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huangme7 · 2024年03月21日


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The amount recognized as operating expense on SKI’s income statement related to its Equity Incentive Plan for the year ended 31 December 20X2 is closest to:



SGD 51.4 million.


SGD 64.1 million.


SGD 123.1 million.


A is correct. The amount recognized as operating expense is the share-based compensation expense, which the product of 3,332,063 RSUs vested with a per-share grant-date fair value of SGD 19.25 less forfeitures of 442,181 with a per-share grant-date fair value of SGD 28.74. (3,332,063 x 19.25) – (442,181 x 28.74) = 51,433,931.

为什么不➗2? 每年确认expense, 有两年

1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年03月21日



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NO.PZ202401310100000301问题如下 The amount recognizeoperating expense on SKI’s income statement relateto its Equity Incentive Plfor the yeen31 cember 20X2 is closest to: A.SG51.4 million.B.SG64.1 million.C.SG123.1 million. A is correct. The amount recognizeoperating expense is the share-basecompensation expense, whithe proof 3,332,063 RSUs vestewith a per-share grant-te fair value of SG19.25 less forfeitures of 442,181 with a per-share grant-te fair value of SG28.74. (3,332,063 x 19.25) – (442,181 x 28.74) = 51,433,931. 这个是哪里提到的知识点,罚没的RSU也要扣减费用

2024-06-10 23:57 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202401310100000301 问题如下 The amount recognizeoperating expense on SKI’s income statement relateto its Equity Incentive Plfor the yeen31 cember 20X2 is closest to: A.SG51.4 million. B.SG64.1 million. C.SG123.1 million. A is correct. The amount recognizeoperating expense is the share-basecompensation expense, whithe proof 3,332,063 RSUs vestewith a per-share grant-te fair value of SG19.25 less forfeitures of 442,181 with a per-share grant-te fair value of SG28.74. (3,332,063 x 19.25) – (442,181 x 28.74) = 51,433,931. 这道题,作废的为什么也要算进operating expense,但是在下一道题计算basic share outstanng的时候,又不需要把作废的加上

2024-04-18 19:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202401310100000301 问题如下 The amount recognizeoperating expense on SKI’s income statement relateto its Equity Incentive Plfor the yeen31 cember 20X2 is closest to: A.SG51.4 million. B.SG64.1 million. C.SG123.1 million. A is correct. The amount recognizeoperating expense is the share-basecompensation expense, whithe proof 3,332,063 RSUs vestewith a per-share grant-te fair value of SG19.25 less forfeitures of 442,181 with a per-share grant-te fair value of SG28.74. (3,332,063 x 19.25) – (442,181 x 28.74) = 51,433,931. 视频中将RSU在grant te根据fair value来计算expense,在未来vesting perio销,此题为什么用vest te的fair value来摊销?作废的RSU为什么要用作废日的fair value?

2024-03-10 17:12 1 · 回答