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Carolyne · 2024年04月13日


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(1) In the discussion about using the equity method to account for Bardem’s purchase of Ariana, which statement is most accurate? The statement by:





Casado concerning joint ventures.


Casado concerning board of directors’ positions.


Domingues’ statement that Bardem will be required to use the equity method is accurate. The equity method of accounting is required when an investor holds 20% to 50% of the voting rights of an associate unless circumstances clearly demonstrate that the investor cannot exercise significant influence. Holding a seat on the board is a factor to consider, but is not required to demonstrate influence.

investee holds a seat of associate 董事会。这句话是不是怎么样都是错的 这句话是说 被投资人在他自己公司董事会有席位。是不是这个意思?

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月13日


但是也可能是这里原版书typo了,因为解析中的并没有提及investee这个这么明显的错误点,所以我们依然需要知道,有董事会席位这件事并不能100%说明要用equity method


绿色部分,在被投资公司有董事会席位是有可能(may)说明母公司对子公司有显著的影响从而可以使用equity method的


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NO.PZ202304050100001201 问题如下 (1) In the scussion about using the equity methoto account for Barm’s purchase of Arianwhistatement is most accurate? The statement by: A.mingues. B.Casa concerning joint ventures. C.Casa concerning boarof rectors’ positions. mingues’ statement thBarm will requireto use the equity methois accurate. The equity methoof accounting is requirewhen investor hol 20% to 50% of the voting rights of associate unless circumstances clearly monstrate ththe investor cannot exercise significant influence. Holng a seon the boaris a factor to consir, but is not requireto monstrate influence. 可以用这个吗

2024-08-06 15:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202304050100001201 问题如下 (1) In the scussion about using the equity methoto account for Barm’s purchase of Arianwhistatement is most accurate? The statement by: A.mingues. B.Casa concerning joint ventures. C.Casa concerning boarof rectors’ positions. mingues’ statement thBarm will requireto use the equity methois accurate. The equity methoof accounting is requirewhen investor hol 20% to 50% of the voting rights of associate unless circumstances clearly monstrate ththe investor cannot exercise significant influence. Holng a seon the boaris a factor to consir, but is not requireto monstrate influence. 老师,能一下B吗

2024-07-24 11:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202304050100001201问题如下 (1) In the scussion about using the equity methoto account for Barm’s purchase of Arianwhistatement is most accurate? The statement by: A.mingues.B.Casa concerning joint ventures.C.Casa concerning boarof rectors’ positions. mingues’ statement thBarm will requireto use the equity methois accurate. The equity methoof accounting is requirewhen investor hol 20% to 50% of the voting rights of associate unless circumstances clearly monstrate ththe investor cannot exercise significant influence. Holng a seon the boaris a factor to consir, but is not requireto monstrate influence. C在说被投资人在母公司董事会有坐席,这个不也是错误的吗?

2023-05-20 17:11 1 · 回答