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粗眉毛辣椒油 · 2024年03月06日




If a stock index, interest rate, and dividend yield remain constant, derive a formula for the futures price at time t in terms of the futures price at time zero. Suppose that the risk-free rate is 5% per year and the dividend yield on an index is 3% per year. If the stock index stays constant, at what rate does the futures price grow? (All rates are expressed with annual compounding.)



The relationship between the futures price, Ft, at time t and the spot price is:


where S, R, and Q are the index level, risk-free rate, and dividend yield, respectively and T is the initial time to maturity. This shows that the futures price grows at:

(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1

When R = 5% and Q = 3%, the growth rate of the futures price per year is

(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019

or -1.9%.



1 个答案

李坏_品职助教 · 2024年03月07日


题目说的是,假设现在risk free rate和dividend yield都已知,当现货资产(stock index,也就是公式里的S)保持不变时,期货价格(future price,也就是FP)每年的变化率多少?

FP=S0*(1+5%)^T / (1+3%)^T,这个FP指的是0时刻计算出来的期限为T的FP。

而期限为T-t的期货价格是FPt = S0*(1+5%)^(T-t) / (1+3%)^(T-t) =S0*(1+5%)^T / (1+3%)^T * [(1+3%)^t / (1+5%)^t] 。

我们用(FPt - FP) / FP = (1+3%)^t / (1+5%)^t - 1,这个就是t年的增长率。题目问的是每年的增长率,所以t=1, 增长率= (1+3%)/ (1+5%) - 1.



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NO.PZ2020012005000020问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%. F=S(1+Q)/(1+R)用的是上面推出的哪个公式?每个公式都带着T-t次方或者t次方,但是这里没有的原因?

2024-06-03 22:30 3 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000020 问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%.

2024-02-24 16:09 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000020问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%. Fp. 增长率怎么计算?谢谢

2023-02-28 17:23 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020012005000020 问题如下 If a stoinx, interest rate, anvinyielremain constant, rive a formula for the futures pritime t in terms of the futures pritime zero. Suppose ththe risk-free rate is 5% per yeanthe vinyielon inx is 3% per year. If the stoinx stays constant, whrate es the futures prigrow? (All rates are expressewith annucompounng.) The relationship between the futures price, Ft, time t anthe spot priis:Ft=S(1+R1+Q)T−t=S(1+R1+Q)T(1+Q1+R)t=F0(1+Q1+R)tF_t=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^{T-t}=S(\frac{1+R}{1+Q})^T(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^t=F_0(\frac{1+Q}{1+R})^tFt​=S(1+Q1+R​)T−t=S(1+Q1+R​)T(1+R1+Q​)t=F0​(1+R1+Q​)twhere S, R, anQ are the inx level, risk-free rate, anvinyiel respectively anT is the inititime to maturity. This shows ththe futures prigrows at:(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1When R = 5% anQ = 3%, the growth rate of the futures priper yeis(1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1=1.03/1.05-1=-0.019or -1.9%. (1 + Q)/( 1 + R)- 1是怎么得出的?谢谢

2023-02-06 18:02 2 · 回答