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張楚晨晨晨O_o · 2024年04月10日

什么情况下会有comprehensive income出现呢



If a company raises $20 million by new common stock's issuance, which of the financial statements will be impacted by this transaction?



Balance sheet, the statement of comprehensive income, and cash flow statement.


Income statement, statement of owners' equity.


Balance sheet, cash flow statement, and statement of owners' equity.


C is correct.

Balance sheet is increased by assets ( $20 million cash) and equity (new common stock). The $20 million is a cash inflow from financing and shows in the cash flow statement. It is also an increase in contributed capital and shows in the statement of owners' equity . The income statement is not affected by new common stock's issurance.


资产负债表因资产($20 m cash)和股权(新普通股)而增加。 $20 m是现金流量表中的融资现金流入, 同时也是所有者权益表中的投入资本( contributed capital )增加。 损益表不受新普通股发行的影响。


2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月10日


这就是comprehensive income

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月10日

同学你好,comprehensive income说穿了是一种收入,是由于企业的经营所产生的收入支出,其中包括了I/S表项目和OCI表项目——I/S表就展示了公司正常的经营收入支出,而OCI是一些特殊的收入,可能和经营不直接相关,所以不适合放在I/S表,但I/S表项目和OCI表项目都是公司经营一段时间后的经营成果的展现


張楚晨晨晨O_o · 2024年04月10日

谢谢但我想要一个具体例子帮助理解 能不能给一个是comprehensive income在现实生活中的例子嘞

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NO.PZ2016012102000012 问题如下 If a company raises $20 million new common stock's issuance, whiof the financistatements will impactethis transaction? A.Balansheet, the statement of comprehensive income, ancash flow statement. B.Income statement, statement of owners' equity. C.Balansheet, cash flow statement, anstatement of owners' equity. C is correct.Balansheet is increaseassets ( $20 million cash) anequity (new common stock). The $20 million is a cash inflow from financing anshows in the cash flow statement. It is also increase in contributecapitanshows in the statement of owners' equity . The income statement is not affectenew common stock's issurance.考点财务报表科目资产负债表因资产($20 m cash)和股权(新普通股)而增加。 $20 m是现金流量表中的融资现金流入, 同时也是所有者权益表中的投入资本( contributecapit)增加。 损益表不受新普通股发行的影响。 comprehensive income 表在哪里讲到的呢?涉及哪些科目呢?

2024-02-25 17:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000012 Income statement, statement of owners' equity. Balansheet, cash flow statement, anstatement of owners' equity. C is correct. Balansheet is increaseassets ( $20 million cash) anequity (new common stock). The $20 million is a cash inflow from financing anshows in the cash flow statement. It is also increase in contributecapitanshows in the statement of owners' equity . The income statement is not affectenew common stock's issurance. 考点财务报表科目 资产负债表因资产($20 m cash)和股权(新普通股)而增加。 $20 m是现金流量表中的融资现金流入, 同时也是所有者权益表中的投入资本( contributecapit)增加。 损益表不受新普通股发行的影响。 the statement of comprehensive income是指comprehensive income表➕IS表吗

2021-12-23 02:33 1 · 回答

老师,这一题如果B中再加一个cash flow statement 也是正确的?

2020-05-28 15:47 1 · 回答


2018-11-23 16:18 1 · 回答