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Carolyne · 2024年03月14日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



 Ibarra is interested in analyzing how a simultaneous decrease in the recovery rate and the probability of default would affect the fair value of bond B2. She decreases both the recovery rate and the probability of default by 25% of their existing estimates and recomputes the bond’s fair value. The recomputed fair value is closest to:









B is correct.

The recovery rate to be used now in the computation of fair value is 30% × 0.75 = 22.500%, whereas the hazard rate to be used is 1.50% × 0.75 = 1.125%.

The tree that shows the valuation assuming no default of bond B2 in the solution to Question 8 will not be affected by the foregoing changes. Accordingly, VND remains €1,144.63.

Following the steps outlined in the solution to Question 8, the following table is prepared, which shows that the CVA for the bond decreases to €36.23. Thus, Ibarra concludes that a decrease in the probability of default has a greater effect on fair value than a similar decrease in the recovery rate. The steps taken to complete the table are the same as those in Question 8. There are no changes in exposures or discount factors in this table.

Fair value of the bond considering CVA = €1,144.63 – CVA = €1,144.63 – €36.23 = €1,108.40

这道题哪里说用二叉树了?为什么不用上面说的利率flat at 3%?

1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年03月16日

同学你好,这套题目是连续的,所以就上面一题的fair value是用二叉树算的,这题是接着问fair value变化多少的,所以方法也是延续的。

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NO.PZ201812310200000110 问题如下  Ibarra is interestein analyzing how a simultaneous crease in the recovery rate anthe probability of fault woulaffethe fair value of bonB2. She creases both the recovery rate anthe probability of fault 25% of their existing estimates anrecomputes the bons fair value. The recomputefair value is closest to: €1,096.59. €1,108.40. €1,111.91. B is correct. The recovery rate to usenow in the computation of fair value is 30% × 0.75 = 22.500%, wherethe hazarrate to useis 1.50% × 0.75 = 1.125%. The tree that shows the valuation assuming no fault of bonin the solution to Question 8 will not affectethe foregoing changes. Accorngly, VNremains €1,144.63. Following the steps outlinein the solution to Question 8, the following table is prepare whishows ththe CVA for the boncreases to €36.23. Thus, Ibarra conclus tha crease in the probability of fault ha greater effeon fair value tha similcrease in the recovery rate. The steps taken to complete the table are the same those in Question 8. There are no changes in exposures or scount factors in this table. Fair value of the bonconsiring CVA = €1,144.63 – CVA = €1,144.63 – €36.23 = €1,108.40 最后expeloss折现,解析用的是count factor(也就是spot rate),那什么情况下折现用的是Rf?

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