the investment it is with investments being accountefor consolition.C is incorrebecause the fathbook value is greater thshare value alone is not evinof impairment. 对于Equity methoIFRS下1、当carrying value recoverable amount时,需要做减值准备2、recoverable amout = max【fair value,value in use(PV(CF)】这道题value in use没变(v正常发),因而value in use carrying value,所以不需要减值

2024-05-16 14:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000013问题如下 gmis a European-basemanufacturing firm thprepares its financistatements accorng to InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS). Two members of gmar’s treasury group, Henrik FernananAle Christoph, are reviewing gmar’s portfolio of investments.Turning to the issue of impairment, Christoph says:“I believe the cline in the share priof Elis relateto its weprooffering. However the market is also unsettlethe uncertainty surrounng the current status of Elbe’s finebenefit pension plan.”Furthermore, Christoph states:“I think we shoulconsir the investment in Elimpairebecause with the cline in the share price, the market value hrecently fallen below our book value.”Fernanrespon:“I not think we have to consir it impairebecause1. spite the pension plproblems, Elhbeen able to maintain its vin their historicrate; an. the remaining gooill from the acquisition hnot been fully written off.”Whiof the statements concerning whether the investment in Elshoulconsireimpairethe enof 2017 is most appropriate? The statement ma by: A.Fernanabout the vin.B.Fernanabout the remaining gooill.C.Christoph about market value. A is correct. Unr IFRS, there must objective evinof impairment a result of one or more events after the initirecognition thhave effeon the investment’s future cash flows anthcreliably measure Fernanis correin his statement thElhbeen able to maintain vinpayments. Current vin are €0.50 on earnings per share of €12,373/6,000 = €2.06, for a payout ratio of 24%, implying thcash flows not appeto impaire Therefore, the investment shoulnot consireimpairefor threason.If the investment’s fair market value is below its carrying (book) value anthe cline is emeother thtemporary, impairment loss must recognize Accorng to Christoph, however, the market value “hjust recently fallen” below the book value, anthere is no incation ththe situation of fair value below carrying value is other thtemporary. Unr the equity metho the investment is not carriemarket value. Gooill is not testeseparately for impairment for investments using the equity methoB is incorrebecause unr IFRS the gooill is not testeseparately from the investment it is with investments being accountefor consolition.C is incorrebecause the fathbook value is greater thshare value alone is not evinof impairment. 这个方法下的associate减值测试是怎样的 老师讲过吗?

2024-04-15 15:08 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040501000013 问题如下 gmis a European-basemanufacturing firm thprepares its financistatements accorng to InternationFinanciReporting Stanr (IFRS). Two members of gmar’s treasury group, Henrik FernananAle Christoph, are reviewing gmar’s portfolio of investments.Turning to the issue of impairment, Christoph says:“I believe the cline in the share priof Elis relateto its weprooffering. However the market is also unsettlethe uncertainty surrounng the current status of Elbe’s finebenefit pension plan.”Furthermore, Christoph states:“I think we shoulconsir the investment in Elimpairebecause with the cline in the share price, the market value hrecently fallen below our book value.”Fernanrespon:“I not think we have to consir it impairebecause1. spite the pension plproblems, Elhbeen able to maintain its vin their historicrate; an. the remaining gooill from the acquisition hnot been fully written off.”Whiof the statements concerning whether the investment in Elshoulconsireimpairethe enof 2017 is most appropriate? The statement ma by: A.Fernanabout the vin. B.Fernanabout the remaining gooill. C.Christoph about market value. A is correct. Unr IFRS, there must objective evinof impairment a result of one or more events after the initirecognition thhave effeon the investment’s future cash flows anthcreliably measure Fernanis correin his statement thElhbeen able to maintain vinpayments. Current vin are €0.50 on earnings per share of €12,373/6,000 = €2.06, for a payout ratio of 24%, implying thcash flows not appeto impaire Therefore, the investment shoulnot consireimpairefor threason.If the investment’s fair market value is below its carrying (book) value anthe cline is emeother thtemporary, impairment loss must recognize Accorng to Christoph, however, the market value “hjust recently fallen” below the book value, anthere is no incation ththe situation of fair value below carrying value is other thtemporary. Unr the equity metho the investment is not carriemarket value. Gooill is not testeseparately for impairment for investments using the equity methoB is incorrebecause unr IFRS the gooill is not testeseparately from the investment it is with investments being accountefor consolition.C is incorrebecause the fathbook value is greater thshare value alone is not evinof impairment. A说保持在分红保持在历史水平,从题干哪里能得出这个结论?

2023-10-22 10:53 1 · 回答