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游得过 · 2024年04月03日

interest payment怎么理解,为什么是CB

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Which of Doyle’s statements regarding the Eurodollar futures contract price is correct?



Only Statement 1


Only Statement 2


Both Statement 1 and Statement 2


C is correct.

Doyle’s first statement is correct. Unless the Eurodollar futures contract’s quoted price is equal to the no-arbitrage futures price, there is an arbitrage opportunity. Moreover, if the quoted futures price is less than the no arbitrage futures price, then to take advantage of the arbitrage opportunity, the Eurodollar futures contract should be purchased and the underlying Eurodollar bond should be sold short. Doyle would then lend the short sale proceeds at the risk-free rate. The strategy that comprises those transactions is known as reverse carry arbitrage.

Doyle’s second statement is also correct. Based on the cost of carry model, the futures price is calculated as the future value of the sum of the underlying plus the underlying carry costs minus the future value of any ownership benefits. If the Eurodollar bond’s interest payment was expected in five months instead of two, the benefit of the cash flow would occur three months later, so the future value of the benefits term would be slightly lower. Therefore, the Eurodollar futures contract price would be slightly higher if the Eurodollar bond’s interest payment was expected in five months instead of two months.

A is incorrect because Doyle’s Statement 2 is correct (not incorrect). Based on the cost of carry model, the futures price would be higher if the underlying Eurodollar bond’s interest payment took place in five months instead of two months.

B is incorrect because Doyle’s Statement 1 is correct (not incorrect). If the Eurodollar’s futures contract price is less than the price suggested by the carry arbitrage model, the futures contract should be purchased.



表述2:期货价格=FV(S0 +CC-CB),CC表示carry cost,CB表示carry benefit。

interest payment属于CB,如果利息支付发生在5个月而非2个月后,则CB的FV会因为后期复利的时间缩短了3个月而降低,考虑到CB作为减项,其减少将会导致期货价格上升,因此表述正确。

interest payment怎么理解,为什么是CB

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年04月04日


这里的interest payment指的就是投资者在买了债券之后,债券发行人会支付给投资者的利息。而持有期货是拿不到这个利息收入的。

当题目在讨论期货时,指的利息(不管是写成interest payment还是income)都是现货(比如债券现货)带来的利息收入,而期货是拿不到这个收入的,所以是属于CB,应该减去CB。


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  • 0

  • 318


NO.PZ202108100100000301 问题如下 Whiof yle’s statements regarng the Eurollfutures contrapriis correct? A.Only Statement 1 B.Only Statement 2 Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 C is correct. yle’s first statement is correct. Unless the Eurollfutures contract’s quotepriis equto the no-arbitrage futures price, there is arbitrage opportunity. Moreover, if the quotefutures priis less ththe no arbitrage futures price, then to take aantage of the arbitrage opportunity, the Eurollfutures contrashoulpurchaseanthe unrlying Eurollbonshoulsolshort. yle woulthen lenthe short sale procee the risk-free rate. The strategy thcomprises those transactions is known reverse carry arbitrage.yle’s seconstatement is also correct. Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priis calculatethe future value of the sum of the unrlying plus the unrlying carry costs minus the future value of any ownership benefits. If the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two, the benefit of the cash flow wouloccur three months later, so the future value of the benefits term woulslightly lower. Therefore, the Eurollfutures contrapriwoulslightly higher if the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two months.A is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 2 is corre(not incorrect). Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priwoulhigher if the unrlying Eurollbons interest payment took plain five months insteof two months.B is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 1 is corre(not incorrect). If the Eurollar’s futures contrapriis less ththe prisuggestethe carry arbitrage mol, the futures contrashoulpurchase 中文解析表述1由无套利模型定价得到的期货的价格是合理定价,现在市场上欧洲美元期货的价格低于这个合理定价,则买低卖高,因此应该买入,表述正确。表述2期货价格=FV(S0 +CC-CB),CC表示carry cost,CB表示carry benefit。interest payment属于CB,如果利息支付发生在5个月而非2个月后,则CB的FV会因为后期复利的时间缩短了3个月而降低,考虑到CB作为减项,其减少将会导致期货价格上升,因此表述正确。 如果持有bon在到期时用FP的价格卖出bon不应该是FP越高越好么,为什么FP降价的时候买future呢?

