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12345678wdv · 2024年03月20日

讲义 424 页 Stress testing usually has o longer timer horizon ,



Question A financial institution is planning to add stressed VaR to the measures it uses to assess market risk. In preparation for this development, a risk analyst at the institution researches the differences between stressed VaR and traditional VaR, including the appropriate data, time horizons, and distributions. Which of the following is a major characteristic of stressed VaR that distinguishes it from traditional VaR?



Stressed VaR is based on an unconditional loss distribution rather than a conditional loss distribution.


Stressed VaR typically uses much longer time horizons, often several months or years.


Stressed VaR uses a different assumed probability distribution as an input compared to traditional VaR


Stressed VaR is not necessarily based on data from the immediately preceding period, unlike traditional VaR.



D is correct. VaR is traditionally calculated using data from the period immediately preceding the analysis. In stressed VaR, however, this data is gathered from a particularly stressful period in the past, which would not necessarily include the immediately preceding period.

A is incorrect. Stressed VaR produces a conditional loss distribution and is a conditional risk measure.

B is incorrect. Typically, the time horizon for stressed VaR is a short period (i.e., one to ten days).

C is incorrect. Stressed VaR is calculated from historical data, rather than assuming a probability distribution of losses.

Section: Valuation and Risk Models

Learning Objective:

Describe stressed VaR and stressed ES, including their advantages and disadvantages, and compare the process of determining stressed VaR and ES to that of traditional VaR and ES.

Reference: Global Association of Risk Professionals. Valuation and Risk Models. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 8. Stress Testing.

B选项 为什么是错的

1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年03月20日







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NO.PZ2023090401000032 问题如下 Question A financiinstitution is planning to a stresseVto the measures it uses to assess market risk. In preparation for this velopment, a risk analyst the institution researches the fferences between stresseVantrationVaR, inclung the appropriate ttime horizons, anstributions. Whiof the following is a major characteristic of stresseVthstinguishes it from trationVaR? A.StresseVis baseon uncontionloss stribution rather tha contionloss stribution. B.StresseVtypically uses mulonger time horizons, often severmonths or years. C.StresseVuses a fferent assumeprobability stribution input compareto trationV StresseVis not necessarily baseon ta from the immeately preceng perio unlike trationVaR. Explanation: is correct. Vis trationally calculateusing ta from the perioimmeately preceng the analysis. In stresseVaR, however, this ta is gatherefrom a particularly stressful perioin the past, whiwoulnot necessarily inclu the immeately preceng perioA is incorrect. StresseVproces a contionloss stribution anis a contionrisk measure.B is incorrect. Typically, the time horizon for stresseVis a short perio(i.e., one to ten ys).C is incorrect. StresseVis calculatefrom historictrather thassuming a probability stribution of losses.Section: Valuation anRisk MolsLearning Objective:scristresseVanstresseES, inclung their aantages ansaantages, ancompare the process of termining stresseVanES to thof trationVanES.Reference: GlobAssociation of Risk Professionals. Valuation anRisk Mols. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 8. Stress Testing. 么意思?一下

2024-04-23 14:45 1 · 回答