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葫芦娃吃生菜 · 2024年03月14日




Question A risk consultant is presenting to a group of junior risk managers on how risk management failures contributed to financial disasters. The consultant focuses on the lessons learned from examining historical financial disasters in the US and around the world. Which of the following correctly describes a lesson learned from the given case?



The Orange County case emphasizes the importance of fully understanding complex derivative contracts before entering into them.


The London Whale case emphasizes the importance of recognizing that correlations can increase sharply during a global financial crisis.


The Northern Rock case emphasizes the importance of having a strong cybersecurity framework.


The LTCM case emphasizes the importance of meeting regulatory capital requirements.



A is correct. Orange County imploded when Robert Citron made a large bet on inverse floating swaps, which was not fully understood by the county’s board of directors, and blew up when interest rates rose. Citron later admitted that he did not understand either the position that he took or the risk exposure of the fund.

B is incorrect. Poor correlation modeling was more a central theme of the subprime crisis or Long Term Capital Management (although the LTCM incident did not occur during a crisis.) The London Whale case took place in 2012, well after the end of the crisis, and its main themes were poor corporate governance with respect to risk concentration limits, position limits and VaR models.

C is incorrect. This refers to the SWIFT case. The Northern Rock case was a run on the bank which occurred partly due to an overreliance on repurchase agreements and liquidity risk when repo financing dried up.

D is incorrect. The LTCM case was a case of incorrect correlation modeling and inadequate stress testing. As a hedge fund, LTCM was not covered by regulatory capital requirements at the time.

Section: Foundations of Risk Management

Learning Objective:

Analyze the key factors that led to and derive the lessons learned from case studies involving the following risk factors:

- Funding liquidity risk, including Lehman Brothers, Continental Illinois, and Northern Rock.

- Model risk, including the Niederhoffer case, Long Term Capital Management, and the London Whale case.

- Financial engineering and complex derivatives, including Bankers Trust, the Orange County case, and Sachsen Landesbank.

Reference: Global Association of Risk Professionals. Foundations of Risk Management. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 9. Learning from Financial Disasters.


1 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年03月14日



A 正确。Robert Citron在反向浮动掉期上打了一个大赌注,导致奥兰治县发生内爆,当时该县的董事会并不完全了解这一赌注,当利率上升时,赌注就爆了。Citron 后来承认,他既不了解自己所采取的立场,也不了解基金所面临的风险。

B 项错误。不良的相关性模型是次贷危机或长期资本管理公司的核心主题(尽管长期资本管理公司事件并非发生在危机期间)。伦敦鲸案发生在 2012 年,远在危机结束之后,其主题是在风险集中度限制、头寸限制和风险价值模型方面的不良公司治理。

C 错误。这里指的是 SWIFT 案例。北岩银行的案例是银行发生挤兑,部分原因是过度依赖回购协议和回购融资枯竭时的流动性风险。

D 错误。LTCM 事件是一个相关性建模错误和压力测试不足的案例。作为对冲基金,LTCM 当时并不在监管资本要求的范围内。


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