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biguo · 2024年03月27日




An active fund trader seeks to capitalize on anexpected steepening of the current upward-sloping yield curve usingoption-based fixed-income instruments.

Which of the following portfoliopositioning strategies best positions her to gain if her interest rateview is realized?



Sell a 30-yearreceiver swaption and a 2-year bond put option.


Purchase a 30-year receiver swaption and a 2-year bond put option.


Purchase a 30-year payer swaption and a 2-year bond call option.


C is correct.

A steepening of the yield curve involves anincrease in the slope, or the differencebetween long-term and short-term yields-to-maturity. An optimal portfoliopositioning strategy is one which combines a short duration exposure tolong-term bonds and a long duration exposure to short-term bonds.

Portfolio C involves the right (but not theobligation) to purchase a 2-year bond, which willincrease in value as short-term yields fall with the right to pay-fixed on a30-year swap, which increases in value if long-term yields rise. Portfolio A involvesthe sale of two options. Although they will expire unexercised in a steepercurve environment, the investor’s return is limited to the two option premia.Portfolio B is the opposite of Portfolio C, positioning the investor for aflattening of the yield curve.

对于A选项的解释我看得不是太明白。sell receive swaption是相当于buy payer swaption吧?这个其实是可以满足降低长期久期的。但是后面那个put也是降低短期久期的,所以不行,应该搞个增加短期久期的?我想请问一下,sell的情况下要不要考虑对方根据利率变动导致价格的变动,究竟会不会行权呢?

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年03月27日


基金经理预期yield curve变动steepen,也就是长短期的期限spread变大,有三种情况,一是长期利率与短期利率都上涨,但长期利率上涨幅度大于短期利率,二是长期利率与短期利率都下跌,但短期利率比长期利率下降的多,三是长期利率上涨,短期利率下跌。


改变duration可以用cash based approach,也可以用derivative based approach,题目三个选项都是swaption以及option,所以是derivated based approach。

A选项sell 30 year receiver swaption,降低长期duration,但是sell 2 year bond put option,未来要被动行权卖债,降低短期duration,错在后半句。要考虑利率的变动,因为首先是要判断到底是在长端还是短端做拉久期还是降久期。


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NO.PZ2021120102000006 问题如下 active funtrar seeks to capitalize on anexpectesteepening of the current upwarsloping yielcurve usingoption-basefixeincome instruments. Whiof the following portfoliopositioning strategies best positions her to gain if her interest rateview is realize A.Sell a 30-yearreceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option. B.Purchase a 30-yereceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option. C.Purchase a 30-yepayer swaption ana 2-yeboncall option. C is correct.A steepening of the yielcurve involves anincrease in the slope, or the fferencebetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity. optimportfoliopositioning strategy is one whicombines a short ration exposure tolong-term bon ana long ration exposure to short-term bon. Portfolio C involves the right (but not theobligation) to purchase a 2-yebon whiwillincrease in value short-term yiel fall with the right to pay-fixeon a30-yeswap, whiincreases in value if long-term yiel rise. Portfolio A involvesthe sale of two options. Although they will expire unexercisein a steepercurve environment, the investor’s return is limiteto the two option premia.Portfolio B is the opposite of Portfolio positioning the investor for aflattening of the yielcurve. 请问这句话的意思是不是因为利率环境是上升的所以,只是支付固定coupon,但是合约升值,因此值得投资;另外,为什么会掉期反倒是升值的,而不是逐渐平值。

2024-06-18 17:44 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000006 问题如下 active funtrar seeks to capitalize on anexpectesteepening of the current upwarsloping yielcurve usingoption-basefixeincome instruments. Whiof the following portfoliopositioning strategies best positions her to gain if her interest rateview is realize A.Sell a 30-yearreceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option. B.Purchase a 30-yereceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option. C.Purchase a 30-yepayer swaption ana 2-yeboncall option. C is correct.A steepening of the yielcurve involves anincrease in the slope, or the fferencebetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity. optimportfoliopositioning strategy is one whicombines a short ration exposure tolong-term bon ana long ration exposure to short-term bon. Portfolio C involves the right (but not theobligation) to purchase a 2-yebon whiwillincrease in value short-term yiel fall with the right to pay-fixeon a30-yeswap, whiincreases in value if long-term yiel rise. Portfolio A involvesthe sale of two options. Although they will expire unexercisein a steepercurve environment, the investor’s return is limiteto the two option premia.Portfolio B is the opposite of Portfolio positioning the investor for aflattening of the yielcurve. 想问一下这个题目的option,如果是besteepen,long put option on bon 我们可以卖出bon降低ration。如果是bullish steepen,我么应该是long call option on bon我们可以有权利买入bon增加ratioon。不用short 的原因是因为,我们需要看long 方是否执行?以上理解对吗

2024-05-14 19:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000006问题如下 active funtrar seeks to capitalize on anexpectesteepening of the current upwarsloping yielcurve usingoption-basefixeincome instruments. Whiof the following portfoliopositioning strategies best positions her to gain if her interest rateview is realize A.Sell a 30-yearreceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option.B.Purchase a 30-yereceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option.C.Purchase a 30-yepayer swaption ana 2-yeboncall option. C is correct.A steepening of the yielcurve involves anincrease in the slope, or the fferencebetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity. optimportfoliopositioning strategy is one whicombines a short ration exposure tolong-term bon ana long ration exposure to short-term bon. Portfolio C involves the right (but not theobligation) to purchase a 2-yebon whiwillincrease in value short-term yiel fall with the right to pay-fixeon a30-yeswap, whiincreases in value if long-term yiel rise. Portfolio A involvesthe sale of two options. Although they will expire unexercisein a steepercurve environment, the investor’s return is limiteto the two option premia.Portfolio B is the opposite of Portfolio positioning the investor for aflattening of the yielcurve. A和C中最后一个关于Option的策略,都是两种结果可能增加ration和可能不变,因为都是可能行权也可能不行权。唯一的区别是sell put option是被动买入bon增加ration,而buy call option是自己有主动权买入bon增加ration。是这样理解吗?

2024-04-01 23:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021120102000006 问题如下 active funtrar seeks to capitalize on anexpectesteepening of the current upwarsloping yielcurve usingoption-basefixeincome instruments. Whiof the following portfoliopositioning strategies best positions her to gain if her interest rateview is realize A.Sell a 30-yearreceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option. B.Purchase a 30-yereceiver swaption ana 2-yebonput option. C.Purchase a 30-yepayer swaption ana 2-yeboncall option. C is correct.A steepening of the yielcurve involves anincrease in the slope, or the fferencebetween long-term anshort-term yiel-to-maturity. optimportfoliopositioning strategy is one whicombines a short ration exposure tolong-term bon ana long ration exposure to short-term bon. Portfolio C involves the right (but not theobligation) to purchase a 2-yebon whiwillincrease in value short-term yiel fall with the right to pay-fixeon a30-yeswap, whiincreases in value if long-term yiel rise. Portfolio A involvesthe sale of two options. Although they will expire unexercisein a steepercurve environment, the investor’s return is limiteto the two option premia.Portfolio B is the opposite of Portfolio positioning the investor for aflattening of the yielcurve. sell putable bon能降低为什么A是错的

2024-03-02 22:00 1 · 回答