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世纪之龙5 · 2024年03月14日




The Chief Risk Officer of Martingale Investments Group is planning a change in methodology for some of the risk management models used to estimate risk measures. His aim is to move from models that use the normal distribution of returns to models that use the distribution of returns implied by market prices. Martingale Group has a large long position in the German equity stock index DAX which has a volatility smile that slopes downward to the right. How will the change in methodology affect the estimate of expected shortfall (ES)?



ES with the updated models will be larger than the old estimate.


ES with the updated models will be smaller than the old estimate.


ES will remain unchanged.


Insufficient information to determine.


A is correct.

考点 Volatility Smile

解析 A volatility smile is a common graphical shape that results from plotting the strike price and implied volatility of a group of options with the same expiration date. Since the volatility smile is downward sloping to the right, the implied distribution has a fatter left tail compared to the lognormal distribution of returns. This means that an extreme decrease in the DAX has a higher probability of occurrence under the implied distribution than the lognormal. The ES will therefore be larger when the methodology is modified.


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年03月14日


题目说的是,公司过去是用normal distribution(正态分布)的return来测算风险指标,现在改为returns implied by market prices(意思是真实市场收益率)来测算风险指标,问你这种改变对于ES的结果有什么影响?

真实的市场收益率会比正态分布体现出更肥的左尾( fatter left tail,这个也是由于 volatility smile造成的),也就是出现极端亏损的情况会更多。既然极端亏损更多,而ES就是极端损失的平均数,所以ES会变大。所以要选A:larger than the old estimate.


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NO.PZ2018122701000083 问题如下 The Chief Risk Officer of Martingale Investments Group is planning a change in methology for some of the risk management mols useto estimate risk measures. His aim is to move from mols thuse the normstribution of returns to mols thuse the stribution of returns impliemarket prices. Martingale Group ha large long position in the Germequity stoinx X whiha volatility smile thslopes wnwarto the right. How will the change in methology affethe estimate of expecteshortfall (ES)? ES with the uptemols will larger ththe olestimate. ES with the uptemols will smaller ththe olestimate. ES will remain unchange Insufficient information to termine. A is correct. 考点 : Volatility Smile 解析 : A volatility smile is a common graphicshape thresults from plotting the strike prianimplievolatility of a group of options with the same expiration te. Sinthe volatility smile is wnwarsloping to the right, the impliestribution ha fatter left tail compareto the lognormstribution of returns. This means thextreme crease in the X ha higher probability of occurrenunr the implied stribution ththe lognormal. The ES will therefore larger when the methology is mofie 这个不是说明右边是肥尾,那么左边是瘦尾? Es 就预估小了,为什么还是预估大了

2024-07-11 22:44 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000083 问题如下 The Chief Risk Officer of Martingale Investments Group is planning a change in methology for some of the risk management mols useto estimate risk measures. His aim is to move from mols thuse the normstribution of returns to mols thuse the stribution of returns impliemarket prices. Martingale Group ha large long position in the Germequity stoinx X whiha volatility smile thslopes wnwarto the right. How will the change in methology affethe estimate of expecteshortfall (ES)? ES with the uptemols will larger ththe olestimate. ES with the uptemols will smaller ththe olestimate. ES will remain unchange Insufficient information to termine. A is correct. 考点 : Volatility Smile 解析 : A volatility smile is a common graphicshape thresults from plotting the strike prianimplievolatility of a group of options with the same expiration te. Sinthe volatility smile is wnwarsloping to the right, the impliestribution ha fatter left tail compareto the lognormstribution of returns. This means thextreme crease in the X ha higher probability of occurrenunr the implied stribution ththe lognormal. The ES will therefore larger when the methology is mofie 老师equity option的分布不是左肥右瘦吗?解析当中的意思是左肥右边正常?

2022-11-03 14:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018122701000083 问题如下 The Chief Risk Officer of Martingale Investments Group is planning a change in methology for some of the risk management mols useto estimate risk measures. His aim is to move from mols thuse the normstribution of returns to mols thuse the stribution of returns impliemarket prices. Martingale Group ha large long position in the Germequity stoinx X whiha volatility smile thslopes wnwarto the right. How will the change in methology affethe estimate of expecteshortfall (ES)? ES with the uptemols will larger ththe olestimate. ES with the uptemols will smaller ththe olestimate. ES will remain unchange Insufficient information to termine. A is correct. 考点 : Volatility Smile 解析 : A volatility smile is a common graphicshape thresults from plotting the strike prianimplievolatility of a group of options with the same expiration te. Sinthe volatility smile is wnwarsloping to the right, the impliestribution ha fatter left tail compareto the lognormstribution of returns. This means thextreme crease in the X ha higher probability of occurrenunr the implied stribution ththe lognormal. The ES will therefore larger when the methology is mofie 隐含波动左边fat所有高,但是右边thin那不就低吗,为什么要以左边的为计算呢

2022-10-09 20:40 1 · 回答


2021-09-12 23:20 2 · 回答