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哈里ZPF · 2024年03月27日




Smith, an analyst in a local asset management firm, covers Brazil equities and directs brokerage to Brazil who pays Smith’s briefing trip to Brazil through a soft dollar arrangement. Smith is not sure that the broker’s execution is competitive and he decides to use commission dollars to pay for his hotel expenses. Does Smith violate the Code and Standards?



Yes, Smith violates Standard III(A) by not knowing whether the commissions charged by Brazil are reasonable and using commission dollars to pay hotel expenses.


Yes, Smith violates Standard III(A) only by using commission dollars to pay hotel expenses.


No, Smith doesn't violate Code and Standards.


A is correct.

Smith violates Standard III(A) by not exercising her duty of loyalty to her clients. He should have determined whether the commissions charged by Brazil are reasonable in relation to the benefit of the research provided by the trip. The hotel expenses should not be paid for with commission dollars, which is client's asset.



1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年03月28日



  1. 未确定佣金的合理性:Smith没有确定巴西方面收取的佣金是否合理,这违反了其对客户应尽的忠诚义务。他应该进行某种形式的分析或比较,以确保所支付的佣金与考察旅行所提供的研究价值相符。
  2. 不当使用佣金:Smith决定使用佣金来支付他的酒店费用,这也是不恰当的。佣金是客户的资产,应该仅用于支付与投资活动直接相关的费用。将佣金用于个人开支(如酒店费用)是不符合职业道德的。




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NO.PZ2018062009000028 问题如下 Smith, analyst in a locasset management firm, covers Brazil equities anrects brokerage to Brazil who pays Smith’s briefing trip to Brazil through a soft llarrangement. Smith is not sure ththe broker’s execution is competitive anhe cis to use commission llars to pfor his hotel expenses. es Smith violate the Co anStanr? A.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(not knowing whether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable anusing commission llars to photel expenses. B.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(only using commission llars to photel expenses. C.No, Smith esn't violate Co anStanr. A is correct.Smith violates StanrIII(not exercising her ty of loyalty to her clients. He shoulhave terminewhether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable in relation to the benefit of the researprovithe trip. The hotel expenses shoulnot paifor with commission llars, whiis client's asset.Smith因为没有对客户旅行忠诚的责任而违反了准则III(A)。他应该确定Brazil提供的旅行是否直接有利于帮助客户做投资决策。佣金不可以用来付旅行的费用,因为佣金依然属于客户的钱。 老师,soft llar只能用于为客户做投资决策的research,意思是题目中说的“巴西负责人通过软美元安排支付史密斯前往巴西的旅行费用”,这个去做research路上的旅行费用也能用soft llar吗?那去做research的时候吃的饭也能用soft llar吗?

2024-08-23 19:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000028 问题如下 Smith, analyst in a locasset management firm, covers Brazil equities anrects brokerage to Brazil who pays Smith’s briefing trip to Brazil through a soft llarrangement. Smith is not sure ththe broker’s execution is competitive anhe cis to use commission llars to pfor his hotel expenses. es Smith violate the Co anStanr? A.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(not knowing whether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable anusing commission llars to photel expenses. B.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(only using commission llars to photel expenses. C.No, Smith esn't violate Co anStanr. A is correct.Smith violates StanrIII(not exercising her ty of loyalty to her clients. He shoulhave terminewhether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable in relation to the benefit of the researprovithe trip. The hotel expenses shoulnot paifor with commission llars, whiis client's asset.Smith因为没有对客户旅行忠诚的责任而违反了准则III(A)。他应该确定Brazil提供的旅行是否直接有利于帮助客户做投资决策。佣金不可以用来付旅行的费用,因为佣金依然属于客户的钱。 “covers Brazil equities anrects brokerage to Brazil who pays Smith’s briefing trip to Brazil through a soft llarrangement“ 这句话想表达什么意思?因为严格上是病句啊

2022-11-07 23:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000028 问题如下 Smith, analyst in a locasset management firm, covers Brazil equities anrects brokerage to Brazil who pays Smith’s briefing trip to Brazil through a soft llarrangement. Smith is not sure ththe broker’s execution is competitive anhe cis to use commission llars to pfor his hotel expenses. es Smith violate the Co anStanr? A.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(not knowing whether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable anusing commission llars to photel expenses. B.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(only using commission llars to photel expenses. C.No, Smith esn't violate Co anStanr. A is correct.Smith violates StanrIII(not exercising her ty of loyalty to her clients. He shoulhave terminewhether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable in relation to the benefit of the researprovithe trip. The hotel expenses shoulnot paifor with commission llars, whiis client's asset.Smith因为没有对客户旅行忠诚的责任而违反了准则III(A)。他应该确定Brazil提供的旅行是否直接有利于帮助客户做投资决策。佣金不可以用来付旅行的费用,因为佣金依然属于客户的钱。 RT,谢谢

2022-09-29 09:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018062009000028 问题如下 Smith, analyst in a locasset management firm, covers Brazil equities anrects brokerage to Brazil who pays Smith’s briefing trip to Brazil through a soft llarrangement. Smith is not sure ththe broker’s execution is competitive anhe cis to use commission llars to pfor his hotel expenses. es Smith violate the Co anStanr? A.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(not knowing whether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable anusing commission llars to photel expenses. B.Yes, Smith violates StanrIII(only using commission llars to photel expenses. C.No, Smith esn't violate Co anStanr. A is correct.Smith violates StanrIII(not exercising her ty of loyalty to her clients. He shoulhave terminewhether the commissions chargeBrazil are reasonable in relation to the benefit of the researprovithe trip. The hotel expenses shoulnot paifor with commission llars, whiis client's asset.Smith因为没有对客户旅行忠诚的责任而违反了准则III(A)。他应该确定Brazil提供的旅行是否直接有利于帮助客户做投资决策。佣金不可以用来付旅行的费用,因为佣金依然属于客户的钱。 答案“佣金不可以用来付旅行的费用,因为佣金依然属于客户的钱。”,那么B也是正确啊。

2022-06-27 22:25 1 · 回答