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小强爱英语 · 2024年04月09日


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In the continued conversation between Mercer and Ong, which sub-standard of Standard I: Professionalism did Ong least likely violate?




C.Independence and Objectivity


  1. Incorrect, because Ong did most likely violate Standard I(A): Misconduct by maligning the reputation of Daniel Ngyue on the basis of his speculation about Ngyue’s drinking and a rumor he heard. Members and candidates are not to engage in any professional conduct that reflects adversely on their integrity.

  2. Correct, because Ong least likely violated Standard I(C): Misrepresentation when stating he had a stellar reputation, since Mercer had previously noted it as one of the reasons why she was talking to him, so it is unlikely he misrepresented himself. Ong, however, did violate Standard I(A): Misconduct by maligning the reputation of Daniel Ngyue on the basis of his speculation about Ngyue’s drinking and a rumor he heard. Members and candidates are not to engage in any professional conduct that reflects adversely on their integrity. He also potentially violated Standard I(B): Independence and Objectivity by stating the influential people he could introduce her to would possibly give her future assignments if they knew they were working together. Ong is trying to influence Mercer’s decision to go with his firm by implying he could possibly increase her potential future income through his contacts rather than appointing the adviser most appropriate for her current assignment.

  3. Incorrect, because Ong most likely violated Standard I(B): Independence and Objectivity by stating the influential people he could introduce her to would possibly give her future assignments if they knew they were working together. Ong is trying to influence Mercer’s decision to go with his firm by implying he could possibly increase her potential future income through his contacts rather than appointing the adviser most appropriate for her current assignment. Members and candidates are not to accept or offer any benefit that could reasonably be expected to compromise their own or other’s independence and objectivity. The introduction to influential people could compromise her independence and objectivity when selecting an adviser to work with her.

Guidance for Standards I–VII
  • demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年04月10日



  1. Misconduct:Ong对Daniel Ngyue的声誉进行了诋毁,基于他对Ngyue饮酒习惯的猜测和一个他听到的谣言。这种行为可能损害了Ong作为专业人士的诚信,因此可能违反了Misconduct。
  2. Misrepresentation:关于这一点,Ong在描述自己“卓越的名声”时并没有提供虚假信息。Mercer之前已经注意到了Ong的声誉,并因此与他接触,所以Ong在这里并没有误述自己的情况。
  3. Independence and Objectivity:Ong暗示,如果Mercer选择与他合作,他可以介绍她与行业内其他有影响力的人士认识,这可能有助于她在未来获得更多的工作。这种暗示可能影响了Mercer在选择顾问时的客观判断,因为她可能会因为潜在的未来利益而偏向于选择Ong,而不是基于对当前任务需求的客观评估。因此,这一行为可能违反了Independence and Objectivity

综上所述,题目要求选出Ong最不可能违反的标准,那么选项B Misrepresentation

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