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Hazel · 2024年03月14日




Question A fixed-income analyst is decomposing the profit and loss (P&L) of a bond over the past 6 months. The bond has a 2% coupon rate, paid semi-annually, and had exactly 2 years remaining until maturity at the start of the 6-month period. Relevant information about the bond and market rates (semi-annually compounded) is shown below:

The analyst has calculated the bond’s carry roll-down, and under the forward rate assumption made for the purpose of that calculation, the ending value of the bond is SGD 100.55. Given this information, what is the component of the bond’s P&L attributable to the change in rates over the 6-month period?



SGD 0.54


SGD 0.69


SGD 0.74


SGD 0.99



A is correct. Calculating the impact of the change in rates is the second step in decomposing the P&L of a bond, after calculating the carry roll-down. The impact of a rate change is calculated as the value of the bond at the end of the period using the ending forward rate curve (and the bond’s beginning-of-period spread), minus the end-of-period value of the bond calculated using the forward rates assumed for the purpose of determining carry roll-down (which represent some sense of “no change” in the interest rate environment). The value of the bond under the ending forward rate curve is:

Therefore, the impact of the rate change is: SGD 101.09 - SGD 100.55 = SGD = 0.54

B is incorrect. This uses the end-of-period spread of 20 bps in the above calculation rather than the beginning-of-period spread of 30 bps.

C is incorrect. This subtracts the bond’s initial price, rather than the value from the carry roll-down calculation, from the value produced in the change in rates calculation: 101.09 – 100.35 = 0.74. D is incorrect. This omits the spread from the above calculation of the impact of the change in rates.

Section: Valuation and Risk Models

Learning Objective: Explain the decomposition of the profit and loss (P&L) for a bond position or portfolio into separate factors including carry roll-down, rate change, and spread change effects.

Reference: Global Association of Risk Professionals. Valuation and Risk Models. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 11. Bond Yields and Return Calculations.


1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年03月14日


这道题问的是Rate changes在债券价格变动中贡献了多少?

这个Rate change可以理解为,由于真实的市场利率与我们期初预期的利率不一样,这个差异给债券带来的变动。而我们期初预期的利率就是forward rate,所以用的都是forward rate。

rate changes = value A - value B.

value A指的是使用ending时刻的forward rate以及beginning时刻的spread计算出来的债券价值。现在是0.5时刻,未来还有1、1.5、2这三个时刻的三笔现金流。这三个时刻距离现在的时间分别是0.5,1和1.5. 现金流折现计算如下:

在1时刻,现金流是1元,折现率要参考0-0.5的forward rate数据,折现率=forward rate 0.007 / 2 + spread 0.003 / 2,这个0.003就是第一个表格里面的30 bps。

在1.5时刻,现金流是1元。折现率由两段组成,第一段是0-0.5, 第二段是0.5-1,所以是两段相乘。第一段和前面一致的,第二段是forward rate0.01 /2 + 0.003/2.

在2时刻,现金流是101. 折现率是三段组成。其中前两段和上一步保持一致,最后的那一段是1-1.5的forward rate/2 + 0.003/2.

以上就是value A的计算过程,而value B 是题目给的“ending value of the bond is SGD 100.55”,最后A- B就行了。


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NO.PZ2023090401000072 问题如下 Question A fixeincome analyst is composing the profit anloss (P L) of a bonover the past 6 months. The bonha 2% coupon rate, paisemi-annually, anhexactly 2 years remaining until maturity the start of the 6-month perio Relevant information about the bonanmarket rates (semi-annually compoun is shown below:The analyst hcalculatethe bons carry roll-wn, anunr the forwarrate assumption ma for the purpose of thcalculation, the enng value of the bonis SG100.55. Given this information, whis the component of the bons P L attributable to the change in rates over the 6-month perio SG0.54 SG0.69 C.SG0.74 SG0.99 Explanation: A is correct. Calculating the impaof the change in rates is the seconstep in composing the P L of a bon after calculating the carry roll-wn. The impaof a rate change is calculatethe value of the bonthe enof the periousing the enng forwarrate curve (anthe bons beginning-of-periosprea, minus the enof-periovalue of the boncalculateusing the forwarrates assumefor the purpose of termining carry roll-wn (whirepresent some sense of “no change” in the interest rate environment). The value of the bonunr the enng forwarrate curve is:Therefore, the impaof the rate change is: SG101.09 - SG100.55 = SG= 0.54B is incorrect. This uses the enof-periospreof 20 bps in the above calculation rather ththe beginning-of-periospreof 30 bps. C is incorrect. This subtracts the bons initiprice, rather ththe value from the carry roll-wn calculation, from the value procein the change in rates calculation: 101.09 – 100.35 = 0.74. is incorrect. This omits the sprefrom the above calculation of the impaof the change in rates. Section: Valuation anRisk Mols Learning Objective: Explain the composition of the profit anloss (P L) for a bonposition or portfolio into separate factors inclung carry roll-wn, rate change, ansprechange effects. Reference: GlobAssociation of Risk Professionals. Valuation anRisk Mols. New York, NY: Pearson, 2022. Chapter 11. BonYiel anReturn Calculations. 如题

2024-03-19 09:22 1 · 回答