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小强爱英语 · 2024年04月05日


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Is Prem’s arrangement to enhance business relations most likely consistent with the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct?



B.No, with regard to best execution.

C.No, with regard to independence and objectivity.


  1. Incorrect because Prem’s employer, Ashoka, is not able to provide best execution for Gupta’s customers due to the longer timeframe required to settle trades. Thus Mathew is in violation of Standard III(A)–Duties to Clients.

  2. Correct. Prem’s employer, Ashoka, is not able to provide best execution for Gupta’s customers because of the longer time frame required to execute trades, despite having similar commission structures to other brokers. Thus Mathew is in violation of Standard III(A)–Duties to Clients. Mathew’s independence and objectivity are unlikely to be compromised by Prem’s arranging the itinerary because Mathew had specifically identified the companies he wanted to visit. Mathew also added questions to Prem’s list of questions to be addressed with management during their interviews, so Mathew’s independence and objectivity would not likely be compromised. Ashoka’s offer to pay for the trip expenses also does not necessarily compromise Mathew’s independence and objectivity with regard to making investment recommendations or taking investment action [Standard I(B)–Independence and Objectivity]. Also of note, there doesn’t appear to be any evidence soft dollar commissions were not being used for the benefit of Gupta clients because the research trip is for their benefit.

  3. Incorrect as Mathew’s independence and objectivity is unlikely to be compromised by Prem arranging the itinerary and/or establishing a list of questions to be addressed with management during their interviews. Asoka’s offer to pay for the trip expenses also does not necessarily compromise Mathew’s independence and objectivity with regard to making investment recommendations or taking investment action [Standard I(B)–Independence and Objectivity].

Guidance for Standards I–VII
  • demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct by applying the Code and Standards to specific situations


1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年04月06日


  • Christian Mathew是Gupta Asset Managers的股权分析师,专攻饮料行业,计划前往斯里兰卡研究茶产业。
  • Murali Premadosa(Prem)是Ashoka Brokers的研究分析师,帮助Mathew安排访问斯里兰卡高地上市茶园的行程。
  • 首先,Ashoka将支付Mathew在斯里兰卡的所有费用,包括食物、住宿和交通,以换取通过Ashoka进行所有由此次考察产生的证券交易。
  • Ashoka的佣金率与竞争对手相当,但由于是新的经纪公司,处理大量交易可能需要额外的时间。


A. Yes.:这个选项认为Prem的安排符合CFA要求。但从描述中我们知道,Ashoka在执行大量交易时可能需要额外时间,这可能不符合“最佳执行best execution”的原则。

B. No,with regard to best execution.:此选项指出,由于Ashoka在执行交易时可能需要更长时间,因此可能不符合最佳执行的原则。这与问题描述中的信息相符,即Ashoka作为新经纪公司,处理大量交易可能需要额外时间。

C. No,with regard to independence and objectivity.:这个选项认为Prem的安排可能影响了Mathew的独立性和客观性。但从描述中我们可以看出,Mathew自己选择了要访问的公司,并添加了自己的问题,因此他的独立性和客观性可能没有受到太大影响。此外,支付旅行费用并不一定影响他做出投资建议或采取投资行动的独立性和客观性。

综上所述,最可能的问题在于Ashoka可能无法提供best exection,因此最合适的答案是:B. No,with regard to best execution。这意味着,尽管Ashoka的佣金率与竞争对手相当,但由于其执行交易可能需要更长时间,因此可能不符合CFA协会关于best exection的要求。

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