2023-07-23 20:46 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000301 问题如下 Whiof yle’s statements regarng the Eurollfutures contrapriis correct? A.Only Statement 1 B.Only Statement 2 Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 C is correct. yle’s first statement is correct. Unless the Eurollfutures contract’s quotepriis equto the no-arbitrage futures price, there is arbitrage opportunity. Moreover, if the quotefutures priis less ththe no arbitrage futures price, then to take aantage of the arbitrage opportunity, the Eurollfutures contrashoulpurchaseanthe unrlying Eurollbonshoulsolshort. yle woulthen lenthe short sale procee the risk-free rate. The strategy thcomprises those transactions is known reverse carry arbitrage.yle’s seconstatement is also correct. Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priis calculatethe future value of the sum of the unrlying plus the unrlying carry costs minus the future value of any ownership benefits. If the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two, the benefit of the cash flow wouloccur three months later, so the future value of the benefits term woulslightly lower. Therefore, the Eurollfutures contrapriwoulslightly higher if the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two months.A is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 2 is corre(not incorrect). Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priwoulhigher if the unrlying Eurollbons interest payment took plain five months insteof two months.B is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 1 is corre(not incorrect). If the Eurollar’s futures contrapriis less ththe prisuggestethe carry arbitrage mol, the futures contrashoulpurchase 中文解析表述1由无套利模型定价得到的期货的价格是合理定价,现在市场上欧洲美元期货的价格低于这个合理定价,则买低卖高,因此应该买入,表述正确。表述2期货价格=FV(S0 +CC-CB),CC表示carry cost,CB表示carry benefit。interest payment属于CB,如果利息支付发生在5个月而非2个月后,则CB的FV会因为后期复利的时间缩短了3个月而降低,考虑到CB作为减项,其减少将会导致期货价格上升,因此表述正确。 carry arbitrage mol是无套利吗?应该是套利吧?套利方法是FP-SO(1+R)的t次方。reverse carry arbitrage mol是反过来。no arbitrage mol才是无套利。所以,我认为如果市场FP更低,那么FP-SO(1+R)的t次方的价值就更低,所以就不应该买入。我的想法错在哪

2023-07-02 17:12 3 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000301问题如下 Whiof yle’s statements regarng the Eurollfutures contrapriis correct? A.Only Statement 1B.Only Statement 2Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 C is correct. yle’s first statement is correct. Unless the Eurollfutures contract’s quotepriis equto the no-arbitrage futures price, there is arbitrage opportunity. Moreover, if the quotefutures priis less ththe no arbitrage futures price, then to take aantage of the arbitrage opportunity, the Eurollfutures contrashoulpurchaseanthe unrlying Eurollbonshoulsolshort. yle woulthen lenthe short sale procee the risk-free rate. The strategy thcomprises those transactions is known reverse carry arbitrage.yle’s seconstatement is also correct. Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priis calculatethe future value of the sum of the unrlying plus the unrlying carry costs minus the future value of any ownership benefits. If the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two, the benefit of the cash flow wouloccur three months later, so the future value of the benefits term woulslightly lower. Therefore, the Eurollfutures contrapriwoulslightly higher if the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two months.A is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 2 is corre(not incorrect). Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priwoulhigher if the unrlying Eurollbons interest payment took plain five months insteof two months.B is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 1 is corre(not incorrect). If the Eurollar’s futures contrapriis less ththe prisuggestethe carry arbitrage mol, the futures contrashoulpurchase 中文解析表述1由无套利模型定价得到的期货的价格是合理定价,现在市场上欧洲美元期货的价格低于这个合理定价,则买低卖高,因此应该买入,表述正确。表述2期货价格=FV(S0 +CC-CB),CC表示carry cost,CB表示carry benefit。interest payment属于CB,如果利息支付发生在5个月而非2个月后,则CB的FV会因为后期复利的时间缩短了3个月而降低,考虑到CB作为减项,其减少将会导致期货价格上升,因此表述正确。 //////////////

2023-05-27 22:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202108100100000301 问题如下 Whiof yle’s statements regarng the Eurollfutures contrapriis correct? A.Only Statement 1 B.Only Statement 2 Both Statement 1 anStatement 2 C is correct. yle’s first statement is correct. Unless the Eurollfutures contract’s quotepriis equto the no-arbitrage futures price, there is arbitrage opportunity. Moreover, if the quotefutures priis less ththe no arbitrage futures price, then to take aantage of the arbitrage opportunity, the Eurollfutures contrashoulpurchaseanthe unrlying Eurollbonshoulsolshort. yle woulthen lenthe short sale procee the risk-free rate. The strategy thcomprises those transactions is known reverse carry arbitrage.yle’s seconstatement is also correct. Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priis calculatethe future value of the sum of the unrlying plus the unrlying carry costs minus the future value of any ownership benefits. If the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two, the benefit of the cash flow wouloccur three months later, so the future value of the benefits term woulslightly lower. Therefore, the Eurollfutures contrapriwoulslightly higher if the Eurollbons interest payment wexpectein five months insteof two months.A is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 2 is corre(not incorrect). Baseon the cost of carry mol, the futures priwoulhigher if the unrlying Eurollbons interest payment took plain five months insteof two months.B is incorrebecause yle’s Statement 1 is corre(not incorrect). If the Eurollar’s futures contrapriis less ththe prisuggestethe carry arbitrage mol, the futures contrashoulpurchase 中文解析表述1由无套利模型定价得到的期货的价格是合理定价,现在市场上欧洲美元期货的价格低于这个合理定价,则买低卖高,因此应该买入,表述正确。表述2期货价格=FV(S0 +CC-CB),CC表示carry cost,CB表示carry benefit。interest payment属于CB,如果利息支付发生在5个月而非2个月后,则CB的FV会因为后期复利的时间缩短了3个月而降低,考虑到CB作为减项,其减少将会导致期货价格上升,因此表述正确。 如题

2022-08-08 15:50 1 · 回答