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刘杨 · 2024年04月09日




Loris is planning on reviewing the financial statements of Atlantic Preserves, Inc., in the next few days. The company has recently signed a new collective agreement with its workers, and he is interested in seeing how the company’s employment costs have been affected. The company prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and the new collective agreement becomes effective January 1, 2012.

Paul extracts portions of the new collective agreement related to the pension plan and mentions to Loris that there have been two changes related to the plan:

1.The benefit formula has been changed to 1.75% x Final year’s salary x Number of years of service under the plan. Previously, the same formula was employed but a factor of 1.65% had been used.

2.The vesting period has been changed from four years to three years.

Paul makes the following two comments about these changes to the pension plan:

1.The new formula will have a big impact on income because the past service costs that arise will be expensed immediately.

2.The change to a shorter vesting period will give rise to an actuarial gain.

Loris responds, “Any unamortized past service costs that arise will be reported in other comprehensive income and will be part of the determination of the net pension liability or asset.”

Regarding Loris and Paul’s discussion about the changes in the pension plan arising from the new collective agreement, which comment is most accurate?



Loris’ response


Paul’s first comment


Paul’s second comment


A is correct. Loris’ response is most accurate. Past service costs arise because of the enrichment of the pension benefit to be received under the plan. Under U.S. GAAP, any unamortized past service costs will be reported in other comprehensive income and will be part of the determination of the net pension liability or asset. Under IFRS, the past service costs are recognized as an expense in the income statement.

 will be part of the determination of the net pension liability or asset该怎么理解

2 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月25日

同学你好,你再看下这个讲义截图,psc是整体都会影响PBO的,而不是只有amortized 部分才会通过I/S表影响PBO


王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年04月09日

同学你好,无论美国准则还是IFRS,past service cost都是PBO的一部分

而funded status是net pension liability 还是 net asset,是由PBO和plan assets 轧差得到的

从这个角度看,不就是PSC始终会通过影响PBO来影响net pension liability or asset也就是作为其影响因素的一部分了嘛

qiqi77 · 2024年04月25日


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NO.PZ2023040501000040问题如下 Loris is planning on reviewing the financistatements of Atlantic Preserves, Inc., in the next few ys. The company hrecently signea new collective agreement with its workers, anhe is interestein seeing how the company’s employment costs have been affecte The company prepares its financistatements in accornwith U.S. GAAP, anthe new collective agreement becomes effective January 1, 2012.Paul extracts portions of the new collective agreement relateto the pension planmentions to Loris ththere have been two changes relateto the plan:1.The benefit formula hbeen changeto 1.75% x Finyear’s salary x Number of years of serviunr the plan. Previously, the same formula wemployebut a factor of 1.65% hbeen use2.The vesting periohbeen changefrom four years to three years.Paul makes the following two comments about these changes to the pension plan:1.The new formula will have a big impaon income because the past servicosts tharise will expenseimmeately.2.The change to a shorter vesting periowill give rise to actuarigain.Loris respon, “Any unamortizepast servicosts tharise will reportein other comprehensive income anwill part of the termination of the net pension liability or asset.”Regarng Loris anPaul’s scussion about the changes in the pension plarising from the new collective agreement, whicomment is most accurate? A.Loris’ responseB.Paul’s first commentC.Paul’s seconcomment A is correct. Loris’ response is most accurate. Past servicosts arise because of the enrichment of the pension benefit to receiveunr the plan. Unr U.S. GAAP, any unamortizepast servicosts will reportein other comprehensive income anwill part of the termination of the net pension liability or asset. Unr IFRS, the past servicosts are recognizeexpense in the income statement. vesting 时间变短 benefit减少 PBO减少 不就是gain吗

2024-04-15 23:22 1 · 回答