开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


糖糖糖躺 · 2024年03月17日




Q. Brown Corporation had average days of sales outstanding of 19 days in the most recent fiscal year. Brown wants to improve its credit policies and collection practices and decrease its collection period in the next fiscal year to match the industry average of 15 days. Credit sales in the most recent fiscal year were $300 million, and Brown expects credit sales to increase to $390 million in the next fiscal year. To achieve Brown’s goal of decreasing the collection period, the change in the average accounts receivable balance that must occur is closest to:


A.+USD0.41 million. B.–USD0.41 million. C.–USD1.22 million.


A is correct. The average accounts receivable balances (actual and desired) must be calculated to determine the desired change. The average accounts receivable balance can be calculated as an average day’s credit sales times the DSO. For the most recent fiscal year, the average accounts receivable balance is USD15.62 million [= (USD300,000,000/365) × 19]. The desired average accounts receivable balance for the next fiscal year is USD16.03 million (= (USD390,000,000/365) × 15). This is an increase of USD0.41 million (= 16.03 million – 15.62 million). An alternative approach is to calculate the turnover and divide sales by turnover to determine the average accounts receivable balance. Turnover equals 365 divided by DSO. Turnover is 19.21 (= 365/19) for the most recent fiscal year and is targeted to be 24.33 (= 365/15) for the next fiscal year. The average accounts receivable balances are USD15.62 million (= USD300,000,000/19.21), and USD16.03 million (= USD390,000,000/24.33). The change is an increase in receivables of USD0.41 million


1 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2024年03月17日


布朗公司最近一个财政年度的平均未偿销售天数为19天。布朗希望改善其信贷政策和催收做法,并在下一财年缩短催收期,以达到行业平均水平的15天最近一个财政年度的信贷销售额为3亿美元,布朗预计下一财年的信贷销售额将增加到3.9亿美元。为了实现 Brown 缩短收款期的目标,必须发生的平均应收账款余额变化多少:

也就是变相在问新政策下由于减少赊销天数,同时增加销售额后,average A/R会如何变化

本题对应的就是以下讲义截图黄色部分的内容,本题就是用更精确的credit sales 信贷销售额而不是毛估计的net revenue来计入公式

DSO = 365/( credit sales  / average A/R)。所以公式变化一下,就是average A/R = DSO*credit sales /365

先看原来的average A/R应该是多少——对应题目粉色部分的信息,就是average A/R = (USD300,000,000/365) × 19=USD15.62 million

而新政策下的average A/R 对应题目绿色部分信息,就是average A/R = (USD390,000,000/365) × 15)=USD16.03 million

最后新政策减去老政策的average A/R,就是average A/R应该变化的金额数=16.03-15.62 = 4.01 million

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NO.PZ2023081403000135问题如下Q. Brown Corporation haverage ys of sales outstanng of 19 ys in the most recent fiscyear. Brown wants to improve its cret policies ancollection practices ancrease its collection perioin the next fiscyeto matthe instry average of 15 ys. Cret sales in the most recent fiscyewere $300 million, anBrown expects cret sales to increase to $390 million in the next fiscyear. To achieve Brown’s goof creasing the collection perio the change in the average accounts receivable balanthmust occur is closest to:A.+US.41 million.B.–US.41 million.C.–US.22 million.A is correct. The average accounts receivable balances (actuansire must calculateto termine the sirechange. The average accounts receivable balanccalculateaverage y’s cret sales times the O. For the most recent fiscyear, the average accounts receivable balanis US5.62 million [= (US00,000,000/365) × 19]. The sireaverage accounts receivable balanfor the next fiscyeis US6.03 million (= (US90,000,000/365) × 15). This is increase of US.41 million (= 16.03 million – 15.62 million). alternative approais to calculate the turnover anvi sales turnover to termine the average accounts receivable balance. Turnover equals 365 viO. Turnover is 19.21 (= 365/19) for the most recent fiscyeanis targeteto 24.33 (= 365/15) for the next fiscyear. The average accounts receivable balances are US5.62 million (= US00,000,000/19.21), anUS6.03 million (= US90,000,000/24.33). The change is increase in receivables of US.41 million计算receivables turnover的公式,notes上是用net revenue。这里题目给的是cret sales,麻烦下这两者的区别。

2024-07-29 17:35 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023081403000135 问题如下 Q. Brown Corporation haverage ys of sales outstanng of 19 ys in the most recent fiscyear. Brown wants to improve its cret policies ancollection practices ancrease its collection perioin the next fiscyeto matthe instry average of 15 ys. Cret sales in the most recent fiscyewere $300 million, anBrown expects cret sales to increase to $390 million in the next fiscyear. To achieve Brown’s goof creasing the collection perio the change in the average accounts receivable balanthmust occur is closest to: A.+US.41 million. B.–US.41 million. C.–US.22 million. A is correct. The average accounts receivable balances (actuansire must calculateto termine the sirechange. The average accounts receivable balanccalculateaverage y’s cret sales times the O. For the most recent fiscyear, the average accounts receivable balanis US5.62 million [= (US00,000,000/365) × 19]. The sireaverage accounts receivable balanfor the next fiscyeis US6.03 million (= (US90,000,000/365) × 15). This is increase of US.41 million (= 16.03 million – 15.62 million). alternative approais to calculate the turnover anvi sales turnover to termine the average accounts receivable balance. Turnover equals 365 viO. Turnover is 19.21 (= 365/19) for the most recent fiscyeanis targeteto 24.33 (= 365/15) for the next fiscyear. The average accounts receivable balances are US5.62 million (= US00,000,000/19.21), anUS6.03 million (= US90,000,000/24.33). The change is increase in receivables of US.41 million 建议分行写,谢谢

2023-12-14 20:46 1 · 回答