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AnnaZ · 2024年04月10日




F manages the securities investment portfolio for company G. The cash held in the investment portfolio is invested by the existing custodian bank of Company G, that is, F does not control this cash investment. Does F have to include cash and cash equivalents in the calculation of portfolio returns?





No, the cash is not controlled by F


No, F does not have discretion over the selection of the custodian


A is correct.

The GIPS standards state, “Returns from cash and cash equivalents must be included in all return calculations, even if the firm does not control the specific cash investment(s).”



1 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年04月10日


在这一节Composite Time-Weighted Return Calculations


  • 1

  • 0

  • 271


NO.PZ2022010601000005 问题如下 F manages the securities investment portfolio for company G. The cash helin the investment portfolio is investethe existing custobank of Company G, this, F es not control this cash investment. es F have to inclu cash ancash equivalents in the calculation of portfolio returns? A.Yes B.No, the cash is not controlleF C.No, F es not have scretion over the selection of the custo A is correct. The GIPS stanr state, “Returns from cash ancash equivalents must incluin all return calculations, even if the firm es not control the specific cash investment(s).” 现金和现金等价物的回报必须包括在所有回报计算中,即使公司不控制特定的现金投资。 custo 公司不是由G指定的么,F没权决定在哪托管,不是不应该算进asset里面吗

2024-03-31 17:30 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010601000005 问题如下 F manages the securities investment portfolio for company G. The cash helin the investment portfolio is investethe existing custobank of Company G, this, F es not control this cash investment. es F have to inclu cash ancash equivalents in the calculation of portfolio returns? A.Yes B.No, the cash is not controlleF C.No, F es not have scretion over the selection of the custo A is correct. The GIPS stanr state, “Returns from cash ancash equivalents must incluin all return calculations, even if the firm es not control the specific cash investment(s).” 现金和现金等价物的回报必须包括在所有回报计算中,即使公司不控制特定的现金投资。 看了别的问题也无法理解 这不是non-scretionary嘛?

2023-08-27 23:54 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2022010601000005 No, the cash is not controlleF No, F es not have scretion over the selection of the custo A is correct. The GIPS stanr state, “Returns from cash ancash equivalents must incluin all return calculations, even if the firm es not control the specific cash investment(s).” 没明白都不能control了为啥还要包括?

2022-04-07 12:58 1 · 回答